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All Female Confession Scenes

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Oh and before some of you get too excited, they're using the Japanese voice track. If you want to hear the English voices, this guy has most of them.

Because "I love you, you bastard" from Soiree/Sully doesn't really cut it for me.

These are in no particular order of favoritism... besides the first two.

Girls in the video order:

  1. OliviaMapSprite.gif Olivia
  2. Tiki
  3. Sumia
  4. Tiamo/Cordelia
  5. Liz/Lissa
  6. Sairi/Say'ri
  7. Serge/Cherche
  8. Mariabel/Maribelle
  9. Miriel
  10. Velvet/Panne
  11. Nono/Nowi
  12. Soiree/Sully
  13. Anna
  14. Flavia
  15. Sariya/Tharja
  16. Lucina
  17. Cynthia
  18. Degel/Kjelle
  19. Noire
  20. Serena/Severa
  21. Nn/Nah
  22. Emelina/Emmeryn
  23. Inverse/Aversa

2 days later:

Rey: Err... ladies... Uhh... I can explain.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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She's also one of the options for video thumbnail, as fate would have it.

Thank you, Youtube. Despite not being a Youtube partner to have custom thumbnails, you have been quite kind.

Good night.

Edit: Argh. There was a typo on Cynthia. REUPLOADING.

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Thank you very much!


I love all of them~

LOL, Maribelle's seems so off. What's with that look on her face? She's trying to be seductive/coy but it looks more like she's wasted.

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I've only ever gotten Tiki's for the females in english, but what she says sounds sort of different in the localization. Were most, if not all, of the confession tracks significantly changed when localized? I'm kinda curious now to see all the male confessions and if there were any big changes there too...

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rey why diss my lady :(

My Nah got the third-to-last place. Any Inverse/Aversa fans out there?

Dangit guys. Are you paying attention at all? XD

These are in no particular order of favoritism... besides the first two.

I pretty much decided the order in general, and then just dragged and dropped whatever seemed to be on screen in the "imported media" at the time:

* Olivia

* Tiki

* 1st Gen

* Sariya/Tharja as last of 1st gen

* 2nd Gen

* Spotpass

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Aww. I pretty much guessed that's the pattern, but it's still fun to see how are they semi-arbitraily ranked :lol:

Tharja is last of the 1st gen. That's no coincidence.

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Tharja is last of the 1st gen. That's no coincidence.

Edited the last post to reflect truth.

If I was ranking crap, Anna would be pretty high.

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(just for Rey-chan, I'll use the Japanese names)

Inverse creeps me out. n_n's one is also creepy, but for a different reason. Emelina's one broke my heart, with Tiki as a runner-up. Can you do one for the dudes?

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