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An Unfinished Radical Class-Tree


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If you want to have a lower class for the preformer role the closest I can think of would be...

Entertainer(performer w/ no offense) (promoting to either)-->

-dancer(gets swords but weak at combat)-->Blade dancer(able to fight effectively in combat "art of combat type")

-Singer(no combat abilities has more support options stat boosts, removing status effects ect )-->Song master?(more support options/movement ?)

-Bard(gains magic but)-->Scope(hope I spelled it right...)(would have good magic stats but weaker than a sage type

-Actor(gains staves?)-->illusionist?(better at staves?)

This is the best I could think of... any other weapons wouldn't fit the role obviously they would have to stay frail defensibly

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I went ahead and added Marauder to my list of possible names.

If you want to have a lower class for the preformer role the closest I can think of would be...

Entertainer(performer w/ no offense) (promoting to either)-->

-dancer(gets swords but weak at combat)-->Blade dancer(able to fight effectively in combat "art of combat type")

-Singer(no combat abilities has more support options stat boosts, removing status effects ect )-->Song master?(more support options/movement ?)

-Bard(gains magic but)-->Scope(hope I spelled it right...)(would have good magic stats but weaker than a sage type

-Actor(gains staves?)-->illusionist?(better at staves?)

This is the best I could think of... any other weapons wouldn't fit the role obviously they would have to stay frail defensibly

Well, now I'm thinking the entertainer trainee class wouldn't work well with the way I'm hoping things would work.

My current concept for the actor class is a little rough and doesn't really feel like an "actor", but it's basically an unarmed unit that cannot attack. It's class skill would be Nihil (I'm thinking each class would probably have 1 skill, instead of Awakening's 2). Actually, it would probably be a modified version of Nihil that would have a weaker version of Counter built in. It could be called Domination, maybe. If the Counter-Nihil skill were indeed the one to be used, then "Actors" would be able to initiate combat despite not having a weapon - they would not be able to actually attack, of course, though.

They would be a little useless until you can get them to promote or reclass, and training them would be difficult, but once you manage to get them into another class, their skill would be rather powerful. Sort of like Donnel, in a way.

So I'm not sue if actor is the best name for them, or illusionist. And I'd prefer to avoid Mesmer, because that feels like too direct of a Guild Wars reference.

Opinions on that class idea (and slingers)?


And regarding dancers, bards, etc - remember that I'm proposing that all classes be able to be mounted. I don't think that would work well with dancers. So they'd be replaced with bards, as has been done in a few titles. I figure they might have various instruments available to them, each with a different effect. There'd be one basic one that just lets the other unit move again, and various others that would add special effects, such as increasing defense for a turn or something. Possible instruments could include lutes, flutes, lyres... maybe even accordion (that would be awesome).

Edit 2:

I've decided that Nihil might be a little overpowered, so here's my new idea of the "actor" skill:

Interrupts (or blocks) the enemy's attack and reflects any damage you would have acquired back at them. Activation chance would be something like skill/4 or something along those lines. It could potentially be luck or speed instead of skill. Whatever stat is used for it, however, would have a fairly high base in this class, but when they promote or change classes, the stat would go down to more normal levels. This way they're not totally useless as this class, and not totally OP once they get out of this class.

Edited by Crixler
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Honestly I don't think adding "slingers would bring anything to the game so I will have to say no... On the other hand I don't think classes+skills works all that great as you end up w/ some over the top skill set characters and some useless skills... Though awakening could be called a success so it is viable to base a skill system off of...(does feel unfinished though but we aren't talking about that)

still not digging your bard class skill can't see interrupting attacks be a skill for them...

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Honestly I don't think adding "slingers would bring anything to the game so I will have to say no... On the other hand I don't think classes+skills works all that great as you end up w/ some over the top skill set characters and some useless skills... Though awakening could be called a success so it is viable to base a skill system off of...(does feel unfinished though but we aren't talking about that)

still not digging your bard class skill can't see interrupting attacks be a skill for them...

That skill was for the actor, not the bard. The bard is pretty much a normal bard/dancer.

Regarding slingers, I sort of agree. I like them in theory, but I don't think they could really be made distinct enough from bow-classes. So I'll probably drop them. Dropping them makes the third class web a bit more difficult, though.

Regarding skill systems, I haven't played the Tellius games in a long time, and I've never really played the Jugdral games. I was under the influence that class-based skills were in those as well, though, and not just Awakening. Am I mistaken?

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That skill was for the actor, not the bard. The bard is pretty much a normal bard/dancer.

Regarding slingers, I sort of agree. I like them in theory, but I don't think they could really be made distinct enough from bow-classes. So I'll probably drop them. Dropping them makes the third class web a bit more difficult, though.

Regarding skill systems, I haven't played the Tellius games in a long time, and I've never really played the Jugdral games. I was under the influence that class-based skills were in those as well, though, and not just Awakening. Am I mistaken?

I haven't played the Jurgal games ether but the Tellius skills were scroll based in FE 10 scrolls could even be equiped and disequiped from charecters alowing you to transfer a skill from one charecter to another... There was a class based element limited to the mastery skills which could only be obtained by using an Occult scroll in FE 9 or by reaching a 3rd Tier class in FE 10... Perhaps it is the mastery skills you were thinking of? (The skill you mentioned defiantly sounds like a mastery type in its OPness..)

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I haven't played the Jurgal games ether but the Tellius skills were scroll based in FE 10 scrolls could even be equiped and disequiped from charecters alowing you to transfer a skill from one charecter to another... There was a class based element limited to the mastery skills which could only be obtained by using an Occult scroll in FE 9 or by reaching a 3rd Tier class in FE 10... Perhaps it is the mastery skills you were thinking of? (The skill you mentioned defiantly sounds like a mastery type in its OPness..)

Ah. Yeah, that's more or less how I was thinking it worked, except I forgot that the only class-based ones were the mastery skills.

I'm mostly basing mine off of Awakening's skill system, though. There could maybe be a few scrolls, but skills would not be transferable.

Out of curiosity, how is the skills I described OP, though? It would have the same chance of activating as lethality, and it has what I would view as an inferior effect. If this is OP, then so is lethality.

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I hope this bump is okay, but I've updated the class web.


I decided to just drop the actor and slinger classes, since I wasn't completely sure what I wanted to do with them, and reception of them wasn't great.

And I moved a few classes around a bit.

Druid - Witch Doctor got switched with Sorcerer - Warlock.

Aggressor was renamed Dreadnought.

Deceiver is now Rogue, and traded places with Trickster.

Bards have been integrated into the third web.

The archer and hunter lines were switched around.

... I think that's it, other than all three webs being combined into a single image.

An explanation for the bard promotions:

I'm thinking the way this will work is that the bard will function as a barebones bard/dancer type class. No weapons, all it does is let units move again.

Then it can promote into "Skald", and gain access to bows. Or it can promote to "Citharode", and gain access to various different instruments that would provide various different extra effects when they play for another unit.

I'm a bit worried that "Citharode" and "Rhapsode" might be a bit exotic sounding names. Maybe Citharode could be changed to Minstrel.

I'm also not tremendously sure if "Warden" fits its role very well, I mainly just kept the name from the previous version of the tree, before it overlapped with bards.

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I like this class tree well done :) pitty no one had comented before...

nice symmetry too... :)

only name I don't see flowing is master mage... It lacks somthing... don't know what... (maybe wizard just sounds cooler?)

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Four dark magic final promotes seems a little much, unless sorcerer is primary anima. I also agree with master mage sounding, eh...

But anyways, really awesome, you've put some great thought into this. *claps*

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Four dark magic final promotes seems a little much, unless sorcerer is primary anima. I also agree with master mage sounding, eh...

But anyways, really awesome, you've put some great thought into this. *claps*

I really dislike Master Mage myself. I just don't have any better ideas for names. Definitely open to suggestions!

And Sorcerer isn't really primary anima or dark. It'd depend on what they're going up against and player preference, I guess.

Why do you think 4 dark magic users is too much, out of curiosity? Do you feel the same way about 4 anima users, or 4 light users?

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I always just thought dark magic users should be less common given that in most FE's, the ability to use dark magic is rare and coveted by the player.

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I always just thought dark magic users should be less common given that in most FE's, the ability to use dark magic is rare and coveted by the player.

This is the class tree he could make it such that most DM users would have to be promoted from non DM trees if he wanted which would satisfy that want but I don't think H eshould have to limit them... (assuming balence there shouldn't be that big of a problem...(and 2-3 users isn't a problem right?)

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I always just thought dark magic users should be less common given that in most FE's, the ability to use dark magic is rare and coveted by the player.

Hmm. Well, if different class promotions were to use specialized seals, rather than master seals, then that could be remedied by making the necessary seals for a monk or mage to become a dark magic user very rare, and having maybe only one recruitable unit with access to shaman.

Though I prefer the master seal system, myself. Dark magic usability is relatively common in Awakening, and I don't really think there's anything wrong with that.

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