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Which character are you most like (Why?)?


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I'm not sure if this has been made before, so I'll go ahead and make it.

I'm most like Lon'qu, since I have shaggy hair, like swords, and separate myself from girls as much as possible (Not because a girl when I was younger died, but because they moved away).

So, which character are you most like and why?

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The only dancer other than Ninian that doesn't have the "Hey look at me, I'm cute. Look at my assets. LOVE ME." mindset.



I've never heard about Ninian, but I do agree that Olivia is not attention-wanting (She's the opposite)

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LOL. Ummmm....I got a lot of Sully in there with quite a bit of Virion (take away the lady chasing part..)

But after closer inspection, Cherche and i have a great deal in common. Henry too. Hes like me where he really enjoys a good Dead Baby Joke.

I should elaborate on Cherche. Shes seems to be a bit older than a lot of the female characters (maybe barring Flavia). Plus shes more or less cheerful, but rather snarky at times. Plus she finds unusual things to be adorable. What? Snakes and sharks are totally cute, yo!

Edited by Virion
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I'm finding myself very easily relating to Sully. "Lumi is a man" jokes are kind of a thing, since by whatever society's bullshit gender standards are, I'm so damn masculine, it makes a lot of guys question their masculinity around me. I can easily relate to her problems of not being taken seriously because I'm a woman, as well. I mean seriously, there's people, my parents' friends, even, expressing concerns over my ability to excel in my majors of choice (I'm a computer science/applied math double major) based on that stupid-ass stereotype that women can't do math. Bitch please, I'm the fucking math god. I mean, really? I also value physical strength and muscles, and I like to kick people (though not while riding a horse). And regarding her actions, even if sometimes they aren't the nicest thing to do/something I would do in that situation, I can at least see where she was coming from because I can emphasize with her experiences and thought process.

I also relate to Miriel, though to a lesser degree, since I'm a science person. Too often has people told me to stop putting logic in various things.

But I dunno. Flavia could potentially be even more of a case of IS stalking me than Sully, I just don't know much of her dialogue. Since I don't have the game. I'm basing it off supports.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Edit: lol I love how I never bother reading the title.

Hmm...The person I resemble the most is Olivia. Start out shy but, for a friend or someone close, I go through a lot of trouble getting anything done for them. (Don't know how many times my co-workers ask me for help when I'm in the middle of a lunch/dinner break and I literally just put my food down to help them lol) I seem to have the most difficulty saying no to almost everyone.

Edited by LeThiAnh
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The only dancer other than Ninian that doesn't have the "Hey look at me, I'm cute. Look at my assets. LOVE ME." mindset.

And yes. I meant it as I'm most like her. Which is why I like her so much.

Because I am easily embarrassed IRL.

The internet is the only place that I have guts to say stuff at.

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I also relate to Miriel, though to a lesser degree, since I'm a science person. Too often has people told me to stop putting logic in various things.

I can relate to Miriel as well, but not exactly in the same way. Mostly in the way that Miriel is just all being Miriel. Plus she bears an astonishing resemblance to me in appearance. Holy SHIT. Plus she digs people who can "get" her.

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...Uh, I don't understand what you're getting at here.

Cordelia is humble. She would not declare "I AM TALENTED" like you just did.

I'm Lon'qu on the internet. Apparently.

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Cordelia is humble. She would not declare "I AM TALENTED" like you just did.

She's still talented. And people say the same about me. What's your point? That I have to be EXACTLY like her in EVERY aspect?

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I guess I'm most like Yarne. Could honestly defend myself but am normally too scared to start any fights (physically).

but that's about it really ~'3'~

I see you as a bit of Inigo. (without the lady chasing)

Inigo wants to be able to give NO FUCKS about barriers. He wants to love and dance, dammit! <3

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I'm kind of a mix of Stahl, Olivia, and Ricken. I identify with Ricken because I was always very small growing up and I'm still mistaken for around 16. (I'm 22) I'm like Stahl in that I find joy in helping others and I love to snack at any time of day. The person I'm most like though is Olivia because I'm extremely shy! For awhile there I thought I had social anxiety for realz. My face has a constant blush in public.

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I feel that internet charisma and real life charisma are two entirely different things. It's easy for me to speak into a microphone and sound cool, make jokes, have a nice voice. Put me in the same position with a crowd in front of me? Ha. Ha ha ha.

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