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mapping input


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I have a couple of maps here that I'm not sure are ready for my hack. I would appreciate any feedback as to how I can improve them or if they're good enough.


This map's idea is to get to your captured allies before they are killed and kill the boss.


your army is separated into 2 groups. Seize the gate, try not to die when confronted with ambush spawns.

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Moved to sprites~


The first one doesn't look like it'd be fun to play. There's a lot of open space.

The second one:

- the grass seems pretty tile spammy.

- the mountains follow a really unnatural patten where they're all going at the same diagonal. Nature is contingent, random.

- The tops of a lot of your mountains are cut off. http://puu.sh/2kvpX for example.

- It might just be a personal preference but I think the mountain caves look really out of place.

Edited by eCut
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Biggest beef is with this section of the map. You have 4 tile high stairs going up both sides, and 2 tile high stairs in the middle, yet somehow the 2 tile pieces are still matching up with the 4 tile walls. It's like Escher all over again.

Red - "second floor"

Purple - "third floor"

Black - height difference

Cyan - symmetry/pattern inconsistency

Green - somethin' up with your tiles, mate

Yellow - tile weirdness; your walls are also lacking in consistent shadow/shading, and the use of the arched walls on top leaves a weird line of grassy pixels

Edited by ObLIVIA
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Have you checked out prime's mapping tutorials in the spriter's resource topic?

The indoor map, along side everything above, seems to be boring. Any battle on it would result in large repetition of the same thing- fighting in a 3 wide corridor. Variance is good , even for indoor maps.

The grass tiles look spammed on the outdoor map, there are about 10 different normal plains tiles, use them. It's also got some very confined spaces for how large a map it is. Some parts cater to a party of 5+, some parts cater to a party of 2 tops.

Still, not a bad start.

Your signature's intriguing.

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