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Were Plegia and Valm really credible enough as enemies? (SPOILERS)


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1. Feelings are what you make them; certain feelings don't even have to be tied in with certain stuff. For example, if something bad happened, you could sit around and be sad about it, or you could be happy from what came from it.

2. Because you're trying to get out as fast as possible, hence the word 'escape'

3. It does work, you don't have to feel punished to care about it. Chrom and co. didn't feel punished when they had to escape, they were just focused on trying to escape.

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Well, their troops may not be the strongest, but if they have enough forces to pretty much constantly send soldiers at you then they're pretty well off. A large force of weaker soldiers can do a lot more than a small force strong soldiers.

Had the Plegians and Valm perceived Chrom and Friends as a true threat and sent their entire army at them, then yeah. There's no way you could have won.

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It took me 10 times in normal mode to defeat Walhart outside his castle.... 10 TIMES! (Of course, this was my first FEA game, there's no possible way for me to know how easy or hard the last games were, so you can't really judge me about it)

I would destroy everyone else, and still have about 8, good units left. Then he just comes in and murders them all with his self, like he doesn't even need an army (I eventually got past it and beat the rest of the game).

Plus, in the cutscene with Basilio, Basilio is scared to death when he hears the report. It's not a small army fighting the small Regna Ferox army, it's not a legion, IT'S ONE FREAKING MAN THAT OVERKILLS BASILIO FOR THE FUN OF IT.

My point is made

EDIT: Wait, no, not done yet. If that's not enough to convince you, then listen to this.

You remember how it said he had thousands upon millions of soldiers to start with? Imagine if the boat thing didn't work, and all of those unites filled every other space in the map you challenge them in. That enough would be impossible, BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. Walhart comes in adding about another 1,000 in value of regular soldiers.

And now you start to realize that you only have about 15

units... Say goodbye to your future Chrom, you would never even get to face


Edited by USFEAEXPert
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This game needed more scenes like the Basilio vs. Walhart one. Almost every significant event cutscene focused on MU and friends, with no real significant events happening outside of them. Seeing first hand Virion's country being ruthlessly conquered (instead of just telling us), or any other significant 3rd party events would have made the story so much more compelling.

For example, in Fe7, imagine if we were just told by Lloyd/Linus in CoD that (mistakenly) their brother was killed by your party, with the narrative afterwards telling us it was Limstella. It wouldn't have been nearly as great as actually seeing Lloyd/Linus' last seconds and the other's personal vendetta declaration against the party. That's basically Awakening in a nutshell.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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