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... introduction threads are daunting, but I will try anyways.

Hello, please feel free to shorten my nickname if Strelnikov is rather long. My nickname is that of a character from a book I have read recently, though I do respond to Jin as well.

I'm 17 years old and setting sail for college soon. My parents suspected that I would grow out of video games by the time I hit fourteen, but that didn't work out as they planned. My friends joke that I rarely listen to music that isn't at least 100 years old, but I promise that I do listen to some contemporary. My favorite games aside from Fire Emblem are Final Fantasy (III and VII), Pokemon, Persona, and Bastion. I have a soft spot for chocolate as well, and I have never cut my face on a violin string.

As far as Fire Emblem games go, Blazing Sword was my first Fire Emblem game and my favorite, though I suspect it won't take long for Awakening to take that spot. I have also played Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Shadow Dragon.

Please treat me well!

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@ DaimThunder: Yes, I will make sure to. Thank you for your warm welcome.

@ Fenriri: My taste in music tends to fluctuate, but I really enjoy Russian composers like Tchaikovsky and Stravinski. I like 80s rock as well and everything in between too. I've been listening to a little bit of Mumford and Sons as well.

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Oh look, a jojo persona fan! Given the other games you've listed, I wouldn't take it for granted that you've played persona arena, but perhaps!

Query: Have you ever cut a violin string on your face?

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Welcome to the forest.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

Blah blah blah.

Generic greetings aside, I like Fire Emblem, too. /clonk. What? Of course, you say? Well, duh, it's an FE fansite. I like classical music, too~ (Both listening and playing...) Although, recently, pop has been what I usually listen to... (Sorry, I don't listen to rock. =P)

I like Russian composers, too... but not Russian. Ugh, it's so hard. All those different word-forms... Well, at least I can speak it well enough.

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Hi Strelnikov. Welcome to Serenes Forest. ^^ Wow, seventeen huh. Yeah, college is a big time in anyone's life. Are you moving away from home, or staying local?

I'm glad to see another Blazing Sword fan. Also, good for you for not cutting yourself with those violin strings. tongue.gif They're tricky buggers.

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