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Wait, the Deadlords in Inf Regalia are...

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Chrom and Co. from a different timeline?

(Use Tiki and the children characters to fight them)

That was my interpretation, but AFAIK nothing definitive has been explained about them.

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Do you have to use only those characters, or have all of the children? The dialogue I got when using mostly children, but adding in Chrom, Olivia, and the Avatar, while not deploying Tiki or Gerome, and not having recruited Brady or Laurent yet, didn't seem to be anything super interesting (except Cynthia's).

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Do you have to use only those characters, or have all of the children? The dialogue I got when using mostly children, but adding in Chrom, Olivia, and the Avatar, while not deploying Tiki or Gerome, and not having recruited Brady or Laurent yet, didn't seem to be anything super interesting (except Cynthia's).

Try one of the manaketes or taguels although the children are probably the best.

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Tiki specifically mentions she knows who she's fighting, and she'll keep their wish of protecting the children alive. Lucina sees one has the Brand of the Exalt. Yarne says his smells just like Panne. Inigo thinks of his parents. Minevra lets out a cry she only ever did when Gerome's parents died. Severa's Deadlord starts to cry when she initiates battle. Cynthia says they're familiar and asks if they'd met in her future. Morgan makes a mention that there's a fine tactician on the side of the Deadlords (This could just be random Morganning though). Sully reckons the Deadlords were all close friends in life. Kjelle is afraid to fight them, but doesn't know why. There are a few other things that could be construed as a reference to the rest of the crew (Noire saying that the Deadlords are more terrifying to her than Tharja is, and she's never met someone more terrifying than her) but these are all the ones I know that I'd say would be a direct reference to Chrom and crew

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Forgot Lucina said that. I figured, at the time, that they could be the first Exalt's party, but that doesn't sync up with the likes of Cynthia and Severa's comments.

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That makes sense with Aversa's comment on chapter 22.

Morgan's comment also sync up with a failed attempt at stopping Grima in the current time line, not original, which is another timeline. Since Avatar could have died during that time.

instead of being possessed because Grima came back in time.

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Also, I just counted, and unless I am off, if you count all first gen characters including sidequest spotpass characters, there are 36.

Wouldn't tiki not be counted? And would the side quest spotpass characters not count either because aren't they only back because of the time split?

I just wonder who the extra seven characters are.

36 - 1 - 6 = 29. That means seven of the dread lords are not counted.

Edit: forgot mirel.

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Wouldn't tiki not be counted? And would the side quest spotpass characters not count either because aren't they only back because of the time split?

I just wonder who the extra seven characters are.

36 - 1 - 6 = 29. That means seven of the dread lords are not counted.

Edit: forgot mirel.

Wouldn't surprise me if the rest of the Spotpass Characters except Yen'fay were made into Deadlords actually, since the requirement for being a Deadlord seem to involve death of the original person before reanimation. (See Raydrik.)

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Wasn't it implied that Marth is one of the dread lords? Seeing as how Yenfay is alive in the alt universe, that means that Marth is likely the remaining one, despite how... out there that is.

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Wasn't it very implicit in the Japanese version?

I can't recall, I just remember it being vague.

If I have time, I'll dig out the dialogue. Oh, here it is, courtesy of TheEnd:

I... know you. Even if your appearance and form have changed, I simply know. You've not only paid the price in this form, but you're now going to destroy with your own hands what you used to protect? I won't let you. I'll protect these children... and the memories I have of you.
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Hm, I could have sworn it was on this very site that the theory was presented... regardless, it does make things more interesting. :)

I presented the theory in this topic: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=38546&view=findpost&p=2309786

Although a later poster said that it was basically a consensus so the theory was probably first presented a while before this, I just haven't seen it anywhere else on the site.

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Well, it never hurts to repost stuff if people haven't seen it before : P

However, you're right, the theory has been around for a while. Probably around the time of the Japanese release of Infinite Regalia.

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