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Damn FE6 must be a downer of a game if you play it after 7

"None of them lived happily ever after. "

I played 6 after 7 and I'm satisfied enough with how it ends.

Yeah Hector's dead, after Chapter 3, but that makes Zephiel more impressive if you've played 7.

Eliwood's fate is up to interpretation. He is, however, the only father of a lord to live through that lord's game.

The ending is overall happy enough knowing there in't going to be any more war in a while.

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Very tan Chrom


Very tan Ike

[spoiler=Ana bait]


Both by: http://chobi-pho.deviantart.com/

And some cute FE girls: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=49533275

One of the pictures borders on NSFW territory, you have been warned. Honestly, if you're at work, why are you on SF anyway?

Edited by The Geek
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I played 6 after 7 and I'm satisfied enough with how it ends.

Yeah Hector's dead, after Chapter 3, but that makes Zephiel more impressive if you've played 7.

Eliwood's fate is up to interpretation. He is, however, the only father of a lord to live through that lord's game.

The ending is overall happy enough knowing there in't going to be any more war in a while.

With Hector (my favorite Elibe character) dead, and Occam's razor pointing to the notion that Lyn, Ninian, and Eliwood are dead as well, I feel like 6 would just ruin my enjoyment of 7.

Edited by Radiant head
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With Hector (my favorite Elibe character) dead, and Occam's razor pointing to the notion that Lyn, Ninian, and Eliwood are dead as well, I feel like 6 would just ruin my enjoyment of 7.

Would it, really? You already know he dies, so what's the difference? He's quite old in FE6 anyway (seriously, he and Eliwood aged pretty badly).

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Hector was a character literally created to die. If you've played FE7, it makes Zephiel more impressive, if not, Zephiel is impressive anyway since the game hypes him up. It's far from a huge problem.

Lyn and Ninian weren't created yet. Their fates are left up to interpretation/shipping.

Eliwood is also up to interpretation. He survives the game but how long he lasted after that is unclear.

Tl;dr, FE6 does not ruin FE7 in any way, nor does 7 ruin 6. If anything, it makes everything feel more complete about 7 if you play 6.

Edited by Glaceon Armamentalist
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I kinda see where Radiant Head is coming from. I mean, I don't like to think about what Sain's fate could've been. D:

He either settles down, or he doesn't and spends the rest of his life lonely/dies a virgin...

At least from what I've heard, Hector dies a noble death. It doesn't bug me much, nobody lives forever, and it adds realism/makes Zephiel more of a villain. He lived a full life, he settled down and had a kid and stuff. I do feel sorry for Lilina though. Losing a parent has to suck.

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I kinda see where Radiant Head is coming from. I mean, I don't like to think about what Sain's fate could've been. D:

He's in no way mentioned or referred to in FE6.

Obviously FE6 was the original game, but because of my POV, I'll always see it as a sequel. Where I'm not terribly excited about the fate of certain characters.

You're REALLY overrating the whole "character's fate" thing. The only characters confirmed dead are Hector (dies during FE6), Eliwood's wife (while generally agreed to be Ninian, she's never mentioned by name), Canas (confirmed dead in FE7 anyway) and Karla (same). There are a couple whose deaths are implied (like Lucius) but even then none of those are confirmed. Some characters have their deaths implied in FE7 (Guy comes to mind) without them mentioned in FE6.

Honestly, give FE6 a chance, the fate of the FE7 characters is hardly the focus of the game. Heck, a lot of info on Eliwood's wife is revealed in the Lilina x Marcus support!

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Um, that's the point?

No. Radiant Head refuses to play FE6 because he doesn't want to find out what happens to his favorite characters (even though he already knows). I don't know what point you were trying to make by bringing a character who is no way referenced in FE6, but it doesn't really relate to RH's initial post.

Playing FE6 doesn't ruin FE7. If anything, you need to play both to fully enjoy Elibe's story.

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Isn't Hector's wife dead too?

THere is no saying for certain.

For all we know, Marchioness Lyn/Florina/Farina is happily living in the castle and we just never see her.

Um, that's the point?

Not mentioned =/= dying, especially for a character who wasn't created at that time. The only "pairing" where there's a significant chance that he MIGHT have died is with Rebecca, since despite being a Pheraen knight and Wolt's dad, he doesn't contribute to the campaign whatsoever. Even then, he could just be in a similar boat to Eliwood or something.

Uh no, I "refuse" to play FE6 because I don't have a GBA and can't emulate it either.

That the characters I like all die is thing is just something I observed as a potential turn off, albeit a big one.

Totally ignoring the fact GBA is one of the easiest systems to emulate
This is otherworldly cute
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