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Question about Saved Files


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I have a question about saved files on the game. I beat all 26 chapters on the game, but I would like to start over at a higher level of difficulty. If I click new game, does it have to take the place of my current one, or can it be separate from it? Also, if it does take the place of my current one, please tell me everything that carries over to it, so that I know I am making the right choice. Thanks for your time. biggrin.gif

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a word of advise: don't try lunatic on classic unless you don't care if your units die. You are not getting through the first four chapters without losing at least one of your units. The difficulty between Hard and Lunatic is the biggest jump I've seen in any game. Fredrick might be awesome in previous playthroughs and able to solo the chapters no problem, but even he'll succumb to like 3 hits on lunatic.

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You are not getting through the first four chapters without losing at least one of your units.

No sense in making assumptions - it's entirely feasible to get through those chapters even on Lunatic+ without losing any units. But yes, it's only for when you know what you're doing.

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a word of advise: don't try lunatic on classic unless you don't care if your units die. You are not getting through the first four chapters without losing at least one of your units. The difficulty between Hard and Lunatic is the biggest jump I've seen in any game. Fredrick might be awesome in previous playthroughs and able to solo the chapters no problem, but even he'll succumb to like 3 hits on lunatic.

I pulled it off. Expect to reset a few times though.

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