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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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Idk why she sucked for you, because like others said, she's usually a major butt kicker. Maybe she got RNG screwed? You talking PoR or RD?

Yeah granted she's pretty mediocre in PoR. Like her speed is so good, but her strength/mt holds her back from being able to ORKO anyone that it hardly matters. I'm starting a PoR run now, an might give her a Steel forge and see if it helps.

RD Mia is amazing though, I can't take anyone who seriously who says otherwise. She probably makes my top 5 beorc with Ike, Haar, Jill, and Shinon.

Edited by Radiant head
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I only made it through Radiant Dawn once, and I had the most HORRIFIC luck with Mia, it was ridiculous. I know it was just RNG not favoring me, but yeah. (I can't remember much of the game, though, and I never bothered to try emulating it twice. I... honestly didn't like it much. Fun concepts, but the execution seemed bungled...)

anyway, http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=37479003<- has this been posted? Its Gen2 kids of FE4 as children.

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I heard Edward is potentially the best Trueblade, but I was only barely able to get him to Swordmaster.

Anyway I've probably ruined this thread enough, so I'll post some fan art.



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Gaiz. Raw text isn't the kind of fanart people'd like to see here. Please move your debates elsewhere.

Its bad form to mini-mod, mate.

[spoiler=Soren and Micaiah]



I dont ship it, but the concept is bamf for obvious reasons.

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Its bad form to mini-mod, mate.

[spoiler=Soren and Micaiah]



I dont ship it, but the concept is bamf for obvious reasons.

Hehe looks more like an arranged/political marriage than a ship anyway.

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That's a very pretty Micaiah. Well, honestly, Micaiah's always pretty (except for her Awakening DLC art. Arco Wada a shit) but in this pic she is especially so.

Micaiah is always pretty, yes.

That one especially

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[spoiler=Warning: Contains wtf to the extreme.]



Got a wild hair and decided to dig that up. Saw it for the first time a long time ago. Relevant to the funny thread.

Hahahaha. The look on Micaiah's face is priceless. I'm guessing this refers to her berating Sothe for praising Ike so much?

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Hahahaha. The look on Micaiah's face is priceless. I'm guessing this refers to her berating Sothe for praising Ike so much?

Mainly the "father of Sothe's children" comment. But yes.

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Extreme cuteness incoming


Leanne, Naesala, and their kids mentioned in their ending.

Awesome and dawww. Love how the artist made the kids not look like a mini Naesala and Leanne. The reversed hair/eye colors make them really look like they're theirs.

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I've seen that comic before. It IS wtf inducing. o.O And I always thought that the kid drawn in it looked more like he belonged to Geoffrey or Lucia because of the hair color.

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I've seen that comic before. It IS wtf inducing. o.O And I always thought that the kid drawn in it looked more like he belonged to Geoffrey or Lucia because of the hair color.

I think they tried to mix the hair colors. But genetics dun always work that way...but two males can't produce offspring anyway, so...

*runs off to do a punnett square*

I'm going to FE fan hell for this xD

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I think they tried to mix the hair colors. But genetics dun always work that way...but two males can't produce offspring anyway, so...

*runs off to do a punnett square*

I'm going to FE fan hell for this xD

You should see the old FE genetics thread.

Though it was Elibe focused, tbf...

The comic was just flat what...

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There was also an Awakening thread about the Exalt brand that had some genetics talk in it. :P I think the OP wanted to speculate on why Lissa doesn't appear to have the brand.

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I'm back with the punnett square.


This says that if Ike and Sothe could have a kid:

50% chance blue hair

50% chance green hair

The kid in the comic very likely has the wrong coloration! Course this is just speculation. Ike could have brown hair genes, and we have no idea what colors Sothe's parents had. But if we say green is incomplete dominance from one blue gene and one yellow one...yeah.

I have a whole big thing on FE genetics.

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