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Lucina and Female MU Chapter 21 Scene

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Start crying. I know I did when I saw this the first time.

Too much of a hassle to start a new file with my English copy. Subtitling saved me time.

[7:38 PM] shadowofchaos: *video link*

Start crying.

[7:40 PM] Arieta: ...DAMN YOU






[7:41 PM] shadowofchaos: Remember,I'm a maso. I started tearing up while I was subbing it.


[7:42:13 PM] Arieta: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


English version:

So I got the go ahead from Rey over Skype, so here's the English version of the matricide convo:

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I remember when I got this scene. It was so sad; I'm usually good at keeping my emotions in check, but it was powerful enough that I started crying in a public place (my college student lounge, with LOTS of people around). I remember getting a few looks, but I didn't care; this scene just made this whole game for me and overturned anything that I might of disliked about it. No other FE game has managed to get this response out of me.

And you know what made it better? Someone came over and handed me a tissue. I thought it was a really nice random act of kindness until I looked over at where they had been sitting; I could see a shiny FE 13 3DS on their seat.

Fellow FE fans are the best fans ever!

Edited by Silver Lightning
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This scene in particular is why I felt choosing female Avatar and marrying Chrom (as I did on my first run) added a certain something to the story that just can't happen otherwise (well, maybe if male Avatar marries Lucina). I didn't cry, but it's a pretty great scene.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I still maintain that the marriage one is sadder because shipping, but both make me break down.

"I love you. My life is yours." from a Male MU in my eyes, is less of a tear jerker than a loving mother giving up her life for her child to find happiness.

The one who gave you life will give up hers to save your world.

Though, I have to say the MUSIC makes both scenes what they are. Absolute tear jerkers.

Especially considering the decisions and the "I can't do it!" just seem to align to the certain parts of the music if you're reading at the right pace... at least in Japanese it does.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Our female MUs look pretty similar and I got the Mother/Daughter version of that scene too. No tears but that scene stuck with me for the rest of the game, which is pretty rare.

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. . .thanks for confirming that I have no heart.

(the music set the mood perfectly, but I didn't feel like crying, and I blame Chrom for that)

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I remember this scene as a male MU unrelated to Lucina.

I remember glaring at the screen, pressing down, pressing A and selecting "no fuck you lucina my life is mine."

That was a good moment.


. . .thanks for confirming that I have no heart.

(the music set the mood perfectly, but I didn't feel like crying, and I blame Chrom for that)

Not crying when Rey does isn't really indicative of anything.

Edited by Integrity
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I remember this scene as a male MU unrelated to Lucina.

I remember glaring at the screen, pressing down, pressing A and selecting "no fuck you lucina my life is mine."

That was a good moment.

I pretty much had the same moment.

大好きな妻と子供がいる。 死ぬわけにはいかない。

Not crying when Rey does isn't really indicative of anything.

^What he said.

Now if Integ over here started crying, that's probably a different story.

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I remember when I got this scene. It was so sad; I'm usually good at keeping my emotions in check, but it was powerful enough that I started crying in a public place (my college student lounge, with LOTS of people around). I remember getting a few looks, but I didn't care; this scene just made this whole game for me and overturned anything that I might of disliked about it. No other FE game has managed to get this response out of me.

And you know what made it better? Someone came over and handed me a tissue. I thought it was a really nice random act of kindness until I looked over at where they had been sitting; I could see a shiny FE 13 3DS on their seat.

Fellow FE fans are the best fans ever!

They knew your pain. FE fans stick together!

And yes, some of the scenes in this game are really heart-wrenching. DX

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oh I have the scene in English uploaded, would you like if I posted it here?

And yeah, this is just one reason why a bunch of goons and I insist that AvatarxChrom has to be "canon"; normally I wouldn't make a huge fuss over stuff like this, but the story just seems so much better (and on some levels, makes more sense) with the pairing.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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...Whoa. Watching it feels rather different from just reading the script.

I use a female MU in most playthroughs, and this scene comes across as weird to me. Chroms talks about being close with MU (not lover) as if they're one person. I imagine Lucina's heart broke a little there.

...And no, I don't feel like crying in that scene. First and foremost, this is fiction. And the most touching scene IMO is still Emmeryn's suicide... which IS decided to kill (from my viewpoint) with paralogue 20.

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...I'm sorry. But I have to comment.

It... almost... doesn't... work... with the loli MU.

make a blue-haired MU that looks like Morgan

now it's a real mess cool.gif

hey there Lucina, you look rather spiffy in the Grandmaster outfit

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I found the English one more touching and was about to be in tears.

...Then I saw Rey's post. And died laughing.

Does she really look like a little girl, though? :(

make a blue-haired MU that looks like Morgan

now it's a real mess cool.gif

hey there Lucina, you look rather spiffy in the Grandmaster outfit

Tactician, actually. A friend and I agreed to make her a Tactician before recording because it looks cool, and since this was a Normal playthrough just to get that scene, I could get away with turning Stella and Chrom and Lucina back into first-tier classes while having Morgan nuke the boss and finish the chapter.

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Does she really look like a little girl, though? :(

All the English MU voices are too mature for that build, IMHO.

And then you have me, who can't unhear the Atashi 2 voice that they took out.

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I still think this scene is odd

Lucina went from just thinking I was trying to steal her dad, to thinking I was going to kill him! lol

but seriously, it's really dumb. . . I mean, from a dramatic stance it's a great scene, the choice of letting your mother live to kill your father, or ending her before she can be forced to do it. . . but when you think about it at all, it just makes Lucy look like a dumbass.


now, yeah. . . she WASN'T going to do it, but even then. . . Lucy . . . calm the hell down girl.

It also doesn't help that the Avatar is super important to actually killing the big bad for good too XD

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