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Brainstorming Possible Pairings


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So I don't quite understand the format of the information on the Support & Marriage page. So I'm not sure the following ideas are even possible. Here goes nothing.

I'm trying to come up with 1st Gen Pairings most likely to result in the Child's personality.

As an example my first two ideas were,

Olivia x Virion: He had to learn the womanizing habits somewhere...

Lissa x Vaike: A tendency for being overly dramatic tends to rub off on impressionable youngsters... especially if their father is their rolemodel/hero

I don't own a 3DS. Everything I know or think I know about the game comes from this site, these forums, and LP videos on youtube. Which were in japanese. I'm currently barely fluent in English, my mother tongue.

So yeah, I do realize I might be completely off.

Descending order according to how much I like (or how likely I think) the pair (is).

Includes some examples of what could be called spoilers.

Maribelle x Libra: The irony of the most feminine male character's son is as masculine as he wishes he were... The luck that leads everyone they aren't acquainted with to assume that they are the antithesis of what they truly are. He has an in with the clergy if he joined / or he had a teacher to learn their techniques from if he didn't.

Maribelle x Gregor: It seems they both have a tendency to be mistaken for Bandits.

Sully x Kellam: I could see Kellam embracing several of the aspects that Kjelle is said to be known for in her description, not all, but most. Also, I could see her learning a love of armor from him.

Sully x Frederick: The only guy I think that would actively encourage all of the personality traits described on Kjelle's description.

Sumia x Donny: Cynthia sounds about enthusiastic as Donny was during his recruitment in his Paralogue, just all the time, and a bit less serious. Also he seems good natured enough to go with the flow.

Sumia x Stahl: The only other person I could think of as a possible father to Cynthia

Cordelia x Frederick: I can see him as using her mother as a standard to live up to, and being disarmed by his daughter's cuteness.

Cherche x Gaius: I can see Gerome inheriting his cooler demeanor, and I can also see him as someone willing to be away from home while taking care of issues afield.

Cherche x Ricken: Also can see him getting caught up in missions to protect his home region.

Panne x ?: Can't come up with anything...

Miriel x Ricken: I can see Ricken encouraging the studious bit, and he's a bit young at the time of achieving S Rank, so may not be the firmest parent or the best guide for someone trying to find identity.

Miriel x Stahl: The only other character that I could think of, seems laid back enough to not force Laurent into taking stands on things, and thus not putting him in a position that reveals something about who he is, thus the easily influenced...

Tharja x Henry: The only person I can see her with, in a relatively healthy relationship (as in more or less equal/even) from what I've read, she can display a tendency to obsess over someone. I can see Henry taking it in stride, and not see much wrong with her developing curses by using their daughter as a test case. Also can see Noire getting the split personality I read about from him.

A (more or less) short rant on why I won't and can't pair Nowi

I can't come up with anything for Nah/Nowi. I don't like Relationships between individuals with drastically different life expectancies, especially if the resulting child also has a lifespan much greater than one of the parents. Especially when one or both of the parties does not acknowledge that one of them is going to die long before the other, even if they manage to survive as long as biologically possible, going into the relationship. Sometimes the relationship is worth the pain of loss that the survivor/s suffer, but that usually entails them acknowledging it from the beginning, with the expectation that it will play out that way, so they can accept it beforehand, meaning that they've reconciled with their beloved's death, and it will be the sadness of losing something much loved, letting it go, rather than having it stolen from you, unexpectedly. That acceptance usually seems to be enough to dull the pain of loss, and allow the survivors to remember all the joy they shared, making it a bittersweet time in their lives, rather than an episode that causes them to feel nothing but overwhelming sadness and pain. And I don't have any taste for underage marriage/parenting. She's 1000 by human standards, by Manakete standards she's probably around 10. I mean Tiki looks about mid/late 20s. And if it were only the body that appeared child-like I wouldn't be so adverse to giving her an S Support, but her personality is Child-like as well. I don't think she has the maturity to handle a romantic relationship, especially one that is going to be far far shorter than her and her child's lifetime. A romance like any you can give her, requires a level of maturity most adults don't possess, even the ones in fiction that have lived centuries.

I'm not trying to come up with or argue for canon pairings, I'm trying to figure out the pairs that seem most plausible to me, and find out if they're possible. Everything here is IMHO, and I know people won't agree with me, or even like the pairs I'm suggesting.

A rant on my expectations for disagreements, with an example being a pairing I disagree with on principle (Chrom x Sumia).

I mean, I don't like Chrom x Sumia, but the only objection I have is that there is a claim that this is canon. I have found nothing official that gives any pairing canon status, and have no knowledge as any specific couple as being explicitly stated as canon. When those who have authority over FE lore make such a claim, I'll give it some attention/consideration. But before that, I'll stick to the pairings I like most, and have no problem with everyone else doing the same. Its a game that allows player choice to affect the epilogue, every playthrough is going to have a different epilogue, let alone every player. Even if something was canon, that doesn't take away the chance to deviate and choose another path, it just means that the writers liked their endorsed path most. I mean canon Star Wars states that a Male Lightside PC is canon, doesn't stop anyone as playing Darkside Female. And in Fire Emblem the Supports are as much a part of the Gameplay as the Battles, in KotOR, the moral choices slightly less so, as feat and power progression dictate how you go about combat, where in FE Support generally dictates who fights near whom, and alters your tactics accordingly to keep them close together. In Awakening it also dictates whose best paired with who... Especially as the ability to forge your own favorite ending is one of the best aspects of FE. Other than showing a slight favoritism for certain couples, everything is up to the player. Claiming a couple as canon would impede this feature, as some would feel the need to chose the pairing to see the 'canon' ending/epilogue, rather than the one they would have chosen without prompting. And this claiming would have to be explicit, the writers/developers would have to come out and say, this is the couple we had in mind when writing this story. And if they did do that, why include other options that tend to be just as good and satisfying as the one they favor? I don't care how heavily they imply something, if they don't outright say that this is what the story is supposed to be, then everything else is conjecture and speculation, which don't have a solid enough base for a sound argument. All the evidence they can draw upon is circumstantial and subjective. And again, the ability to choose your own ending is probably one of the features that hooks those that are Loyal to this Series. I mean why play a predetermines story, you can get the same effect from reading a book, but to influence a story and its conclusion, that's why I've picked up the game. It would be counter-intuitive to do anything that could damage that feature, so unless an idiot takes over management, they most likely won't. The only thing I consider canon in FE are the story that you can't influence, and no death completion runs on classic. FE7 basically had a villager tell you rumors of your prowess where you regularly command a small ragtag force against trained military and win without any casualties, in any of your battles. Depending on how you play though, this rumor may be self-evidently greatly exaggerated bordering on Blatant Lies. But I like it as canon, considering that every Combat Character more or less fits a definition of Badass or a derivaitve/subcategory, why shouldn't the Player Character/Tactician as well (and if not Badass then at least the Strategist/the Chess Master.)?

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The only pairings you listed that aren't possible are Sumia x Donnel and Sumia x Stahl because her supports, like Chrom's, are limited. The only guys she can marry are Frederick, Gaius, Henry, and Chrom. I think the only guy she can marry that would most match Cynthia's personality is Henry, oddly enough.

And from what I've seen, Nowi isn't really all that childish in the localization. She acts more like a spunky teenager. She still seems a bit childish at times, but it's because she likes playing around and having fun rather than being straight up immature.

Edited by Kon
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I can kinda see Sumia x Henry = Cynthia...

If Nowi isn't quite so childish, thank god, but I have a little sister, and my attitude for them kind of overlaps. I don't require seriousness for a relationship that S Rank entails, I require a level of maturity some adults don't have. And while I'll probably enjoy Nowi as a Spunky Teenager (much more than I would an super-powered dragon-child), still not quite there yet. Her A Ranks should be fun though (I'll probably Grind to get all of them...).

If I don't pair Nowi with anyone, can I still play the Future of Despair Xenologues, even though her kid is a major player in the DLC's Storyline?

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I just recruited Gerome for the first time last night, since I've been having a habit of not marrying people I haven't been using, but he's actually very cold, which I can really only see coming from Lon'qu. He did seem to have some sort of hidden depths when I say his father support, but I haven't gotten any others so I wouldn't know.

Also I liked Panne Stahl or maybe Henry, but no one else really acts like Yarne.

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Well, for Inigo, you would be good with just about any father since the origin of his flirting habits is explained in his B support with his mum. o:

Guess I'm just kind of partial to Chrom - Olivia, though, since I just really liked the dynamics between Inigo's father support with Chrom and sibling support with Lucina. Kind of felt like there was more gravity on the fact that people think he has no sense of responsibility when he's got ol' Luci to live up to.

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Well, for Inigo, you would be good with just about any father since the origin of his flirting habits is explained in his B support with his mum. o:

Guess I'm just kind of partial to Chrom - Olivia, though, since I just really liked the dynamics between Inigo's father support with Chrom and sibling support with Lucina. Kind of felt like there was more gravity on the fact that people think he has no sense of responsibility when he's got ol' Luci to live up to.

I'm probably going to use all 3 save slots, and I always planned on a Chrom x Olivia, just not on my first Play-through/Save File

Slot 1 is just for my favorite pairings. [Lucina x Inigo (S) because he finds out that she's worth fearing more than Chrom...after she accepts his proposal...lol]

I think it goes along the lines of "You won't have to worry about Dad" "That's a relief" "If it comes to that, I'll cut you into tiny pieces myself" "...that's a joke, right?" "..."

Slot 2 will probably be my next favorite pairings using (M) Avatar [Haven't gotten around to brainstorming for this one yet.]

Slot 3 will probably be my next favorite pairings using (F) Avatar [Chrom x Olivia (S) and possibly Virion x Avatar (S)]

I'm just concentrating on my Save Slot 1 pairings, because I'm probably going to choose most of the alternatives for SS 2 and 3 from the C-A Support Conversations I liked most on that play-through.

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