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Things in Awakening you thought were weird, yet funny?


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How some SpotPass teams manage to reference a character's past affiliations. (Hector's team is missing a Paladin and a Swordmaster, though.)

And, is it me, or does Gaius have the tendancies of a stoner?

Edited by Little Al
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Severa actually bugs me. I got a support with her and Gerome and she was a total twat to him. All judging his mask and stuff. Im trying to understand how this character becomes endearing because im not seeing it. Shes a snot to everyone! D:<

I didnt like her much either but then I got her A support with her mother. It made me realize that the only reason she ACTS like a complete twat to everyone is becouse she is so utterly terrified of losing someone she loves again (which she even explains as to why she is so mean to her mother. She doesnt want to go through that pain again). It makes her a lot more sympathetic to realize she's only playing the part of a twat to protect herself from severe heartbreak again.

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Frederick and Panne's supports.

I dont care who you preffer with who, but you MUST see those supports. They are funny to the extreme.

Female Avatar's supports with Frederick are also pretty funny.

Then there is Henry.

Also, when I was battling Walhart for the second time my Avatar Crit him and said, and I qoute, 'Checkmate' and then Walhart flew off his horse.

I dont know why it is so funny to me, but it was.

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^ That's just awesome.

A funny scene happened to me today with a streetpass battle. Enemy's Avatar activates Ignis shouting the lines "Time to tip the scales!" and completely misses my Avatar. She then, activates Ignis going "Here's how it's done!" and kills him on the spot. I don't know how often that happens to people but the times when lines that syncs and MAKES sense makes this game more awesome.

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^ That's just awesome.

A funny scene happened to me today with a streetpass battle. Enemy's Avatar activates Ignis shouting the lines "Time to tip the scales!" and completely misses my Avatar. She then, activates Ignis going "Here's how it's done!" and kills him on the spot. I don't know how often that happens to people but the times when lines that syncs and MAKES sense makes this game more awesome.

I had that happen to me on Lunatic mode.

Nearly had a heart attack until I started laughing

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I didnt like her much either but then I got her A support with her mother. It made me realize that the only reason she ACTS like a complete twat to everyone is becouse she is so utterly terrified of losing someone she loves again (which she even explains as to why she is so mean to her mother. She doesnt want to go through that pain again). It makes her a lot more sympathetic to realize she's only playing the part of a twat to protect herself from severe heartbreak again.

Meh. No excuse for judging everyone around her (come on, poor Gerome) and being so horrible to everyone. In fact, that doesnt even make sense to me.

There was only one thing about Severa that was kind of adorable. One of her level up quotes is: "I..I'm not grinning! This is my war snarl!"

Edited by Virion
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The outfits.

They are so ridonculous they're awesome.

Toilets and rocket launchers anyone?

For me, Kelliam. I honestly don't see how somebody dressed in something that looks like it's from the space age can be so missable. Honestly. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT GIANT HUNK OF TACKY? And Kelliam's death quote. "Th-they saw me!" Yes, Kelliam. Enemies ALWAYS see you. It's just your half-blind friends that don't. Who knows? Maybe that super robot-styled armor has a malfunctioning cloaking device in it or something.

HENRY. Just.. Henry.

I have never felt so conflicted over a character before. He's creepy but yet he still manages to make me like him. I don't even know why. It's not the puns...I was pretty much T_T'ing at all his CAW lines. It could just be that he's a very similar character to Kedar and thus he wins points.

EDIT: Also, Gaius' death quote. "Su...gar...!"

There were also a lot of plot-related scenes that made me lol yet go O_o at the same time. lol

Edited by MagicLeafy
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I have never felt so conflicted over a character before. He's creepy but yet he still manages to make me like him. I don't even know why. It's not the puns...I was pretty much T_T'ing at all his CAW lines. It could just be that he's a very similar character to Kedar and thus he wins points.

EDIT: Also, Gaius' death quote. "Su...gar...!"

I find Henry likable. Despite what Olivia said, I think sugarcoating his tragedic backstory is actually a rather good way to live through it. So that makes him cheery and mentally strong, even though it's quite disturbing.

Gaius' Japanese death quote is "It seems that I'm sweet as well...", by the way. Calling someone sweet in Japanese is equivalent to calling that person inexperienced.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Not sure if this the place to mention this, but is it just me, or is Ricken riding a pony when promoted to dark knight? Just something I noticed lately whenever he attacks other mounted units; he looks minuscule next to them....and yes, Henry is the best! I swear, I start giggling whenever his SPECIAL DELIVERY line comes up; he's so psychotic. And I find that funny when paired up with Tharja. He's so cheerful and bloodthirsty and she's sounds so bored. I think one of her lines was "Danger. Yay." in an incredibly uninterested voice.

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Compare the Japanese and the English, then let's talk about Severa again...

SeveraxGerome, from other topics on the Awakening forum...

Direct translation of the Japanese --> http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32301&st=1440&p=2028423entry2028423

Official English translation --> http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37134&st=560&p=2277158entry2277158

I did not expect her tsundere personality archetype to translate perfectly, being a Japan-specific personality archetype, but... she's totally different. Yes, she always seemed angry and mean in the Japanese, but not to the point where she would be downright disrespectful and insulting to others.

...Anyway, I've gotten way off topic.

I have to bring back up Chrom and FemAvatar's supports... Did anyone find it weird that there was a bathing tent? And that they could keep the water so hot that the tent was full of steam? Well, I guess they could use magic to help make up for the lack of plumbing technology, but... I always thought FE characters bathed in a lake. Maybe it's just me.

I have to find the title "avatar" instead of "my unit" pretty weird but hilarious, considering the popularity of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Whenever I'm talking about the game and someone says "the avatar" I can't help but laugh.

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Gaius' confect keeps appearing whenever it would be funny for it to do so.

Panne, who he's married to: "You humans have such strange tools."


Cynthia, who is currently paired with Gaius: "What's this? Finder's keepers!"


Gaius: "Candy? Not candy?"


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Gregor in and of himself. He is the funniest person in the whole game imo~ Whenever he speaks, I can't help but read the line out loud with a thick russian accent~!

Nowi: That's weird, most people can't stop talking about how young I look.

Gregor: Is just, how you say, flatulence?

No wait. ... Flippery? ...Flatness? ... Gregor does not remember.

Is that word when people say lies to make other person feel better.

Nowi: I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'd like to ask you something.

Gregor: If you want to borrow money, answer is no. Gregor is poor like begger.

Nowi: Yes, I know that. That's why I want to give you something. [wait, what? weren't you about to ask him something?]

Gregor: You give Gregor shiny gold coin?

Nowi: No, Chrom doesn't let me have money. I always end up losing it.

Gregor: -lesighface- Agreed. Gregor too is sooner trusting senile squirrel with life savings! [i lol'ed]

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As a certain someone's sig describes... *cough*

I haven't had it happen to me in the English version yet... but it's when Velvet/Panne and Nono/Nowi get a generic conversation in the barracks. XD

It's hilarious. "Humans". XD

Edited by shadowofchaos
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^Hmm, let's see...

Panne: It seems taguel are not the only strong ones. Shall we fight together more?

Nowi: Okay! I'll do my very bestest.

...It has been rectified. Names aren't used in the English version.

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