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My Fire Emblem Fanfic: Swords, Love, and Interdimensional Teleportation


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This is obviously for my fanfic. It is about Blazing Sword. Warning: Some slight language and inappropriate jokes. I will post Chapter One. I am open to suggestions.

The other chapters are written, but are not quite finished yet. I would like any feedback (or praise) here, please. WARNING: Reading this might make you hate me

Thanks, Mason The Tactician


Swords, Love, and Interdimentional Teleportation

a Fire Emblem Fanfiction (Rekka no Ken)

*disclaimer*- I do not own Fire Emblem, Nintendo, or Intelligent Systems. None of this except for chapter one (and even then barely) actually happened in game, although that would be cool. For the real story, please play the game.Thank you for reading. Yes I am a weeaboo. This story will contain harsh language and suggestive jokes, etc and is not meant for children. All of the places visited after chapter one are figments of my overly active imagination. Have as much fun reading this as you think I did writing it.


*this story follows Mark the tactician(not me) and Lyndis the blademistress (I think) from Caelin, not Marth, Ike, Roy, or any other Fire Emblem characters. If you want a story about them, go suck it or write one yourself*

Chapter One

(This is fan fiction. There is extreme plotline deviation. Read the disclaimer.)

[The plains of Sacae]

"Wha-? Where am I?" As my vision cleared, I saw that I was inside of some kind of tent. No one else was there, so I took the opportunity to look around. I was lying on a bed, and there was a pallet on the floor, which suggested that I had displaced someone. There was an oven and a table with some water sitting on it across the room. I smelled food, so itried to sit up, but a searing pain in my ribs halted that effort. As I collapsed, clutching my side, I heard footsteps approaching. The tent flap was lifted, and in walked a beautiful girl, who looked to be about my age. She had long, flowing hair the color of emerald, the same as her eyes. At her side was a single edged, slightly curved sword. She was wearing blue robes, Sacean if I was correct, that accentuated her figure and looked to allow easy, quick movement

Oh!", she said, sounding exited. "You're awake! How are you feeling?""Well", I replied," I'm not dead, so I am fine. My name is Mark. How did I come to be here?"The woman replied "I found you unconscious, out on the plains. You were covered in blood, but I don't think all of it was yours. You do have a broken rib or two, though." "That would explain things", I said drily. "So, why are you out here on the plains, all alone?" Her eyes fell. "Well... I really don't want to talk about it now. I think I'll go get us some dinner. I'll be back soon." I noticed that my question had saddened her, and resolved not to speak of it again.

By the time she returned, an hour later, I had managed to walk over to the table and sit down. "I forgot to tell you my name earlier", she said. "My name is Lyndis, but you can call me Lyn." "And I forgot to thank you, Lyn." An hour later, after dinner had been eaten, I began to get the feeling that I had forgotten something. Then I remembered. "Oh shit! Tempest!" Lyn looked startled at my sudden outburst. "What?, she asked, looking puzzled. "My horse, his name is Tempest. We have been together since we were both young. I can't believe I forgot about him!" I began to stand. "Hey!"-Lyn cut me off. "Your horse is fine! He is outside, with Wildfire, my horse.""Oh, thank the gods" I sighed, in relief. We began to prepare for bed. "You can have your bed back now Lyn", I offered." I can sleep on the floor." She accepted, and soon after we retired for the night. My side was already feeling better

When I awoke, it was still dark. I retrieved my robes and slipped out to go check on Tempest. Sure enough, he was fine, and so I hopped on. I decided to take a ride, so I took him at full speed over the hills. The pain in my ribs had all but disappeared. Suddenly, I came to a spot that seemed familiar, though I had no memory of it. A circular patch of stone stood in the midst of the plains. In the center of that circle lwas a seemingly ordinary steel blade, point first in the ground. However, on closer inspection, the blade proved to be quite different. It had strange characters etched into the blade and they were enameled green, the same color green as my cloak. I drew the blade, and it fit my hand as if it were forged for me alone. Sure enough, a sheath that perfectly fit the sword was inside of my cloak. "Well, this day couldn't possibly get any stranger", I said to myself." Might as well keep it." I started back. The sun was beginning to rise.

With another strange occurrence out of the way, I decided to return to Lyn. However, on my way back, I was spotted by a raiding party of two bandits. They gave chase on foot, so I reached Lyn first. "Bandits ... coming", I managed to tell her. "You heal remarkably fast", and then when she figured out what I had said, "screw you!" She told me. "They followed you here! Now they know where I am! I will have to leave, and I will still probably die out here." I blinked, surprised. "You do realize that we both have swords, right?" I asked. "They looked like they were weak. I think we could take them together." "Fine", she said angrily snatching her blade from the table. "Lets do this."

As we stalked out to confront the bandits, I realized that Lyn was right, I did heal remarkably quickly. I wouldn't have minded the second part either, though. The bandits approached. She drew her blade, and I drew mine, and we charged the bandits. Suddenly, I remembered something that I had learned... But I couldn't remember where. "These bandits are armed with axes!" I said. "We should have the advantage!" Lyn glared at me, then nodded. We attacked the bandits. The battle was quick and furious. While my style of fighting was violent, compact, and efficient, Lyn's was elegant and acrobatic, using all of her skill and power... While still efficient. We dispatched the bandits with no problem. Afterwords, I commented on her grace, saying "you were incredible!" "Thanks", she said, trying to look mad, but appearing pleased. We returned to the tent, which Lyn told me was actually called a yurt.

The next morning, Lyn decided that she would leave Sacae, becoming stronger to avenge her parents, who had been killed by bandits. I decided that I would accompany her, much to her surprise. "I think that this will lead to places where I can learn, and gain experience. Also, I like you. I think that staying with you is the best way for me to makes sure you stay alive." She glared at me like I was an idiot.


We met a couple knights from Caelin named Kent and Sain. Turned out, Lyn was kind of a princess. Great. We set out for Caelin, so Lyn could meet her grandfather. Before we left, we decided to stop by a roadside shrine. It was supposedly good luck, and I never refuse that, considering my record.

[The shrine of the Manni Katti]

Just my luck, bandits attacked. We killed most of them outside the shrine, then entered. At the altar was a man with short, spiky, blonde hair. He turned. In his hands was in intricately engraved sheath with a sword in it. "I may not be able to draw this blade", he said, "but I can still kill you! My name is Glass!" I tried not to laugh. I failed. "Glass? Like- window glass?" "Yes, god damn it, like window glass! Bards sing of me, the gods tremble at the mention of my name!" Still chuckling, I said: "hope the gods never have to have their windows replaced. But I haven't ever heard of you!" Lyn tapped my shoulder. "You have amnesia", she reminded me. "That's not the point! Have you ever heard of him?" She shook her head. "What about you, Kent?" He indicated that he hadn't. "Sain?" He shook his head. "There you go. Seems like nobody has ever heard of you, Glass." He had already been enraged, but now he was... there aren't even words to describe how mad he was. He attacked me over and over, but I just blocked. Eventually I got bored.

"Anyone else want to play with the Glass? Just don't tell your parents." Kent attacked him, while I leaned against the wall and laughed. Lyn shoved me over, but I kept laughing. "He... made... it... too... easy," I managed to force out. Kent and Sain eventually disposed of him, and the bishop in charge of the shrine approached us. "Many thanks, milady. Would you like to lay your hands on the sacred blade?" Lyn nodded. "If you don't mind." She walked over to the altar. When she touched the sheath, a blinding light filled the room. "Milady, the blade calls to you. Draw the blade, milady." I was beginning to tire if his "miladys", but said nothing. Lyn drew the sword. The blade of the sword was suffused with heavenly radiance. This blade, I realized, was powerful. It suited her. A deadly blade for a deadly woman. "Keep the blade milady", the bishop said. "You are destined to be its owner. I feel honored, milady. I had not hoped to meet the blade's wielder in my lifetime." We thanked the bishop and left. Strange things seemed to be common when Lyn and I were together. I had the feeling that this was going to get interesting.

So Lyn and I set off on an epic journey. On the way to Caelin, others joined our rank. We were Lyndis' Legion! We ended up deposing a usurper, her treacherous uncle. We fought battle after battle, and all of that fun stuff that goes along with being a tactician. As we fought, side by side, along this path, we became fast friends. Then, a year later, we met by chance and helped to stop a plan to destroy the world. Not that it surprised me. It seemed I was becoming quite the bad luck magnet. After the final battle, I slipped away.

Edited by MasonTheTactician
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... You don't say...


For The Record

Most formatting mistakes will be due to the fact

that I wrote the majority of this on my Ipod Touch

(hooray for notes). It makes it easier to write on the go.

Edited by MasonTheTactician
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The end. It was like, rushed, I think?

"Yeah, I found a cool sword and helped this hot chick go to Caelin. Then coincidentally a year later [Plot to FE7] happens. The end."

I mean, if these are notes for a fanfic that could be, I dunno, delved into a little more, and maybe written with real keys, it could be something. Then again, fanfics are kind of low-standard anyhow.

Now, Red Warrior, that's how you do it.

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