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Which character are you most like (Why?)?


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I feel that internet charisma and real life charisma are two entirely different things. It's easy for me to speak into a microphone and sound cool, make jokes, have a nice voice. Put me in the same position with a crowd in front of me? Ha. Ha ha ha.

See, Inigo is the same way! He is shy about a lot of things! Like dancing in public...

Im telling you, you got Inigo in ya, bromang! <3

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I feel that internet charisma and real life charisma are two entirely different things. It's easy for me to speak into a microphone and sound cool, make jokes, have a nice voice. Put me in the same position with a crowd in front of me? Ha. Ha ha ha.

Charisma skill...err... Charm. lol.

You can be Kellam. And people won't notice you even if you're just as big as his armor.

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See, Inigo is the same way! He is shy about a lot of things! Like dancing in public...

Im telling you, you got Inigo in ya, bromang! <3

Charisma skill...err... Charm. lol.

You can be Kellam. And people won't notice you even if you're just as big as his armor.



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I'm sort of like Kellam too (Although I was much more when I was younger; I took speech lessons)

I know it's a little far to say this, but I'm like Chrom too since I place people before pocessions (Of course, who doesn't?)

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>mfw everyone doesn't pick MU

Personally... I don't know. I imagine my friends would say Laurent is an obvious candidate, but I definitely can't relate to having someone like Miriel as a parent... and frankly I find the way she's written a little irritating, like... genuinely smart people don't go around trying to sound smart all the time, you know? I will say that I can identify with Chrom more than with other lords in the series (Eliwood came close though). Like, if I were to cast myself as some heroic protagonist, it would be the sort that Chrom is.

I'm finding myself very easily relating to Sully.

This is like the least surprising thing ever :3

But I dunno. Flavia could potentially be even more of a case of IS stalking me than Sully, I just don't know much of her dialogue. Since I don't have the game. I'm basing it off supports.

IMHO Flavia's character is less about her being a "strong independent woman" (even though she is) and more about her dynamic with Basilio. Like sometimes it feels like she's only there to take the guy down a notch.

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Oh really now? What colour should I be picking now for that theme?


To the left, to the left....

But seriously, I'd have to say Yarne or Noire - easily scared and paranoid. Occasionally helpful - and slightly crazy.

Edited by pichupal
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A combination of Olivia and Gerome.

I tend to be rather introverted and easily embarrassed when I'm on my own.

With friends or people I'm comfortable with I become an entirely different person so.... I dunno. Who's a nice and sociable person in Awakening?

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Libra. We both have long hair, we both kind of hate who we are, we both make art yet doubt our own talents, and we cleave foes in two with an axe guided by god.

... Wait, what?

No, but seriously. I am a lot like Libra.

Probably the main reason I can relate with him is that we both get mistaken for being women, despite NOT being women. I've been trying to grow a mustache for like, two years, and I STILL get mistaken for a girl. It's really quite annoying.

Maybe that's the same reason I like Lucius so much...

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