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Lunatic mode: Smooth sailing after chpt 5?

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So, I started lunatic mode because, hard mode can be too easy. But, lunatic mode has been nothing but a frustration and a bother. I get that you have to do things a certain way in order to clear the map but damn... not even close to something resembling fun.

So my question is, can I get a leg up once the gate is accessible? I have both EXPonential growth and the Golden Gaffe. I'm not looking for an easy ride, just something that doesn't feel like a waste of my time.

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Yes. I don't have EXPonential Growth (because it's useless once you've levelled enough times), but Golden Gaffe is rather useful for griding. If you don't mind having to initialize attacks yourself and get only 8 EXP per kill later on, that is.

But yeah, in general, if you do use DLC, Once you beat Chapter 4, Lunatic will stop being difficult.

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Even if you choose not to grind, the game starts getting easier at around chapter 4 or so. The enemies don't grow that quickly (their stats start off insanely high, but from then on they only gain about 1-2 in each stat per chapter, if so much). I'd say there's a difficulty spike at chapter 15 or 16. I really started grinding at around that time.

I'm on chapter 18 right now. LOL, 41 speed Yen'fay


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Yeah, I got the hang of what to do, so, chapter 3 & 4 went smoother than 2.

Also, when the gate unlocked, i used EXPonential growth. So, I don't know if its possible to make lunatic too easy but, ill try to keep a medium balance. lol

Plus golden gaffe i could recruit my other completely insane avatar but...that would for sure make it too easy.

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I'm currently on chapter 5. Frederick was the only one that could do anything useful for chapters 1-3, so it was quite annoying, but now I'm at chapter 5 and I grinded just a little bit, and it's fun again. It's still difficult (harder than hard mode for sure), but is now definitely doable. The only time I'll be "grinding" from now on, hopefully, is when I'm getting my pairs together.

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Yeah, Lunatic was balls-bustingly hard until I got to go to the Outrealm Gate. The only deaths or near-deaths I had after that were due to carelessness (e.g. leaving my Dark Flier Avatar in range of a bunch of Sages with forged Rexcaliburs and Assassins with forged Silver Bows or leaving Laurent in the range of a Falcon Knight reinforcement that doubled and one-rounded him).

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You don't really need to grind at all, this mode really isn't all that hard. Then again I dance abused Olivia but I generally don't count that as excessive grinding, plus I haven't really been using her that much anyways.

Just stick to it, I assume that chapter 24 and 25 will be hard but otherwise the only hard part about this game is the intimidation factor that people bring when they exaggerate the difficulty.

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I didn't grind at all. No skirmishes/dlc/wireless features and still after ch5 is exactly where the smooth sailing started. For me that was when MU had gained enough exp to be able to fight enemies almost as well as frederick and once you can do that the exp just keeps coming in due to veteran and eventually you have a super unit that is much stronger than the enemies.

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