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To those who married *Spoiler*


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So.. Is he a good husband?

I'm sort of interested in getting hitched with him, just in case he doesn't turn out to be a total ass.

I always thought he was sort of cute, don't judge me, his little goatee.. <3

Anyways, to those who married Gangrel: Is he a good Husband and Father? Does he REALLY want to restore Plegia?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
Spoiler warning.
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I want him to not turn into a total dick.

But that's EXACTLY what you wanted from him.

Honestly, he didn't value his life until you support with him.

So I'm guessing that he turns into a respectable human being that has something to live for after you get hitched with him.

His entire motivation of being alone, unloved, and having a horrible life clawing his way to the top that you learned by reading his FE BACKGROUND website backstory (obviously only in Japanese... for now. Maybe you guys will get that one of these days from a certain group. *cough* *cough*) which really let you appreciate him as a villain character in the first part. You can see WHY he turned into such an asshat.

Now considering you get hitched with him, that pretty much says "Even if you had a hard life, you have the right to be happy too."

Edited by shadowofchaos
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But that's EXACTLY what you wanted from him.

Honestly, he didn't value his life until you support with him.

So I'm guessing that he turns into a respectable human being that has something to live for after you get hitched with him.

His entire motivation of being alone, unloved, and having a horrible life clawing his way to the top that you learned by reading his FE BACKGROUND website backstory (obviously only in Japanese... for now. Maybe you guys will get that one of these days from a certain group. *cough* *cough*) which really let you appreciate him as a villain character in the first part. You can see WHY he turned into such an asshat.

Now considering you get hitched with him, that pretty much says "Even if you had a hard life, you have the right to be happy too."

Aaawe, I think he deserves to get married when you put it like that.

Omg OTP.

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Gangrel's pretty awesome as a husband but when it comes to Morgan... He's not too much of a family man, let me put it that way. He's a lot bit out of his comfort zone dealing with Morgan being so energetic and optimistic. He's one of the best choices I ever made 10/10 would S support again

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If I'm hearing things right, his paired ending turns out at least happy though, right? I don't want him vanishing to the ends of the earth and dying not long after the war.

Edited by Dai
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If he marries the Avatar, then all that's mentioned is Avatar loves him. He could still have been dead after a year, for all we know, and Avatar devoting the rest of her life to accomplishing his dreams/goal, showing her utter love and devotion to him that way

Edited by Wheels
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If he marries the Avatar, then all that's mentioned is Avatar loves him. He could still have been dead after a year, for all we know, and Avatar devoting the rest of her life to accomplishing his dreams/goal, showing her utter love and devotion to him that way

Mngh... that makes me...less likely to have Avis marry him, 'cuz I really care about this girl(Crazy, I know). That's...kind of depressing, honestly.

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It's the same for everyone, though. In the endings, Avatar has the dominant ending over her husband/wife, and Avatar's ending basically goes "They became really famous but no one could ever capture their true personality. The only thing everyone agreed on was that they loved their husband/wife, name, above all"

So it really leaves what happens to your husband/waifu completely up in the air.

Also, what Rey said

Edited by Wheels
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His entire motivation of being alone, unloved, and having a horrible life clawing his way to the top that you learned by reading his FE BACKGROUND website backstory (obviously only in Japanese... for now. Maybe you guys will get that one of these days from a certain group. *cough* *cough*) which really let you appreciate him as a villain character in the first part. You can see WHY he turned into such an asshat.

I saw this in your video, but where's the link for this?

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The entire forum is a spoiler.

I'm sure 95% of the users knew that Gangrel was spotpass.

Hell, you can download the chapter after chapter FOUR in the regular story.

Technically you can download the map after Chapter 3, but you still can't use it until after Chapter 25.

Chapter 4 is when the DLC Outrealm Gate gets unlocked. Wireless features get unlocked a chapter earlier.

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The entire forum is a spoiler.

I'm sure 95% of the users knew that Gangrel was spotpass.

Hell, you can download the chapter after chapter FOUR in the regular story.

Even if that percentage was accurate, that's still not cool for the remaining 5%. :(

Plus, I don't see how being able to download the chapter early in the game somehow informs the player that Gangrel will be playable. In the Bonus Box, it just says "The Dead King's Lament" and plops a dot onto a place the player can't access. That's it.

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The entire forum is a spoiler.

I'm sure 95% of the users knew that Gangrel was spotpass.

Hell, you can download the chapter after chapter FOUR in the regular story.

I don't read the spoiler threads, people are usually courteous enough to put a spoiler warning in the title and I avoid them. I thought Gangrel was the main bad guy in this game. Guess not.

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Huge spoilers in the title, thanks for that

I don't read the spoiler threads, people are usually courteous enough to put a spoiler warning in the title and I avoid them. I thought Gangrel was the main bad guy in this game. Guess not.

This is a good point, sorry I didn't catch it when I first saw it.

For the record, I wouldn't put much stock in these late game Paralogues. Personally, I don't even consider them canon. There's no reason to let this effect the main story as you're playing it.

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