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These are really nice so far.

My only criticism is that the Shaman seems a bit stiff, but I can understand that because it's custom. (I think it is, anyway?)

All the re-do's are good, though. And they're especially easy to import because you can just place them right over their originals on the sprite sheet - then they'd even be animated with the exact same timing. (In FEXP, anyway, not sure how proper ROMhacking works there.)

If you ever get the time, do you think you could work on a female archer sheet that shares her appearance with your female assassin, or vice versa? I plan to have a class called Scouts in my game who use bows and daggers, so this would be super helpful.

Nevermind if you're not taking requests, though.

Edited by RiskyPLUS
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of course feel free to edit, the animations are to show them in motion and are not an accurate description of distance traveled.

Also here's wip on the shaman


Normal Attack




The shaman seems to dodge into an attack, which is slightly odd. As long as his underpants don't billow during the arm raise though, I should be able to work with this.

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The shaman's 75% custom, I borrowed the necromancer sprite for the leg frames but had to customize a few of the flapping in the breeze parts.

I think THIS ought to limber him up a bit more.


Or at least the torso area, I gotta do some doctoring to the legs, prepare the saw nurse.

Edited by metalflygon08
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It looks almost perfect now, sure, but the legging cloth flapping when he raises his arm still looks odd. Wait until he's in the middle of actually casting before having the cloth flap around.



I even have a spot reserved in Super FEXP just for this class when it's complete, so you can imagine that I'm excited to get it in! Also, another smaller request... could you make a hooded version of the class? I'm planning for it to be like a lightweight darkness user (More mobility, less power) while the Wizard is the heavyweight, but right now the class doesn't look either evil-ish or good completely so I was hoping a hood would give it more of the "bad guy" edge.

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yeah, plopping a hooded head is no sweat, I could even change the order of the hand motions, so the hooded version does the across the chest motions 1st. Also now doing animations in a bigger format so I can just copy and paste the frames over to FEXP format sheets, it's much easier that way.

Just realized the 'legging flap you were talking about, it was actually his leg! When I was putting the cloth over it the legs kinda did not line up at certain parts! (assuming you are talking about the flickering frames on our left side)

Edited by metalflygon08
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Oh yes please do that. The less damn sheets I have to format, the quicker I can get these classes added. Still have like 100+ to add and I'm starting to feel the momentum here.

Edit: Also, any plans to add a staff animation? Because a staff would be nice also.

Edit2: I was mainly referring to these frames. http://puu.sh/24GPg They just look odd how he's raising his arms and somehow the cloth flaps around. I saw the twitches but they aren't as bad as this actual flapping. Maybe if the animation was slowed down it wouldn't look so odd but at this speed it's very noticable.

Edited by Klok
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Oh snap, tell me when you get the Alt sheeted, because it looks majorly badass. I can probably sheet this at the end of the week, because it looks fairly simple nd I'm eager to see what I can do with it.

Edit: Another idea I had. Instead of mimicking the monk animation, try a slightly different approach. Have him raise both hands above his head (Picture Goku spirit bomb) for a second, the lower them and clutch them to his chest, then fling one hand out in front of him to cast the spell. I'm picturing two handed spirit bomb pose, then a one handed kamehamaha lol.

I'll even make a custom magic attack for him if you do that much.

Edited by Klok
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That, my friend, is a class worth using. I'll probably change up the pallette a bit, but otherwise I am in love with it!

Do you think it's more of a T1 or T2 class? I was planning to make it T2, but it kinda looks T1 to me now that I've really examined it.

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