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Question on Level Scaling


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I noticed that when I change seal'd Frederick at lvl 1 into a Wyvern Knight he gained exp slower. If I promote or change seal early, does the scaling automatically happen and I lose out or does the scaling stay the same.

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Using a Change/Second Seal adds half of your visible level to the internal level cap.

2ch wiki to the rescue!

Whenever you use Change Seal, the hidden portion of the internal level will raise by floor[(visiblelevel-1)/2]

And therefore, Strategist 10 ---> Cavalier 1 will be treated as level 5. Note this only affects experience calculation, and for other calculations (such as skills and requirement to use another Change Seal) only the visible level will be used.

The hidden portion of the internal level will max at 20, 30 or 50 depending on the difficulty. Following this rule, the best reclass route is to reclass at level 10 until you have exhausted all 1st tier classes. This also means it is better to change class at even levels, since for example, a level 13 reclass and level 14 reclass will both raise internal level by 6.

Master Seal does nothing to the hidden level. It simply sets the visible part of your level to 21. Obviously, you'll get even less experience after using it.

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it should also be noted that the "internal level cap" scales with difficulty too; after using Second Seals a bunch of times, you'll be gaining about 10? 11? or so EXP per kill on Hard Mode and 8 per kill on Lunatic.

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it should also be noted that the "internal level cap" scales with difficulty too; after using Second Seals a bunch of times, you'll be gaining about 10? 11? or so EXP per kill on Hard Mode and 8 per kill on Lunatic.

That's not it at all. The end result is the same, but the internal level cap is 50 for Lunatic and Lunatic+, 30 for Hard, and 20 for Normal.

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Using a Change/Second Seal adds half of your visible level to the internal level cap.

In that scenario, wouldn't you be treated as level 6, not level 5? 5 added to the iLevel from Strategist, and then the displayed level of 1? Doesn't mean much for pre-promotes, but as promotes it'd make a huge difference.

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