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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Two rather funny FE10 comics. Poor Geoffrey really can't get a break.

Elincia puts Tanith to shame as a lethal chef. Large images below.







I just love how this whole manga was drawn.


And a personal fav of mine. OTPs for life.

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Two rather funny FE10 comics. Poor Geoffrey really can't get a break.

Elincia puts Tanith to shame as a lethal chef. Large images below.







I just love how this whole manga was drawn.


And a personal fav of mine. OTPs for life.

Can't see the comic in your post, only when I have it in my text editor can I see it. Try uploading it to imgur first

EDIT: Can now see.

Edited by The Geek
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Man, poor Geoffrey indeed. Even I feel bad for him. xP

But he's gonna get some love next time I write him in a story! Why? He and Kieran become big heroes after an interesting scenario happens. :P Even though Geoffrey is hardly a favorite character of mine, that chivalrous knight thing still gets to me!

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I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this:

[spoiler=Sexy Libra, SFW]



Basically every single bishounen in FE history should be drawn to mock that Tharja fig imo.

Idk actually if this has been posted but the artist deleted their pixiv a while ago, but I do still have this, in the same vein.


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The impression I got from the cooking comic is that Elincia's food ended up badly cooked, almost raw, which of course Geoffrey can't handle. Tibarn and Ranulf are able to eat without issues since, as Laguz, they're likely used to eating raw meat.

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No, Elincia cooked so well that she made Geoffrey kinda go nuts. lol

As they compared Elincia's food to Danved's hair, him saying "I was only able to survive" and the implications of him being in "Horror", I'd like interpret what you said as an excellent example of sarcasm, but I'm not sure...

The impression I got from the cooking comic is that Elincia's food ended up badly cooked, almost raw, which of course Geoffrey can't handle. Tibarn and Ranulf are able to eat without issues since, as Laguz, they're likely used to eating raw meat.

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As they compared Elincia's food to Danved's hair, him saying "I was only able to survive" and the implications of him being in "Horror", I'd like interpret what you said as an excellent example of sarcasm, but I'm not sure...

No, I merely misunderstood the comic. Like Dragoncat said, it was kind of confusing.

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