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SO it's a bad FE13 playlog with a dumb gimmick



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anyway let's keep momentum going


1: Lissa to Stay. Sumia, Cordelia to Blitz. Miriel, Nino, Panne, Nowi to Guard.

That went better than expected, except Miriel got a shit level.

2: Lissa to Guard.

Panne died. Sumia made a questionable decision, but survived.

3: Sumia, Libra to Guard.

Overrode Cordelia to have her run to Libra, tag Chrom in, Talk, tag Chrom out, and throw a Javelin at the archer who was there. Legit enough.

4: Cordelia to Guard.


5: No change.

Reinforcements are here now, let's see what I gotta do.

6 take 1: Sumia, Cordelia, Nowi to Blitz.

well that went amazing except sumia ganked tharja

otherwise that was stupid optimal

6 take 2: Cordelia, Nowi to Blitz.

Tharja attacked Nino instead of anybody with a 1-range weapon and survived. Nino's pretty fucking solid, no joke.

7: Tharja to Guard. Nino to Stay.

Lissa got ganked. Gregor dual-blocked to save Miriel's ass. One enemy and the boss left.



(miriel event tiled a boner for gregor)

9: No change.

Tharja chip with a Sumia assist, Nowi chip, Cordelia chip, Sumia finish and get a really shitty level.


emmeryn poooorquueeeeeeee

FIGHT/Nowi C. Miriel/Gregor C. Gregor is amazing.


I *could* go for Anna now but that chapter's opening frightens me.

Deployment: Chrom, Nowi/FIGHT, Sumia/Frederick, Panne, Miriel/Gregor, Nino/Tharja, Cordelia, Libra, Maribelle

1: Chrom, Panne, Miriel, Nino, Libra to Guard. Maribelle to Stay. Sumia, Cordelia, Nowi to Blitz.

Most of everybody went north. Damage was taken.

2: Cordelia, Miriel to Stay. Maribelle to Guard.

guess who took damage.

3: Miriel to Guard.

Maribelle used Physic. That's something.

4: Cordelia, Nowi to Guard.

I'm trying to get Sumia to gank the thieves but she's mostly just tearing arse through everything else.

5: No change.


(she didn't)

the seraph one escaped but Nowi nailed the important one with his Master Seal.

6: No change.

Sumia decided to gank the remaining (Wyrmslayer) thief.

7: Sumia to Guard, Nowi to Blitz.

8: No change.

Cordelia got ganked :| Nowi got the boss, like, a second later.


Frederick bangs Sumia. It's cute. Nowi and Libra get boners. I do the only logical thing and promote Nino to Sage at 16. Let's go for Anna.


Deployment: Chrom, Nowi/FIGHT, Frederick, Sumia, Panne, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Maribelle

1: Chrom, Frederick, Sumia, Nowi to Blitz. Maribelle, Libra to Stay. Panne, Miriel, Nino, Cordelia to Guard.

Sumia paid for a questionable decision in blood.

2: Libra, Maribelle to Guard.


3: No change.

Anna get. Anna's just gonna be under my control all map cause all the chests. No attacking for her!

4: This map is going to be boring as hell. No change.

Frederick died due to being an idiot, though.

5: No change.

6: Chrom to Stay. Holding pattern!

12: Lost the Arms Scroll. Maribelle made a questionable decision somewhere along the line and perished.


FIGHT/Nowi B. Gregor/Miriel B. Libra/...Cordelia C? Dunno where that came from.


Deployment: Chrom, Nowi/FIGHT, Frederick, Sumia, Anna/Panne, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Maribelle, Olivia

1, 2: Chrom and Nowi to Blitz. Everybody else to Guard.

Turn 2 everybody engaged. Cordelia doesn't know how to not die. Olivia doesn't know either how to dance or how to not die.

3: EVERYBODY BLITZ except Maribelle

fuck it

4: Chrom to Stay.


I'll probably be restarting this one.

5: Chrom to Blitz.

I'm renaming this to "FUCKING BALLS-OUT CHARGE MODE". Nino's out.

6: No change.

Sumia ganked Gangrel.

7: No change.



Chrom banged Sully. Chrom/Sumia C (bad timing lol)

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so I also promoted Miriel at 18 to Dark Knight.


Deployment: Chrom, Nowi/FIGHT, Frederick, Sumia, Cherche/Panne, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Maribelle

1: Chrom, Libra, Maribelle to Stay. Nowi to Blitz. Frederick, Cherche, Sumia, Miriel, Nino, Cordelia to Guard.

uguu turtling

2: Chrom, Libra, Maribelle to Guard.

Cordelia and Maribelle made questionable decisions and paid for them. Actually, Chrom made the latter questionable decision and Maribelle paid for it.

3: No change.

Libra does a fair bit of ballin'.

4: Hell with it, no change.


I held L for a random battle and discovered that Javelineers aren't actually damaging her. Sumia's down to 1 HP and I'm in a bit of a bind. Let's NOT SAVE!

5: Sumia to Stay.

Frederick went out. Victory seems to have been preserved.

6: Sumia to Guard.

Miriel crit the boss and didn't kill him. Chrom hit him with his Rapier after that and the damn thing didn't die. Nowi got the kill.

7: No change.

8: No change.



FIGHT/Nowi A. Miriel/Gregor A. Gregor's smug face is the best. Chrom and Frederick get some boners. Lissa gets 30 XP. Tharja pops a boner for Gregor. Nowi donates her Bullion to the "buy master seals" cause. Cordelia promotes at 14 to Falcon Knight. Cherche promotes at 14 to Wyvern Lord. Chrom promotes at 14 to Great Lord. Holding on to the Second Seal for now.


Deployment: Chrom, FIGHT/Nowi, Frederick, Sumia/Henry, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Cherche, Anna

1: Chrom, Frederick, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Sumia, Anna to Guard. Cherche, Miriel, FIGHT to Blitz.

Cherche AND Cordelia AND Sumia all die. I was pretty sure that would happen.

2: Henry to Guard.

Nothing remarkable happened. FIGHT is making progress towards the boss. Oddly, Chrom went left while Miriel went right. Might switch Henry to Blitz so he stays with her.

Then again, she's Miriel.

3: No change.

NEVERMIND Henry's out.

4: No change.

5: No change.

Those warriors in the south just popped. Frederick's out. FIGHT's hurting. Miriel's going strong. I may still be able to pull this if Anna moves well.

6: No change.

Libra's out oh God

7: No change.

FIGHT has 6 HP. Chrom's brigade is 3 men. Miriel keeps getting distracted.

8: No change.

i just want to watch the trainwreck unfold

9: No change.

miriel engaged and killed the boss oh finally

FIGHT was still at 6 HP and still had one enemy (an axer at least) to kill. Chrom and his ladies (Anna and Nino) were stuck with just the sniper. I'm foreseeing problems in future multi-front maps.


Chrom/Sully/Lucina parent Cs. Kjelle's ready to recruit, but I'm afraid of what Autobattle will do in that map. Cynthia's ready to recruit, but I can't get to her. Lucina's here, but she's not exactly stellar.


Heavens, this looks like a nightmare.

Deployment: Chrom/Lucina, FIGHT/Nowi, Sumia/Henry, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Cherche, Anna

1: Chrom, Sumia, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Cherche, Anna to Stay. FIGHT, Miriel to Blitz.

I know that putting anybody on Guard would mean my boys on three ships at once. I'm trying to control my flow here.

Miriel got on the right ship and tore ass through it, killing everybody but the miniboss.

2: Everybody but Anna to Guard.

Now, cry havoc. oh god

Cordelia has the worst possible AI, I swear. She makes way more questionable decisions than anybody else.

3: Anna to Guard. Chrom to Stay.

fuck it. Chrom's in a pretty well defensible position for the time being.

4: No change.

This map has been a hilarious clusterfuck. My magic users ALL ignore the General just hanging out. Nino draws some fire from Chrom and goes out.

5: No change.

Overrode Anna to start grabbing loot.




Miriel got the boss.


FIGHT bangs Nowi. Gregor bangs Miriel. Gregor is still amazing. Libra/Cherche C. Libra is out to get in every set of panties, it seems. Morgan, Laurent, and Nah are all primed and set to go. FIGHT promoted at 13 to Hero. Lucina Second Seals out to Cavalier at 10.

SO now I need to be told what to do. Nah's stats are well tasty and she's got lavender hair, but there's the awkward problem of fuck Nah's chapter. Kjelle isn't great (7 spd wee), but her chapter looks manageable enough IF I can rush a man to her REALLY fast since nobody will Rescue staff her. Morgan's chapter looks rather meaty but Morgan herself is, well, similar to Nah in capacity. Laurent isn't spectacular and his chapter looks like shit. And then there's actually progressing with the story and getting Say'ri.


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ekuripusu wins


Cordelia gets it up for Frederick. Lucina says something depressing to Chrom. WHO SAW THAT COMING. Kellam finds TITANIA'S ASS.

Chrom/Lucina B happens because of ^. Yay!


Deployment: Lucina/Chrom, Nowi/FIGHT, Sumia/Henry, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Cherche, Anna

1: Lucina, Anna, Cherche, Cordelia, Nino to Guard. Nowi, Sumia, Miriel to Blitz. Libra to Stay.

My forces make questionable decisions and Lucina is already out. BAH

Also everything in the map is aggroed now. MOST FIGHT

2: Chrom to Stay. Guards above to Blitz, Blitzers to Guard. Libra to Guard.

Abusing the fact that guards move first to get a good wall around Chrom. Nowi rolled SPD. Cherche aggroed MR WIND MAGIC and died. Cordelia overextended and died.

3: Chrom to Blitz. Guards to Blitz, Blitzers to Guard.

Sumia went after the dudes on the beach finally. Sumia died. Henry is hilariously hard fucked now. LEFT: 7.

4: Miriel to Guard. Henry to BLITZ.


5: Chrom overridden to start going to Say'ri. Guard tactics used.

I actually used one of the presets instead of Custom so that my units' preferences would get saved. Brilliant!

6: ^

7: Miriel to Blitz.

Chrom recruits Say'ri. Everybody else is going to go grab houses.

8: cleanup

11: Miriel's bosskill.


no supports? fuck that. Gregor Second Seals at 11 to Myrmidon for shits.


oh this is gonna be a mine of xp for everybody who survives

also it's gonna be a pain in the dick because i can't blitz the boss

i'm gonna

i'm gonna have to fight the reinforcements

oh god

Deployment: Chrom/Lucina, FIGHT/Cherche, Sumia/Henry, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Nowi/Say'ri, Libra, Anna

1: Chrom, Nowi to Guard. FIGHT, Miriel to Blitz. Cordelia, Libra, Anna, Sumia, Nino to Stay.

gonna try to preserve the healers and the fliers cause bows.

2: Nino, Cordelia, Sumia to Guard.

Cordelia ALMOST bit it. Almost.

3: Libra, Anna to Guard. Cordelia to Stay.

Get healed up, reform around Chrom. I might be able to blitzkill this map!

4: Libra, Anna, Sumia, Nino to Stay.

Reinforcements are here. Won't be able to blitz the map.

5: Cordelia, Libra, Anna, Sumia, Nino to Guard.

Cordelia's out. Not sure I could have prevented it. Miriel's in a bind, but she's cleared half the reinforcements.

6: Miriel to Stay.

nobody died what the hell

7: No change.

Libra's out, but FIGHT got the bulk of the heat off of Miriel and only one Falcoknight is alive up north.

8: FIGHT, Nowi, Sumia to Blitz. Miriel to Guard.

Miriel and Gregor did their jobs and went out with a bang. FIGHT is hurt really bad but still holding on.

9: FIGHT to Guard.

Nowi's blocking the remaining bow knights. FIGHT is proceeding back to the group. Sumia should engage Cervantes momentarily.

10: No change.

Chrom and Sumia chip, Sumia finished on EP. One Bow Knight lived.


Sumia/Henry C. Nowi Second Seals to Wyvern Rider at 24 and eats an Arms Scroll. I just want to pass something not Manakete down to my kids.


Deployment: Chrom, Nowi/FIGHT, Sumia/Henry, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Anna, Lucina, Say'ri/Cherche

1: Sumia, Nowi, Miriel, Anna, Say'ri to Blitz. Chrom, Cordelia, Libra, Lucina, Nino to Stay.

Nothing really of note happened.

2: Stayers to Guard. Nowi also to Guard.

Sumia overextended mightily but she survived.

3: Sumia to Stay.

oh god sumia run away

She survived, but neither her nor Anna are feeling well. I need to battleball up.

4: Anna to Stay.

Say'ri's doing competently. The battleball is forming in the center.

5: Sumia, Anna to Blitz.


6: Anna, Say'ri to Guard.

Sumia will clean up the last enemy on the right. Everybody else is battleballed just south of the left treasure room.

...Chrom died. Instantly. To a Valkyrie.

6 take 2: ^, Chrom to Stay.

Nowi tanked it all this time.

7: Chrom to Guard.

I *may* depending on Nowi be able to blitz this map.

8: Miriel to Guard. Nowi to Blitz.

Lucina pointlessly suicides on a Valkyrie. Nowi drops the boss handily.

(with a hand axe)



Options present now: Miriel is 14 so I'm not doing Laurent's Paralogue until she has LIFETAKER. At this point, I'm pretty sure any of the others would be possible. Continue to Chapter 18 so I can get Cynthia, or get one of Nah/Morgan/Kjelle?

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Virion surges STR and SKL. Ricken gains 18 XP. Nobody cares.


predictable/10 Morgan inherits Veteran and STR+2/

Deployment: Chrom/Lucina, Sumia, Miriel/Gregor, Nino, Cordelia, Nowi/FIGHT, Libra, Cherche/Say'ri, Anna

1: Chrom, Nino, Sumia, Cherche to Guard. Nowi, Miriel to Blitz. Cordelia, Libra, Anna to Stay.

standard issue

morgan got tinked by the first myrm to attack her

she 1hkod the thief near her start

2: Morgan to Blitz.

Overrode Nowi to get FIGHT to talk to Morgan.

Miriel got Lifetaker.

3: Miriel to Stay. Sumia, Cordelia, Cherche to Blitz.


4: No change.

Overrode Anna to go for some l00t.

5: No change.

Fort staff, meh. Cordy accidentally blocks a reinforcement.

6: No change.

Sumia goes for the boss kill but can't quite nail it. Cherche takes the glory.


Chrom/Sumia B. FIGHT/Nowi/Morgan free Cs. Miriel would Second Seal out but the place that sells them is presently blocked by a skirmish.


Kjelle inherited Discipline (sully's like level 4) and Aether.

Deployment: Chrom/Lucina, Morgan/FIGHT, Sumia/Frederick, Nino, Cordelia, Nowi/Cherche, Libra, Anna/Say'ri

1: Chrom, Sumia, Nowi, Morgan to Blitz. Anna, Cherche, Nino to Guard. Cordelia, Libra to Stay.

I'm gonna try this two ways. First way is make super ballers and hope they clear fast enough. Second way is going to be to pair next to nobody, hoping that extra bodies means faster clears. Gotta get to Kjelle ASAP.

2: Cordelia, Libra to Guard.

This is where everything either does or does not fall apart.

Sumia rushed the door and started clearing. Good news!

3: No change.

Team is mad clearing now.

4: No change.

Overrode Chrom to move him towards Kjelle, since there's nothing in his range. Overrode Sumia to open the door. Sumia picked up Galeforce on the EP. Kjelle is losing her duel.

5: No change.

Overrode Chrom to rush for Kjelle.

6: Kjelle to Guard.

Overrode Chrom to talk to Kjelle.


11: All non-Chrom to Stay.

It's tradition: Cassius betrays Kjelle's sense of honor, so her dad and big sister show up to pound him into dirt. I love it.


Chrom/Sully/Lucina/Kjelle free Cs. Nowi/Cherche C? I didn't know they had a support.

i don't feel like playing until the skirmish over the mila tree goes away now

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3: Miriel to Stay. Sumia, Cordelia, Cherche to Blitz.


I wasn't aware that Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders were Mutalisks and Guardians.

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(note: last sc i played was 1, before brood war)


Donnel and Panne get boners. Ricken gains 14 XP. Panne/Donnel C.

The skirmish over the Mila Tree still isn't clear but I want to get Nah on her birthday so WHATEVER. I can buy Second Seals here after I get her anyway.


Nah inherited Veteran and Strength +2.

Deployment: Chrom/Lucina, Morgan/FIGHT, Sumia/Frederick, Nino, Cordelia, Nowi/Cherche, Libra, Anna, Say'ri

1: Chrom, Sumia, Nowi, Morgan to Blitz. Say'ri, Anna, Libra, Nino, Cordelia to Guard.

2: No change.

silly paralogue 16

Cordelia got nailed by a siege tome and is now under half. CORDY!

3: Chrom to Guard.

Sumia and only Sumia charges, oddly.

4: Chrom to Stay.

Overrode Nowi to go for Nah.

5: Chrom, Nah, Sumia to Guard.

Charmingly, a General attacked Cordelia for dual guard, tink, tink, and Chrom assist for a tink.

6: Chrom, Cordelia, Libra to Stay.

I am now unsure how to proceed in this map.

7: Sumia, Nowi to Guard. Morgan to Blitz.


8: No change.

9: No change.

maneuvering shit to the holes in the wall sucks

10: Morgan to Guard. Sumia, Nowi to Blitz.

Cordelia died. Morgan and Nowi and Nino all cut it close.

11: Sumia, Nowi to Stay. Libra, Chrom to Guard.

The south room guys are clear and the walls are blocking the bulk of the second hall guys. This is looking doable.

12: Sumia, Nowi to Guard. Chrom to Stay.

Nino makes a weird choice but everything's ok.

13: No change.

Nino's out. Her weird choice bit her in the ass. There's many fight to be had now.

14: Chrom to Guard.

Nowi makes a fucked up weird choice and ALMOST dies but fortunately Libra is in the spout.

15: No change.

counter oh god

Sumia makes a really weird choice (noticing a pattern?) with Galeforce and dies for it.

16: Chrom to Stay. Frederick to Guard.

Overrode Anna to get her to the treasure.

17: ^

18: Chrom to Guard.

Back to making progress!


23: Fuck this, he said, and manually opened the door with Anna.

Frederick died to the siege tome. Nice.


27: Fuck this, he said, and manually opened the second door with Anna.


30: Opened the last door with Anna. Anna perished in the attempt. Libra's out too.

31: No change.

Say'ri's out.

32: No change.

Chrom and Morgan both killed themselves on the Counterer. :|

32-2: Chrom, Morgan, Nah to Blitz.

Chrom killed himself on the Counterer.

32-3: Chrom to Blitz.

Chrom killed himself on the Counterer. FUCK'S SAKE

32-4: Chrom, Nowi to Blitz.

Morgan suicided and the Counterer decided to kill Nah instead of Chrom.

CURRENT UNIT TALLY: Chrom/Lucina, FIGHT, Nowi/Cherche.

33: Chrom to Stay. NOWI and FIGHT to FUCK.

FIGHT and NOWI FUCK things

Nowi: I'm so strong, I don't have to try anymore!


I buy 8 Second Seals. I don't know how many I needed, but I bought 8. Chrom/Lucina A. Nah/Nowi/FIGHT/Morgan free Cs. HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY NAH: surged SKL and DEF, gained 13 XP, found ORSIN'S HATCHET. Worth it. Nowi ate a Second Seal at 14 and went back to Manakete. I want my dragon army, dammit. Sumia reclassed at 17 to Great Knight. Miriel reclassed at 15 to Valkyrie (why the hell not). The place that sells el-magic is blocked by a skirmish. I mad.

OKAY back to the drawing board. Laurent or volcano? After volcano, go for Tiki (DRAGON ARMY) or Cynthia (CYNTHIA)?

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I say go for Laurent, after Volcano go for Tiki :D

Also I've only played SC1 and Broodwar [loved being Protoss or Terran not zerg so much]

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19 XP to Lissa. Aversa's Night for Sumia! 10 XP to Gregor.


Deployment: Sumia, Nino, Cordelia, Nowi/Cherche, Anna, Say'ri, Morgan/Chrom, Nah/FIGHT, Miriel

1: Sumia, Nino, Libra, Anna, Miriel to Guard. Nah, Morgan, Nowi to Blitz. Laurent, Cordelia to Stay.

Recruited Laurent and threw Say'ri on his back.

2: Laurent to Guard.



5: No change.


Didn't bother with the villages, frankly.


Nowi/Cherche B. Laurent/Miriel/Gregor free Cs. Laurent Second Sealed to Dark Mage.


Deployment: Essentially the same. Sub Say'ri for Laurent and tag Miriel onto him.

1: Laurent, Sumia, Nino, Libra, Anna, Miriel to Guard. Nah, Morgan, Nowi to Blitz. Chrom, Cordelia to Stay.


how is that smart

2: Chrom, Cordelia to Guard.

Laurent nearly died to the lava. Everybody piled into the lava to heal everybody who took damage from the lava. Oh, dear.

3: No change.

Everybody piled into the lava to ...:|

this is going to be fun

at least my ketes are free

til: lava can't kill people quite

4: No change.

Presently, everybody who is not a Manakete is in lava.

5: No change.


6: No change.

I guess if I put everybody to Stay they might leave? Fuck it. The dragons can win alone.

7: No change.

this map :|

8: No change.

Everybody escaped the lava! Morgan absolutely fucks Yen'fay.

9: No change.

Yen'fay doubles Nowi but tinks her. Yen'fay Astras Morgan and dies anyway.


FIGHT/Nah B. Morgan reclasses at 30 to Manakete.


This map is going to blow.

Deployment: Identical except no pairs.

1: Chrom to Stay. Everybody else to Blitz.

We're gonna try this one way.


3: Everybody to Guard.

...wait tiki doesn't have to survive?


6: Chrom died.

1 take 2: Same, but FIGHT/Chrom and everybody to Guard straight off.


6: Remaining units: FIGHT/Chrom, Nowi, Nah, Morgan.

they're in the fucking walls holy shit

Oh. You don't get Tiki if she dies.


I definitely NEED Cynthia for this - a second Galeforcer would be irreplaceable. So Tiki's out for now. RESTARTING TO BEFORE PARALOGUE 17

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Nah finds a Sweet Tincture! Never got one of those. Don't even know what it does. Sully gets a scandalous boner for Vaike. Anna surges MAG and SKL AND gets FIGHT goin'.


Cynthia inherited Galeforce and Luna.

Deployment: Chrom, Nah/FIGHT, Morgan, Nowi/Cherche, Cordelia, Libra, Sumia, Anna, Nino, Laurent/Miriel. Gonna have to make these bitches bad as hell if I'm going to autobattle my way to Tiki.

1: Chrom, Sumia, Laurent to Guard. Nowi, Morgan, Nah to Blitz. Nino, Cordelia, Libra, Anna to Stay.

The team collectively makes a questionable decision. Cordelia dies. I want to see if I can pull this off now, without killing Cynthia.

2: Stayers to Guard.

Cynthia kills Nino and then Galeforces onto Laurent and dies. Pity.

1 take 2: Ditto above, but Chrom to Stay and Sumia to Blitz.

Morgan is stupid.

2: Chrom, Nino, Libra to Guard. Sumia to Stay.

There's nothing even fair about this. Cynthia kills Libra and then Galeforces onto Cordelia who's too incompetent to kill her!

3: Cynthia to Guard.

Sumia recruits her darling and piles onto her back. Gogogo!

4: Cordelia, Anna to Guard.

forgot to do this last turn. oh well.

5: I broke the rules. Ruger thought he'd get away so I threw Cordelia onto Morgan's back to ensure that he didn't, just because screw him. You'll all forgive me, of course.


Cynthia/Sumia/Frederick free Cs. Miriel/Laurent B, Sumia/Cordelia C. Transcribing from the SF Skype Chat (since it looks like i'll be gunning for all the kids):

Libra/Tharja (esme)

Donnel/Panne (sb)

Vaike/Cherche (also sb)

Stahl/Cordelia (horace)

Henry/Olivia (pkl)

Ricken/Maribelle (sb the third)

Lon'qu/Lissa (horace again)

now how the hell do i pair them successfully on autobattle


Deployment: Chrom, FIGHT, Nino, Nowi, Sumia, Cordelia/Stahl, Laurent/Miriel, Libra/Tharja, Cherche/Vaike, Anna, Nah

1: Nowi, Libra, Cherche, Nah to Blitz. Anna to Stay. Else: Guard.


2: Chrom to Stay. Anna to Guard.

Cherche and Libra die.


how do you the readers suggest i get the kids within parameters because there is no way i'm going to be able to make cordelia consistently fight (for support points) and not die (losing all her support points).

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how do you the readers suggest i get the kids within parameters because there is no way i'm going to be able to make cordelia consistently fight (for support points) and not die (losing all her support points).

1. Go to one of the stupidly easy DLCs.

2. Forge a 1 MT Bronze Lance.

3. Cordelia solo.

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It's way more efficient that waiting for barracks boners.

omg your idea is the best

OKAY next time I have free time I'll just run Leonardo's Spotpass team repeatedly.

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OKAY like a whole day of grinding Edward later my pairings are done. I kept all the primary (read: anybody who will ever be deployed in the future) dudes unarmed for the trip so nobody who has been deployed in the last like 8 chapters gained any XP. I was rather proud of it.

PEOPLE now vote on the order in which I do kid chapters. I've got Kjelle, Morgan, Nah, Laurent, and Cynthia. All the others are open.

EDIT: Oh yeah:


Nothing, Nowi/Frederick boner (waifu wai ;~;), nothing, nothing, nothing.

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How about Severa, Gerome, Owain, Yarne, Inigo, Noire, then Brady

(Since I don't have the game I do not know how difficult this order would be)

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