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why hate the competitve scene


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edit: cause I think pro players are gay and believe just because they live in their closets and play brawl all the time, they are better than us

Edited by Serene
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ughhh serene there people like you and me there not out to kill anyone and they have lives and girlfriends. again im friends with them and there nice people lol

fox why do you hate teir lists?

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ughhh serene there people like you and me there not out to kill anyone and they have lives and girlfriends. again im friends with them and there nice people lol

fox why do you hate teir lists?

Tier lists don't mean anything. They just tell you what characters win the most tournaments.

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ughhh serene there people like you and me there not out to kill anyone and they have lives and girlfriends. again im friends with them and there nice people lol

fox why do you hate teir lists?

I tried to be nice, and I get flamed, hell maybe smash pros are half the reason why I'm such an ass all the time. They just INFURIATE MY SOUL

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Go to Smash Boards. Originally I used to think pros were pretty cool. But they just sickened me when I went to Smash Boards.

He does and that's the sad part.

Also they flamed me for my join date

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i frequent smash boards and ive never gotten flamed at all. most of them know what there talking about.

and serene you havent given a valid reason why you hate pros

and fox brawl is really unbalanced and its super s=easy to make a teir list. the list is already forming

its really a debate for best now snake, pitt or meta knight

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i frequent smash boards and ive never gotten flamed at all. most of them know what there talking about.

and serene you havent given a valid reason why you hate pros

and fox brawl is really unbalanced and its super s=easy to make a teir list. the list is already forming

its really a debate for best now snake, pitt or meta knight


*calms down*

sorry got a lttle carried away

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and fox brawl is really unbalanced and its super easy to make a teir list. the list is already forming

If it's "super easy" why isn't there one already? And just how is it unbalanced? I've seen mains on almost every character, as opposed to Melee where half of the characters were never used.

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We dislike pros because if we don't play by their rules, we're "scrubs". And because "casuals suck". Just because we don't devote our lives to a damn TOY for ENTERTAINMENT like they do, and because we don't try to make PROFIT off of a PASS TIME, they act high and mighty, like they're the top shit and like we don't belong. They've turned Smash from a fun party game that was there for shits, giggles and to cure boredom into something that it's not. And what's worse is they're trying to make people who play the game for fun into T-Fags, because we don't amount to anything because we don't try to improve on our skill in playing a VIDEO GAME (which is, in fact, a toy).

Fact: Video games aren't, contrary to popular belief (tourney fags), srs bznss.

Another fact: Just because you can win a match because you don't have items doesn't mean you're good, it means you can't adapt.

And a final fact: You aren't the best if you can't play a perfect match with every character in the game and with items turned on.

Bottom line: playing with their rules doesn't improve skill much, if at all. Following in their footsteps with their behavior in and outside of matches just makes you as much of a faggot as them.

THAT, is why most people hate "pros" and "advanced players". Granted, I myself don't like to use items, but that's because I prefer to play games where I don't test how well we adapt, but how well we can smash each other into pieces without distractions. What T-Fags are doing is trying to see who's the best, but that's done by taking all things into consideration, INCLUDING the ability to adapt.

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Fox can you close this.

No, keep it open. I don't think we're really flaming each other.

And not all pros suck. Doom103 is one of them, and he's pretty awesome.

BTW, I think I could fit in well with the Smash Boards people. The key is to not care what they think and just kick their ass.

As for Brawl being unbalanced, I'd say it it is a lot more balanced than Melee.

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