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Um, I need a wee bit of help

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So, yeah I am a veteran of The GBA games and of course Awakening, and I just got my hands on PoR so i need a lot of info.

First Should I start over due to RNG Screwing. Im on chapter 8 Level 11 Boyd with 11 Str 12 Skill 7 Def and 12 Speed as well as Ike with level 16 and 11 Str 14 Skill 15 Speed and 12 Def, however my Oscar has gotten 3 all stats up levels.

Next I lost Miracle to the thief in Chapter 7. I also need some help on Supports if someone could make a list of what affinity affects what and how much I would be very appreciative. Rhys vs Mist my Rhys is Magic blessed so should I use Mist when I get her for supports and a mounted healer or just ignore her for my super Rhys with 12 Mag at level 7. Also Any info I should know about best supports or characters to avoid it would be most helpful. And Finally Why all the Nephenee Hate I think based on her growths and spears she would be the Rosszerker of Lances later on.

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Both your Ike and Boyd are 1,4 points below their Str average

but it's not that big a problem. Both Ike and Boyd have good

str growths so don't worry they will come around.

The miracle you lost is not such a big deal.

It is helpful but it's not that important.

Use both Rhys and Mist, two healers are

always better than one.

The earth affinity is the best when it comes

to avoid so if you pair two characters of this

affinity you will have two great dodgetanks.

Also wind,dark and thunder affinities give

an avoid bonus so if you want big avoid

try pairing characters of these affinities.

Don't worry PoR is not a very difficult game

even in hard mode.

It's definetely easier than both FE7's HHM and

FE6's hard mode.

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