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Libra = Lucius 2.0

Nayr Farros

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The man is a long haired blonde dude who is pretty enough to be mistaken for a woman.

He's a monk, like Lucius, except he doesn't have light magic to wield, instead he wields a killer axe like Hawkeye.

He opens an orphanage in his ending. Just like Lucius does.

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...Or maybe Libra IS Lucius.dundunduuuuuuuuuuuun If Ike can cross the dimensions to this world, why can't somebody from Elibe? :o

Pretty sure Lucius didn't survive through fe6's time however, Lugh and Ray mention an orphanage [obviously] and the Father of it got killed by Bern troops, Lucius's ending in fe7 says he started one. So I always assumed it was him.

Plus if Libra looks like anyone from Elibe its Elphin

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I never get how Libra could be mistaken for a woman. D: Lucius, yes, I thought he was a woman when I first saw him. But looking at Libra, it's obvious he's a man. He's very beautiful, to be sure, but it's not a "feminine" beauty like Lucius. Is there anybody in real life who really thought Libra was a woman?

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I never get how Libra could be mistaken for a woman. D: Lucius, yes, I thought he was a woman when I first saw him. But looking at Libra, it's obvious he's a man. He's very beautiful, to be sure, but it's not a "feminine" beauty like Lucius. Is there anybody in real life who really thought Libra was a woman?

Maybe if your were to meet him in real life people might think he is a manly woman?

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I never get how Libra could be mistaken for a woman. D: Lucius, yes, I thought he was a woman when I first saw him. But looking at Libra, it's obvious he's a man. He's very beautiful, to be sure, but it's not a "feminine" beauty like Lucius. Is there anybody in real life who really thought Libra was a woman?

His VERY FEMININE voice threw me off. When I saw somebody blond with a feminine voice I was thinking "Who the flip is that? Not Emmeryn!"

Then I saw his portrait and name and was like "Oh, lol."

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Pretty sure Lucius didn't survive through fe6's time

That's EXACTLY a viable reason.

"He didn't survive" could be an excuse. His horrible "death" in front of Lugh and Ray could have just sent him into another world.

Is there anybody in real life who really thought Libra was a woman?

I got trapped the same way Chrom did the first time I read the Japanese recruitment conversation. And then I saw the "Sister, darou?"

I laughed so hard.

His voice actress, Megumi Yamato, made him sound like a tomboy girl from a CLAMP anime.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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"He didn't survive" could be an excuse. His horrible "death" in front of Lugh and Ray could have just sent him into another world.

I suppose this works the same as in the Ocean dub of Dragon Ball Z when they said "I'll send you to another dimension!" etc tongue.gif

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I never get how Libra could be mistaken for a woman. D: Lucius, yes, I thought he was a woman when I first saw him. But looking at Libra, it's obvious he's a man. He's very beautiful, to be sure, but it's not a "feminine" beauty like Lucius. Is there anybody in real life who really thought Libra was a woman?

Libra's hair style is kinda fem. And his English voice actor is a lady. But he doesnt get mistaken as a lady as much as Lucius does in-universe. At least not from too many of the characters. I think only Chrom and Virion mistake him as a lady upon first meeting. (as far as ive seen so far, anyway.) I know Tharja never does mistake Libra.

As for features, Libra's face isnt terribly girly but the hair is. But then you notice hes freakishly tall....lol!

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I never thought of him as a woman but there were quite a few people (mostly men who also didn't watch anime/read manga) who thought he was female. I guess the more familiar you are with anime the less likely you are to be confused about his gender? I dunno. I'm only guessing from a small sample size of people I know.

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I got trapped the same way Chrom did the first time I read the Japanese recruitment conversation. And then I saw the "Sister, darou?"

I laughed so hard.

His voice actress, Megumi Yamato, made him sound like a tomboy girl from a CLAMP anime.

I gotta pay attention to the credits sometime, Megumi Yamato did his voice? Shoot, I thought it sounded familiar.

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Didn't really find Libra to be like Lucius. I can tell he's intended to be Lucius-like, but Libra looks nothing like Lucius, who in addition to long hair also has feminine eyes and even body build in his full-body artwork. I mistook him as being female until seeing his support with Serra, but Libra? I could tell he's male from the first sight in the Japanese official website.

I did mistake another past character as being female (Midayle) before, which means Libra isn't even the second most feminine-looking FE guy from my experience.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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I thought he was a man at first glance, but his English voice TOTALLY threw me off. At that moment I thought that he was just a masculine female, until he called himself a Monk. I gave up after that.

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Same as the above. Though he was a dude at first glance, then thought "OH GOD THAT VOICE!", then Chrom recruits him and I just stared at the screen for a bit after that.

And this is coming from a guy who is very anime savvy.

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I think only Chrom and Virion mistake him as a lady upon first meeting. (as far as ive seen so far, anyway.)

Considering Chrom's C support with FeAvatar and the fact that Virion hits on anything even remotely feminine, they're probably not the best people to judge that.

I don't think his (English) voice fits him too well, actually.

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