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Quick Question About Text Editing in FEditor Adv


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So, necessary information:

Doing a balance hack for FE8; so far, the only thing I've done is used Nightmare to balance class stats, item stats, etc., along with one unit in one chapter (from a fighter to a summoner, purely for testing purposes).

I'm changing the class text for the summoner class, but I noticed when I checked the debug screen on FEditor Adv that the CHECKSUM was not right, which was causing my game to crash when I tried to view the summoner text in-game after editing it on FEditor Adv. Looking at an old thread, I managed to fix it manually by using HxD to delete and replace the last four bytes, but the problem still persists.

Right now, the debugging screen upon loading of the program is this:



VERSION: 20111222.1

However, when I load the Text Editor program, I get an extra line:

class Model.TextArray: not relocated

I assume that this is the problem, but I'm not sure what's going on or why it's doing it. If anybody can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated. So far, the ROM does work, and I have a backup or two; I've been smart enough not to screw around with the ROM, especially in HxD.

EDIT: I'm not dumping; I'm simply editing the text, applying the changes, exiting the Editor, and then saving.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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revert to a backup from before you started using feditor, the one that gave you the bad checksum message in the first place

save your rom without changing anything, then try again

continue to follow this pattern for everything else you do

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revert to a backup from before you started using feditor, the one that gave you the bad checksum message in the first place

save your rom without changing anything, then try again

continue to follow this pattern for everything else you do

What do you think happened, anyways?

EDIT: Making ANY change to classes on Nightmare causes the CHECKSUM message -- only the pure, ORIGINAL ROM avoids the CHECKSUM error message.

Which means what? I can't edit text after using Nightmare at all?

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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feditor does that

probably just wrote some data in a bad place or didn't apply an autopatch (if it has to do with text i would assume anti-huffman) properly


you don't understand what feditor does

nightmare is literally a hex editor, feditor determines the checksum by doing the equivalent of adding up the entire bytes in the ROM (it does not do this exactly but it would take too long to explain the exact procedure). if you change anything then the checksum is changed.

do as i said and save your ROM in feditor before editing your ROM with feditor and it should fix the problem

Edited by CT075
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feditor does that

probably just wrote some data in a bad place or didn't apply an autopatch (if it has to do with text i would assume anti-huffman) properly


you don't understand what feditor does

nightmare is literally a hex editor, feditor determines the checksum by doing the equivalent of adding up the entire bytes in the ROM (it does not do this exactly but it would take too long to explain the exact procedure). if you change anything then the checksum is changed.

do as i said and save your ROM in feditor before editing your ROM with feditor and it should fix the problem

I misunderstood your original post. Did as you said, and it worked wonderfully. Working myself into hacking, and I really do appreciate taking the time to help me. :D

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