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General Fire Emblem fanart: what is hotlink???


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...Why? None of the characters in my sig look like her at all. How is anyone making this mistake? I've also voiced my dislike of manaketes and Tiki's Awakening design several times. I even listed the NAME of each character in my sig.

I apologize, but this really made me facepalm. No offense, really.

Speaking of your signature images, you might want to remove the Frederick avatar from it (the one that shows up twice), as the original artist expressely stated she doesn't want her art used without her permission.

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Speaking of your signature images, you might want to remove the Frederick avatar from it (the one that shows up twice), as the original artist expressely stated he doesn't want his art used without his permission.

Oh, I had no idea. I found the image through Google or something I think. No one ever told me who the original artist was. I'll remove it.

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Whoops~ I somehow didn't think about it, nor did I read the rest. It was late at night when I looked and just saw Tiki lol. My bad...

Speaking of her, I personally don't think her Awakening outfit is THAT bad myself. But that's me...I'm sure there's others with far worse fanservicy outfits than Awakening Tiki by far (Tharja immediately comes to mind for me, but I'm not that big of a fan of her anyways so...maybe I'm just biased? ^^;; ). Though her Shadow Dragon outfit was sooo adorable~

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I don't know. Awakening Tiki has huge boobs, major cleavage, and a SHORT dress and bare legs besides her boots. And she sticks her ass out at you in her official art. I'd say that's just as bad as Tharja, if not worse. >_>

Edited by Anacybele
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Ehhhh...I can understand with the short dress and cleavage. Bare legs between boots seems common anyways with females that wear dresses from what I've seen (a lot of the girls seem to like having bare legs between their boots and skirts or whatever. And it seems that everyone likes them garter straps too...).

The huge boobs...well, she IS an adult for the most part, and I'd assume (from what I've seen of Naga anyways) that she'd take SOME physical appearances from her own mother. And for the official art, I honestly just took it as her just standing with her back turned and looking back.

At least she's still dressed appropriately no? It's not like she's just flaunting her assets like a lot of other characters (not specifically from FE, but in video game and other media) tend to do anymore. ^^;

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Not all women have boobs that size though. Especially naturally. xP

I only find Tharja and Tiki to be really fanservicy among the Awakening females. But each to their own.

So, to change the topic, have an awesome Freddy pic I found not too long ago. :3


The artist really captured his awesomeness. :D

(I can't do image links on this computer.. >_<)

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Not all women have boobs that size though. Especially naturally. xP

I only find Tharja and Tiki to be really fanservicy among the Awakening females. But each to their own.

You're right. Not all women do. But Tiki is not "All women".

And only those two? I thought you would hate Aversa and Olivia.

And you can do fanservice in more ways than just boobies.

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Olivia might have a bit of a revealing outfit, but she doesn't also have huge boobs and stuff. And dancers typically wear outfits like this, Ninian being the exception because Ninian.

Aversa, I only dislike how she shoves the male Avatar's face into her chest in her confession. Other than that, I've not seen anything really wrong with her.

Now can we please get on a different subject? xP

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Some of those earlier Tiki pics are a little much... but anyway...

Some Awakening art came up on my tumblr dash today that I really liked! Sorry to all the fans of other games who are probably sick of Awakening everything, but the new fanbase still loves Awakening so that's the art I always see...








And here's a picture I drew awhile back myself



And I found this on my computer for anyone who wants to give it a stab.


[spoiler=A preview!]tumblr_mxdsc52WWZ1qixsfqo4_r1_500.png

Blank Slate

Here's my attempt in full

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A couple of them were a bit much I guess...I guess I'll just have to watch what I post from now on. I got more images for the lovely three, but going to wait another time to post any of them. I know people are probably sick of seeing them now because of me (and there's a couple images I have to decide if I should even show them or not...maybe someone can give me some feedback on that?

Here, have some non-manakete images from me!





Ok, so there's one or two in there somewhere, but I swear it wasn't just for them! I really liked these art pieces...

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Oi! I did say I realized that there was going to be some in them anyways! C'mon, gimme a break! ;___;

Sides, the art is still good even if they're there! Right!?....Right?? ;__;

EDIT - Alright, alright, fine! I'll do this then! I swear no manaketes this time at all! If there are, you may off me! >_<









See!? I promise, there are NO manaketes!! At all! Really! On my honor! ;___;

But next time...trust me, I have PLENTY to show for the lovely ladies~ :3

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