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About Naga and Grima...


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More specifically, Grima.

It's pretty strongly hinted at during the game that Marth at some point in history sealed away Grima. So this brings up the question:

Are Grima and Medeus the same thing? Just different names for the same evil dragon?

By the presence of Tiki, it's obvious that Naga is the same dragon-god-thing that's been around since Marth's time.

For that matter, there's a similar question: Are Mila and Naga the same thing? Evidence being that the Valm/Valencia continent all worships Naga instead of Mila, and Tiki is chilling in the Mila Tree.

Is there any concrete evidence for them being the same, or is it all just hints and speculation?

Edited by Chaotix
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It's pretty strongly hinted at during the game that Marth at some point in history sealed away Grima.

Nope, it's someone else.

Marth and Medeus ---> 1000 years later ---> First Holy King ("Exalt") seals Grima ---> 1000 years later ---> Game

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Mila and Naga are not the same. Mila and Duma were twin deities who presided over Valm while it was still known as Valencia. However, emperor Rudolph sealed Mila within in the Falchion before the events of Gaiden. At the end of Gaiden, Alm used the Falchion to defeat Duma. On his defeat, Duma conceded that Alm was worthy of ruling Valencia in his and Mila's stead. Unless IS did some serious retconning that I'm not aware of, it seems highly unlikely that Mila and Naga are one and the same.

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I wish Loptous was in this game. I figured out how the next FE one ups this one. In the last chapter, you get control over a team of mile long dragons vs another team of mile long dragons amist a thunderstorm during a super volcano eruption.

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