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Stop CAS (Copyright Alert System)

Topaz Light

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This topmost post is irrelevant to the current subject of this thread. New subject matter (regarding CAS) starts here.

The petition to stop CAS is here.

"CISPA is about information sharing. It creates broad legal exemptions that allow the government to share "cyber threat intelligence" with private companies, and companies to share "cyber threat information" with the government, for the purposes of enhancing cybersecurity. The problems arise from the definitions of these terms, especially when it comes to companies sharing data with the feds.

Please sign and share this petition so that we can protect the internet and our privacy."

Signal boosting this because it's important that it gets stopped as soon as possible. It would be greatly appreciated if you would sign this and even more appreciated to spread this around. Of course, I can't make any of you do anything.

CISPA could seriously drag down the internet for everyone, which includes all of you.

Edited by Starlight36
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i signed, but meh people keep saying this bill is bad but not a lot of people care/take it seriously

i think the effect is to put out all of these bills, cancel them, and when it gets to the point where nobody cares anymore they'll pass it

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So, it seems there's yet another one. Copyright Alert System, or CAS. Its effect is basically to allow major internet providers to watch your downloads and, if you're caught downloading anything illegally, (this includes things like ROMs, movies and episodes of TV shows) they can slow your internet down or worse.

The petition to stop it is here.

This is getting seriously annoying. Really.

Edited by Starlight36
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