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ITT Trivial disappointments

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I myself lament that the closest character to produce a true twin-tail red hair Tsundere (outside of Avatar) is Ricken x Cordelia, FFS. Wtf IS?

Edit: And just to make sure this doesn't completely sound centered to only relationship issues,

Why do we have to move to select locations to purchase an item? Can't there be a shop that follows us around, gaining new weapons per chapter? I mean, who the hell wants to fight a skirmish in order to get access of a shop if the skirmish is at that shop location?

Edited by Khan of Blades
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Having to constantly re-parley with SpotPass teams to get items, now I can fully understand not letting you get 234x Strength Drops in a StreetPass team, but you can continue to parley/fight SpotPass teams to your heart's content, so why not just let you get as many of the items as you wish?

The fact that the male character's personality completely vanishes when in a conversation with his child is rather annoying and that the lines are scripted and only barely modified between characters.

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Welp, time to pair Ricken/Cordelia for Severa's beautiful red hair...as close as it can be, anyway.

Chrom/Sumia was pretty disappointing.

You mean the whole thing being about pies? Yeah, that's pretty ..... um.... yeah.

And why not, I like having skirmishes 'cos it's still some kinda exp!

Oh, uh... disappointments.... uhhh... well, I'm not entirely sure if it's possible 'cos I don't remember what level was Chrom when I got Morgan, but it'd be nice if Morgan could learn Aether too! He didn't learn a thing from Chrom!

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Oh, uh... disappointments.... uhhh... well, I'm not entirely sure if it's possible 'cos I don't remember what level was Chrom when I got Morgan, but it'd be nice if Morgan could learn Aether too! He didn't learn a thing from Chrom!

Chrom's son, including Morgan, will always get Rightful King from him.

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Over all I have two problems:

1. Hate for the fact that most of the DLC arts have a different coloration for their outfits. Roy for example, has a black outfit. You recruit him and he's with the generic blue. There goes $2.50 of expectations. Also aside from marth I really wish the DLC had Custom faces to look like their originals. Micaiah does NOT have a ponytail.

2. Genericness. Well whatever, they couldn't or wouldn't make specialized children quotes for the fathers or Morgan's other parent. I mean certain dialogues will change barely like Laurent's C support, But It's a darn shame that my parent-child support with Severa is near point for point with anyone else aside from maybe Donnel's accent.

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DLC characters are the only real major disappointment for me. :/ Why should I pay $2.50 for a character I can make myself, or recruit from SpotPass for free? They had better improve this for FE14, otherwise I won't bother with that waste of money. You don't get lazy if you want people to buy these characters.

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Agreed on loss of custom colors and hell, character bodies upon promotion.

Henry as any Warrior-class character was comical and horrifying at once. That pale little noggin on a hulking, tan body...what is that even.

Also now that I'm finally playing a male MU, the lack of differences in the conversations I've seen so far is a bit of a letdown. I'm not sure how these things become more than platonic when it's the same conversations...

Edited by blizzara
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Chrom's son, including Morgan, will always get Rightful King from him.

Oops. Meant I was hoping for like, Rightful King and Aether, but I guess that'd be too much to ask for.

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No sexy characters :(

Tiki snd Aversa are close though. Damn you ESRB.

What is this post. Awakening has more fanservice and T&A than any other game in the series. If anything, it needed to tone it down on "sexy characters" because I find it very hard to take this game seriously partly due to the outrageous character designs.

I have nothing to say about the actual topic because all of my disappointments are non-trivial.

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Yeah, having no actual redheaded men outside of Gangrel; what if I want redheaded kids that aren't Morgan, huh? Now I'm torn between giving Severa her pretty red pigtails or making her look even more like Miku when I get around to marrying Cordelia.

Also that all non-awakening characters are just MUs. Understandable for Spotpass legacy characters, but you couldn't make the DLC characters more unique?

Edited by Miscellany
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Yeah, having no actual redheaded men outside of Gangrel; what if I want redheaded kids that aren't Morgan, huh? Now I'm torn between giving Severa her pretty red pigtails or making her look even more like Miku when I get around to marrying Cordelia.

Also that all non-awakening characters are just MUs. Understandable for Spotpass legacy characters, but you couldn't make the DLC characters more unique?

give Avatar red hair

you can even give Severa her pretty red hair then gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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i was disappointed that the spotpass story characters had such limited support options, and that the children characters seemed to exist in a vacuum and would only really support themselves. it's ridiculous that Emmeryn can't support with her siblings, and i want Owain and Vaike to support dammit! lol

and as far as DLC content goes, i was disappointed that they were just overglorified spotpass legacy characters. i didn't necessarily want them to support with in-game characters (although it would have been awesome if they did), but at least have them you know, have unique models and portraits and not just a generic model and the official art as the portrait. and they really did miss an awesome opportunity with the DLC characters by not having them have supports. it could have really brought together the plot and elaborated on the connection between the different FE titles. i mean, assuming you buy all the DLC, it's like you bought two games, ya know?

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No sexy characters :(

Tiki snd Aversa are close though. Damn you ESRB.

This game is filled with cuties, hotties and sexies

a dream come true for people like myself ♪

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