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Understanding Chrom's outfit

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Guys, especially those with Capture cards, I have the oddest request for you.

Your Mission, should you accept it, is taking good snapshots of Chrom's outfit when he's in movement. The main reason I ask is because although we have designs of Chrom's usual clothing in Knights of Iris, it's still not enough for me to understand how his clothes work. I can guess about 60% on how it's designed, but the hardest part for me are his pantaloons.

One of the main reasons I'm asking to to help with cosplay, and another is because as a fanfic writer, I do need a big idea of how his clothes are designed to work when I need to write about them.

So, if you can help me out with my dilemma, that would be great!

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Do you want Chrom's Lord outfit, Great Lord outfit, or both? I may not have a capture card, but I can try to provide good pics of Chrom as a Great Lord because I have him as a Great Lord in my current playthrough.

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To be honest, I need only his Lord Outfit, but having his Great Lord Outfit as well could help, since he has similar pants.

All right, I'll take some shapshots of Chrom as a Great Lord and as a Lord.

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Just got my pics of Chrom as a Lord, uploading them now. I also recorded my playthrough of Paralogue 13 so I have lots of great moments of Chrom as a Great Lord in them so I'll be taking screenshots of those as well.

I'll have all of them up really soon.

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I got them, lots of pics of Chrom, both as a Lord and as a Great Lord






[spoiler=Great Lord]




I've got more if you need more, but hope these help out.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I think the reason you're having trouble with his pants is, because he doesn't have any XD His outfit is a one piece, by my looking, and the 'pants' come from his tunic above his hips, but you'd have to make it in layers, as it goes side of tunic -> pants -> front of tunic -> collar layering wise.

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Well, I'm going by the fact that Fem!Robin mentioned that Chrom has pantaloons according to S Support. XP But yeah, I'm a bit nit-picky and I'll need evidence of many theories, personally, so why I asked for screenshots. I also blame fan-art for my stupid question, because most of them draw it separately? I dunno, I prefer accuracy, maybe?

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Yeah, I'm going from the official art (I've got Knights of Iris sitting next to me right this second XD) and they show back and front shots without his cape. And his pants are definitely layered over the sides of his tunic. Also to go with that, is the entirety of his concept has him in a one piece, he's never had a seperate pants/top combo. Also of note is his right leg doesn't actually have a tall boot like the other leg, it's just a cuff XD

EDIT: Still looking, man, when you break it down, Chrom's outfit is so dorky XD

Edited by Wheels
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Fffff, the cuff. I have a running gag with that in fanfics.

Melanie: "...Um, Chrom? That's the weirdest looking garter I've even seen."

Chrom: "That's a cuff, Mel."

Melanie: "Er, no? That's obviously a garter. Cuffs goes on wrists, not legs."

Chrom: "SHUT UP. It's a cuff. Now tell me more about your year in Jugdral."

And as for Chrom's design, as dorky as it is, noticed that his right side represents himself as Captain of the Shepherds and his left side represents himself as Prince of Ylisse?

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I'll tell you what, next time I see Chrom I'll try to seduce him into taking off his pants.

This might work

...That's not what I'm talking about at all! sweatdrop.gif *Not to be impolite or anything, seriously, but all of a sudden it's like I back as a FESSer newb in the days of my Sain obsession and people would tease me like that. Silly kind of nostalgia. You're forgiven already.*

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