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The Sample Skill Build Thread


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Post some Skill Builds here. If you're going to put a child character, put it in a spoiler, and also put the parents. Feel free to critique and discuss each other's builds, but do post children builds in spoilers.

Character: Panne

Class: Taguel

Required Skills: Pass, Locktouch, Movement +1

Optional Skills: Pick 2 of: Lethality, Acrobat, Lancebreaker, Lucky Seven, Deliverer, Quick Burn

Probably one of the best lock-opening/sneaking builds in the game. Partner with another fast character (like say, Gaius or Lon'qu) to increase movement and evasion even further. Perhaps not the best unit-killer, but she has a lot of utility to help out. Too bad you can't steal in this game, otherwise this unit's utility would have been much more.

Character: Noire

Class: Bow Knight/Sniper/Assassin

Parents: Tharja and Male Avatar or Gaius

Required Skills: Bowfaire, Lethality, Galeforce

Optional Skills: Pick 2 of: Luna, Astra, Sol, Ignis, Bowbreaker, Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Swordfaire, Rally Spectrum

You can complete the set with Luna and Astra for extra insurance if the opponent isn't kill outright by Lethality, and switch out Bowfaire for Swordfaire if you want to want to use swords instead. This is perhaps Noire's strongest version, and you can plug enemies from 3 squares away with Longbows, and if you're lucky, you can bop 2 enemies a turn (3 if you have a Dancer handy). If you don't want to pair Tharja with your Male Avatar, Gaius is the best alternative, since he gives Noire access to both the Pegasus Knight (for Galeforce) and Thief (for Lethality) classes, as well as Myrmidon for Astra and Swordfaire. Donnel is another option for Pegasus Knight, but he doesn't have any Thief/Myrmidon class to unlock either Astra or Lethality, but he can pass down the Mercenary job, which unlocks Sol.

Edited by Keiya
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I don't own the game but I'm definitely going to get it for my birthday in May, maybe sooner. Since I don't own it, I'm not sure how well this would work in practice rather than theory, but I thought that while I wait to get my copy of the game I would try to see what I could come up with for a super broken character.

Character: Cynthia

Class: Pegasus Knight/Dark Flier/Myrmidon/Mercenary/Dark Mage/Sorcerer

Parents: Sumia and Male Avatar (+Luck/-Res)

Required Skills: Wrath, Vantage, Vengeance, Armsthrift

Optional Skills: Pick 1 of: Anathema, Limit Breaker, All Skills +2, Galeforce

Sorcerer is already pretty broken, but this setup aims to have constant healing in combat. With the Male Avatar having +Luck/-Res, Cynthia has a luck cap of 50, which if/when reached will allow her to never consume weapon uses with Armsthrift. Combining that with a forged version of Aversa's Night (which is Nosferatu with +10 hit, +8 attack but only 10 uses, and forging it for +15 Critical and +15 hit) makes her able to constantly heal with each attack without fear of the tome breaking. And if she were to get low on health, Vantage and Wrath (inherited from Avatar) will allow her to not only attack first during the opponent's turn when under half health, but also give her +20 Critical for a higher chance of doing more damage as well as recovering more. And to top it all off, Vengeance will also do quite a bit of damage should she fall under half health, and with Vengeance having such a high activation rate she could recover from sticky situations with relative ease. Having a forged Ruin tome could also come in handy. Forging it to +4 attack and +20 hit would make it quite a bit more powerful, and Cynthia's overall Critical rate would be beastly if used while under half health (provided you have a healer on standby for whenever the Player Phase ends). Without any DLC skills, Anathema would be a good option as lowering your opponent's Avoid and Critical Avoid would make her even more deadly if she falls under half health. Supports would make her even better as well (I'm planning on supporting her with Assassin Inigo). This would take a lot of time with all the reclasses, but would be worth it in my opinion. It is possible to save time by forgoing the promotion to Dark Flier and instead directly reclass to a Myrmidon, but I'm choosing to reclass to Dark Flier to work up her Tome Weapon Rank so that it'll already be at an A rank by the time I class change her into a Dark Mage. Galeforce is also an option if that skill strikes your fancy, although I'll probably pass on it.

Edited by Goblinaro
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I was thinking before, if I wanted to make a really annoying Solo Streetpass Team how would I go about it?

What I came up with was:

Assassin with capped HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck, and if I feel like really being annoying, a forged Brave Sword & Bow (+3 mt +15 crit)




Relief OR Aether (if you've gotten Chrom and MU related by Marriage) OR Rightful King (Boosts Chances of Sol & Miracle even Higher)

Limit Breaker

Final Stats and Chance% for skill triggers: (This all Assumes that MU/FeMU's Asset is Skill and Flaw is either Magic or Resistance)


80 HP / 52 Strength / 62 Skill / 55 Speed / 55 Luck = 55% chance of Miracle / 62% chance of Sol

Lucina & Morgan (M)

FeMU x Chrom

80 HP / 54 Strength / 64 Skill / 57 Speed / 57 Luck

(with RK): Miracle 67% / Sol 74%

(without RK): Miracle 57% / Sol ~43% / Aether 32%

Morgan (F)

depending on the Mother:

Miracle Chance is going to be at least 55% and may be up to 59%

Sol Chance is going to be at least 62% up to 65%

then I realized that one lucky Lethality would probably render this moot ~45% of the time it activates, and you can get a lot of people with Lethality, and if skill is capped, without limit breaker, it has at least a ~12% of triggering per attack.

So what would the best counter for this be?

'Royal' Assassin/s: Lethality, Rightful King, Limit Breaker, Skill+2, All+2 = 27% at capped skill

'Regular' Assasins: Lethality, Limit Breaker, Skill+2, All+2 [Hit Rate+20 OR Hex] = 16.5% at capped skill

'Cheerleader' Hero/Bow Knight: Rally Spectrum, Rally Love, Rally Skill, Limit Breaker, Defender = +2.5% chance when paired (and +10 speed), +2.5% to all allies within 3 squares when using rally

'Dancer' Dancer: Special Dance, +.5% chance after a dance?

MU/FeMU - could be a 'Regular' Assassin or a 'Cheerleader' Hero or Bow Knight

Lucina - could be a 'Royal' Assassin or a 'Cheerleader' Hero or Bow Knight

Morgan - could be a 'Royal' Assassin, a 'Regular' Assassin, or a 'Cheerleader' Hero or Bow Knight

Stahl - 'Regular' Assassin

Anna - 'Regular' Assassin

Henry - 'Regular' Assassin

Gangrel - 'Regular' Assassin

Yen'fay - 'Regular' Assassin

...any DLC or Spotpass...

Could probably be 'Regular' Assassins with the right parents...








So, If I had FeMU x Chrom, I can have

(This assumes everyone taken for combat has capped skill and speed, and all Assassins are equipped with Brave Weapons)

Cheerleader Hero FeMU

Royal Assassin Lucina

Royal Assassin Morgan

Regular Assassin Stahl

Regular Assassin Anna

Regular Assassin Henry

Regular Assassin Gangrel

Regular Assassin Yen'fay

Dancer Olivia

This allows for, 4 Attacks at ~32% chance of Lethality per Attack, 2 Attacks at ~29% chance of Lethality per Attack, and 10 Attacks at ~19% chance of Lethality per Attack

If my Math is right (I'm using an equation I don't understand, but saw used to calculate another Skill Triggered on Attack chances of activating with multiple attacks... I'm just trying to take it a step or two further, as it was used for a single Character's chances of triggering, I think it was Sol or Aether, with a Brave Weapon)

Math A

(1 - ((.68^4) * (.71^2) * (.81^10))) * 100 =

(1- (.21 * .50 * .12)) * 100 = ~99%

Math B

(1 - ((.68^4) * (.71^2) * ((.81^2)^5))) * 100 =

(1 - ((.21381376) * (.5041) * ((.6561)^5))) * 100 =

(1 - ((.21381376) * (.5041) * (.1215766545905693)) * 100 =

(1 - (.013103959345865)) * 100 =

(.986896040654135) * 100 = 98~99%

If that's not how it works, can't blame a guy for trying... If that is how it works, I think all Battles with the Defeat Commander as the Victory Condition just got easier...

(Also, this assumes that Only 1 'royal' Assassin is getting double attacks. due to being Paired up... If everyone get double attacks, you'll probably hit 100% long before everyone's done attacking...)

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I don't own the game but I'm definitely going to get it for my birthday in May, maybe sooner. Since I don't own it, I'm not sure how well this would work in practice rather than theory, but I thought that while I wait to get my copy of the game I would try to see what I could come up with for a super broken character.

Character: Cynthia

Class: Pegasus Knight/Dark Flier/Myrmidon/Mercenary/Dark Mage/Sorcerer

Parents: Sumia and Male Avatar (+Luck/-Res)

Required Skills: Wrath, Vantage, Vengeance, Armsthrift

Optional Skills: Pick 1 of: Anathema, Limit Breaker, All Skills +2, Galeforce

Sorcerer is already pretty broken, but this setup aims to have constant healing in combat. With the Male Avatar having +Luck/-Res, Cynthia has a luck cap of 50, which if/when reached will allow her to never consume weapon uses with Armsthrift. Combining that with a forged version of Aversa's Night (which is Nosferatu with +10 hit, +8 attack but only 10 uses, and forging it for +15 Critical and +15 hit) makes her able to constantly heal with each attack without fear of the tome breaking. And if she were to get low on health, Vantage and Wrath (inherited from Avatar) will allow her to not only attack first during the opponent's turn when under half health, but also give her +20 Critical for a higher chance of doing more damage as well as recovering more. And to top it all off, Vengeance will also do quite a bit of damage should she fall under half health, and with Vengeance having such a high activation rate she could recover from sticky situations with relative ease. Having a forged Ruin tome could also come in handy. Forging it to +4 attack and +20 hit would make it quite a bit more powerful, and Cynthia's overall Critical rate would be beastly if used while under half health (provided you have a healer on standby for whenever the Player Phase ends). Without any DLC skills, Anathema would be a good option as lowering your opponent's Avoid and Critical Avoid would make her even more deadly if she falls under half health. Supports would make her even better as well (I'm planning on supporting her with Assassin Inigo). This would take a lot of time with all the reclasses, but would be worth it in my opinion. It is possible to save time by forgoing the promotion to Dark Flier and instead directly reclass to a Myrmidon, but I'm choosing to reclass to Dark Flier to work up her Tome Weapon Rank so that it'll already be at an A rank by the time I class change her into a Dark Mage. Galeforce is also an option if that skill strikes your fancy, although I'll probably pass on it.

The build's actually pretty good if you're on harder modes, and most likely Cynthia's not going to die unless she gets killed by a random Critical, or they land a Lethality on you. Some Skills that compliment Aversa's Night's power (Ignis, Luna, Tomefaire), or can further negate damage (Breakers) can also fill up the last spot. Lastly, I'd imagine that at a certain point in the game, the Vengance/Wrath/Vantage combo might not be as effective as putting one or more of Lethality/Ignis/Luna when she starts dodging everything.

Here's one for Frederick. Oddly enough, I like working on the 1st-Gen Characters, since you have more limited options insofar as reclassing.

Character: Frederick

Class: Great Knight/Wyvern Lord

Required Skills: Aegis, Pavise, Dual Guard+

Optional Skills: Pick of 2 of: Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Luna, Quick Burn, Rally Defense, Indoor Fighter, Outdoor Fighter, Deliverer

Let's be honest here: Fred will always be the Jagen of this game, and he won't be catching up to any of the kids (or the younger Shepherds of the 1st Gen) when it comes to overkilling stuff, given that he's only got Luna on his Skills list. But what he is pretty good at is what Jagens are always pretty good at: being Meat Shields for squishier units, i.e. for your Clerics/Troubadours while leveling up. Which is kind of like bringing some kind of shield to a firefight. But I digress. Fred gets both Pavise and Aegis, which halves damage from both magic and physical sources, and he also gets Dual Guard+ to improve the chance that the Cleric/Troubadour/low-leveled unit he's protecting won't get nicked by a random arrow so easily. You can also equip all sorts of Avoid-increasing skills like the Breakers, Quick Burn, and the Fighter Skills to further boost his Avoid. Also, giving him Deliverer allows some low-HP unit to hitch a ride on Fred, and he can fly up to 9 squares away to drop said unit off to safety.

Edited by Keiya
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The build's actually pretty good if you're on harder modes, and most likely Cynthia's not going to die unless she gets killed by a random Critical, or they land a Lethality on you. Some Skills that compliment Aversa's Night's power (Ignis, Luna, Tomefaire), or can further negate damage (Breakers) can also fill up the last spot. Lastly, I'd imagine that at a certain point in the game, the Vengance/Wrath/Vantage combo might not be as effective as putting one or more of Lethality/Ignis/Luna when she starts dodging everything.

Argh, wasn't thinking about Lethality when I made this build. Well, this is the build of who I'd pair with her (this being the support unit of the pair, S-level Support rank), and with Dual Guard+ I might avoid Lethality and random Critical hits a little bit more:

Character: Inigo

Class: Mercenary/Hero/Great Knight/Thief/Assassin

Parents: Olivia and Chrom

Required Skills: Lethality, Armsthrift, Rightful King, Dual Guard+

Optional Skills: Pick 1 of: All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Luna, Astra, Sol

Basically I was just aiming to make him a Crit machine, but mainly by staying as the support unit with Cynthia. With both characters at max stats and S-level Support, Inigo would give Cynthia a massive +9 Speed boost, as well as a +7 Skill boost. He's mainly here to help get Critical hits through Dual Strikes, which would happen fairly often with these two having an S-rank Support (I'm estimating around 75-83%Dual Strike rate, but I'm not calculating for sure since I don't know whether or not Stat boosts from skills such as Limit Breaker or All Stats +2 or Pairing bonuses would contribute to the Skill stat used in the activation rate of Dual Strikes or if only the raw Skill stat values are used for both characters).Also boasting Armsthrift, he would be able to continually use a Killing Edge forged for +15 Critical and +3 Attack as the supporting unit, and with his Skill cap being at 51 he would have a Critical Hit value of 70 without Limit Breaker, 75 with Limit Breaker. Having such a high Critical value as a support unit that's got a favorable chance of Dual Striking is meant to assist Cynthia against foes with skills like Aegis or enemies with really high resistance.Once Cynthia's and Inigo's stats are maxed, Inigo will also have a 38% chance to Dual Guard thanks to Dual Guard+, in both cases of the attack being either magical or physical. Should he need to come to the forefront, he will still bean adequate unit, boasting a 23% Lethality rate thanks to Rightful King without Limit Breaker, 26% with Limit Breaker. And his Critical Hit value will also increase if he's switched to Lead unit of the pair, boasting 82% Critical rate without Limit Breaker thanks to a +3 Skill boost from Cynthia as the support unit of the pair and +10 Critical from their S-rank support level, and 87%Critical Hit rate with Limit Breaker, and if Cynthia still has Anathema equipped (in the case that I don't replace it) then the enemy would receive a -10 Critical Avoid effectively giving him a 92% and 97% Critical Hit value before subtracting the enemy unit's remaining Luck stat without and with Limit Breaker respectively. However, in this case, it would probably be better to have either Luna for 64% activation rate or Astra for 36% activation rate instead of Limit Breaker.Since I haven't played the game yet, I've yet to get a feel for which I prefer.Sol might also be an option because I haven't decided whether or not to give Inigo a healing weapon such as Sol or a forged Soothing Sword. I'm sort of leaning towards Astra because the prospect of potentially landing 5 hits for 1.5x damage with Astra is appealing, but Luna would be more reliable but also variable depending on the stats/difficulty of the opponent. Also planning on giving Inigo the Levin Sword in case he's forced out of the support position and engages with a ranged enemy unit. I honestly don't know if this counts since you seem to be leaning toward single unit builds, but this was just my general plan for making my favorite pair gameplay-wise.

On the harder DLC and on higher difficulties, how high of a Critical value do enemies tend to have? Cynthia would have 53 Luck while paired up with this Inigo without her having Limit Breaker equipped, 63 with it equipped, so I'm just wondering how big of a danger Critical hits would be. I think that Miracle would also be an option for Cynthia since she would have a minimum of 53 Luck, which is pretty good, and that could give her a good chance at surviving random crits and Lethalities in addition to the 38% Dual Guard rate from Inigo. And yes, I do agree that having one or two more of the Mastery skills for her would be better than the Vantage/Wrath combo once she starts dodging everything, but I'm probably going to try to use this build for The Strongest One's Name once it makes it to the States (which, in all honesty, scares the crud out of me since it's difficulty is the same on Lunatic as it is on Normal. O_O). Do you think this strategy would be of any use? (Of course, I'd have a whole team with other units, not just trying to decimate everything with a single pair as that would be suicide.)

Character: Frederick

Class: Great Knight/Wyvern Lord

Required Skills: Aegis, Pavise, Dual Guard+

Optional Skills: Pick of 2 of: Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Luna, Quick Burn, Tantivy, Indoor Fighter, Outdoor Fighter, Deliverer

Why Tantivy? Seems contradictory to having Dual Guard+ required if Tantivy will be cancelled out when Frederick is within 3 tiles of allies. And I think you should add Rally Defense to the list of Optional Skills, because if you're using him as a meat shield you could use Rally Defense to boost the defense of units that are a bit on the squishy side that are paired with someone else either to raise supports or to obtain certain Pair Support Stat bonuses. Just throwing that out there.

EDIT: OMG my first spoiler was jacked up.

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Ah, right you are. Went and replaced Tantivy with Rally Defense.

Here's another one featuring Donnel:

Character: Donnel

Class: Warrior/Berserker

Required Skills: Sol, Counter, Axefaire

Optional Skills: Pick of 2 of: Armsthrift, Axebreaker, Bowbreaker, Despoil, Wrath, Underdog

To be honest, Donnel's class strategy is very straightforward: take the strongest/best Skills out of each of his promotions, and slap them on him. Armsthrift is excellent if you maxed out his Luck, and the only reason I put it under Optional Skills is because you don't necessarily -need- Armsthrift for him to be awesome (with the DLC that gives you tons of cash, and SpotPass/Secret Shops selling you Hammernes). If you want to go Hero instead of Warrior/Berserker, you can skip Axefaire and get Wrath, Armsthrift and perhaps either a Breaker or Rally Strength. Underdog is situationally helpful, depending on how well-leveled your opponents are, and Despoil is good for Skirmishes (especially Golden Gaffe, where you can kill mobs for Gold AND more Gold). One Skill I didn't list down is Aptitude, because this is assuming that you've gotten Donnel to L20 of a Promoted Class, and therefore don't need it anymore. Otherwise, I'd say complete the list with Wrath and Aptitude, and start wreckin' some things.

Edited by Keiya
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I'm too tired to do serious thinking right now, particularly in regards to creating a brand new setup from scratch (which I haven't even started with what I want to do with this), but sometime tomorrow I plan on starting a Skill Build for what is probably the coolest combinational mathematics equation ever:

Gerome + Dark Knight class = The Batman.

I hope to have it done tomorrow, but no guarantees.

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