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Understanding Manakete and Taguel

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i was going to try and make and EPIC! Nah or Yarne (if possible)

but i don't really understand Manakete and Taguel all that well so i have a few questions

i usually build characters with skills to cover their weaknesses like how my ponys have bow breaker, and ect. but i have no idea the weakness of Manakete and Taguel


1: Manakete dont seem to take much dmg from arrows, or magic like the other flyers and they have average Def so... what are they weak to?

i noticed that Trguel usually have low res, but have decent DEF, im going to assume they are weak to the beast killer, but is that their only weakness? .

2: where dose the power come from on Manakete attacks i assume since its a fire ball (or w/e) that its magic based?....

and since Taguel use their claws they use Str for their attack power?

3: are Manakete and Taguel good? like... are they decent classes? or should i drop them for something els?

4: i can test this my self but the game is in my car ATM but can your forge the gems that Manakete and Taguel use?

5: if i do decide to use a Manakete or a Taguel, who should father them?

More questions may rise later, i don't want to put up a topic of like 50+ questions, no one wants to answer all that.

any and all answers are appreciated, thanks!!

and have a nice day.

Edited by Shikihime
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There is a questions thread...

oh... sorry im new here xD....

i did not know.

ill try and make use of it next time. thanks

3. Not sure about Taguel, but Manakete have speed issues, but great defense.

but some of the fathers for Nah can pass her thief, so wouldn't staying on thief a bit get some speed for them?

if not i could probly pass them Ageis, Pavise, counter, or maybe Sol, and ect? to make up for the lowspeed?

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2: where dose the power come from on Manakete attacks i assume since its a fire ball (or w/e) that its magic based?....

and since Taguel use their claws they use Str for their attack power?

3: are Manakete and Taguel good? like... are they decent classes? or should i drop them for something els?

2. Both use Strength as far as I can tell.

3. I like them a lot, especially taguel, their beast killing skill is pretty good.

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2. Both manakete and taguel attacks run off of their str.

3. Manaketes make an interesting constant physical 1-2 range that hits dracoknights for effectiveness, they are slow and tanky against both magic and weapons, Nowi is especially slow and tanky-sided with her cap modifiers, if that bothers you, get a father with high speed caps. Taguel's are fast, have okay strength, and are effective against beasts which is great, even if they're forever stuck to 1 range as taguels.

4. No. But their might/attack is directly affected by the killer skills which I suppose is a fair situational boost.

I haven't bothered in optimizing their fathers so I can't help you there.

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On fathers for them... I hear Kellam is an amazing father for Nah (and that Nah is a great mother for Morgan, too, if you want more dragons). You'll have a ton of defense.

But as a note, Nowi does not have access to Pegasus Knight, meaning Nah does not have access to the amazing skill Galeforce. If you marry her to Donny or Gaius or... Someone else (I think it's Fighter classes this happens to), her father will pass down Pegasus Knight instead of that male-only class, giving her access to Galeforce (this also applies to Kjelle, Sully's daughter). If you want Galeforce, they're good.

For Yarne... He can't get Galeforce at all, as his mother can't be a Pegasus Knight and he can't be one himself. So... I don't really know. I have Donny as his father, and he's pretty solid. But there may be better options.

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On fathers for them... I hear Kellam is an amazing father for Nah (and that Nah is a great mother for Morgan, too, if you want more dragons). You'll have a ton of defense.

But as a note, Nowi does not have access to Pegasus Knight, meaning Nah does not have access to the amazing skill Galeforce. If you marry her to Donny or Gaius or... Someone else (I think it's Fighter classes this happens to), her father will pass down Pegasus Knight instead of that male-only class, giving her access to Galeforce (this also applies to Kjelle, Sully's daughter). If you want Galeforce, they're good.

For Yarne... He can't get Galeforce at all, as his mother can't be a Pegasus Knight and he can't be one himself. So... I don't really know. I have Donny as his father, and he's pretty solid. But there may be better options.

lol you don't need gale force on EVERYONE.

characters can still be boss w/o it


now that i think about it i can probably make Nah a decent wall

with Gregor as her father she inherits Myrmidon, Merc, and Troubador. i could get counter from off Gregor for her, then have her sit on Sol and Renewal, + astra or lethality?....

however with Kellam she gets a hella good DEF and RES groth + theif and access to lucky 7 for slight Avo

and she can still snag renewal and Luna

the options! @-@

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Taguels have good caps for SKL and SPD, but their caps for everything else are largely inferior to Manaketes, who have high STR, DEF, RES caps but significantly lower SKL and SPD caps than Taguel.

You could keep Taguels as they are endgame, but they should have Deliverer in order to move around well at 8 move. They'll still be locked at 1 range, however.

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