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If the characters on this game have jobs in real life...

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Chrom would go on to found his very own internet providing service, Chromcast tm , which soon became infamous for it's terrible customer service.

yes, sadly this is relevant to what I'm going through now and is a small way for me to strike against freakin Comcast. When we order a new modem (out of necessity, ours was cutting out randomly and apparently notifying us that a new mandatory model is needed is out of the question...) and it's not delivered on 3 separate occasions causing it to take a month to get here, THEN realizing that, oops, it isn't working forcing us to wait 'til Tuesday for a guy to come out and fix it while I have to bootleg internet from somewhere, I get a little annoyed. Not to mention our phone is out too and our cell reception is shady in my house and causes many disconnected calls during the whole process. Fuck you Comcast. Learn to provide adequate training for your employees. You fucking joke.

Rant over.

Well somehow all that crap has been sorted out. yaaaay..... I guess.

Edited by Happy_Dingo
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There's a pizza place I once went past called "Basilico's Pizzeria"... And I immediately misread it as "Basilio's Pizzeria". So I think Basilio would own a pizzeria, Chrom would be the delivery boy, and Frederick would work the phones. I could see it now: "Hello, thank you for calling Basilio's, PICK A GOD AND PRAY. What can I get for you?"

I agree with whoever said that Miriel would host Jeopardy. I could totally see that. xD

I also think Gerome would own a Halloween Costume store. Since, in my game, his father is Gaius, so he has orange hair and wears all black. He's like the walking Halloween mascot.

Edited by Trinity
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Chrom: Owner of Google.

Lissa: Prank Store Clerk.

Frederick: Chrom's Butler.

Virion: Member of The Royal Family.

Sully: Major in an army.

Olivia: Professional Dancer.

Walhart: Owner of the Walmart family.

Gangrel: Professional Wrestler (After professional wrestler David Heath, once wrestled under the name of Gangrel.)

Donnel: Farmer.

Nowi: Nursery School/Kindergarten teacher.

Morgan: God (What do you mean that God isn't a job?)

Edited by Lissa's Husband
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