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Critical Battle Cry!

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Basically, what battle cry's do you guys like when characters get a critical?

For me, my favorite would have to be Owain's "Hand, Hungers!" Another would be Noire's, infact I think I like all of hers. Oh, and Chrom's isn't too shabby either "You're end has come!" Makes it ever more epic saying that when he uses aether and gets a critical on it

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Owain: CAN'T...CONTROL!!!!!


....If you can't tell, I love Henry and his crits.... XD

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Cynthia: "This is the end, friend!"

Nah: "It's squashin' time!"

Inigo: "This is your last dance!"


Henry: "I'm gonna kill you!"

.....yeah, I seem to prefer the children character's quotes overall

edit: oh yeah, how could i forget Freddy's "Pick a god and pray!"

Edited by shadykid
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Owain: "Hand... Hungers!"

Lon'qu: "How well will you die?!"

Virion: "DIE! With magnificence!"

Frederick: "Pick a god and pray!"

Lucina: "I challenge my fate!"

Gangrel: "Beg for your life!"

Virion: "Shall I make you, famous?"

Edited by Zelos
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I only play with Japanese voices on, and I think I can understand what some characters are saying. But I'm still a first year student, so I might be hearing some of the crit battle cries incorrectly. 8U Feel free to correct me if I get something wrong, seriously, I'd welcome corrections.

Chrom: 運命を変える! 本気でいくぞ! 俺は負けん!

Lucina: 運命を変えます! 私は負けません! 本気でいきます!

Henry: 楽しいな~ あははは! 

Miriel and Laurent: じゃまです。

Olivia: ごめんなさいいいいい! 見ないでください!!

That's about all I can think of on top of my head. 8U I like a lot of the Japanese crit voices, but these are the only few I can write down with a bit of certainty.

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From what I remember

Frederick - "Pick a god and pray!"

Henry - "I'm gonna kill you!"

Gerome - "Embrace your fate!"

Yarne - "Don't mess with a bunny!"

Lucina - “Hope will never die!”

Gaius - "Piece of cake!"

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Henry (in a happy voice) "Go die~"

And there's the memetic


Chrom "I'm DEMON BLADE!"

Is that what he is saying 8U well

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Got a few more.


Noire "Better go to the afterworld!"


Tiki "Bye bye"

(This coming from her sounds quite cute)

That's pretty much it. There are other non-critical battle cries that I probably like more than the critical ones.

Dammit Japanese. Just... damn your homonyms.

A good number of Japanese memes are based on this, you know. Too much, I'd say. Given how the language works, it's all too easy to run into homonyms anyway.

There's one 2ch joke that I remember roughly as this:

Owain "Hey, Chrom! How are you holding up? Do you have any splendid names for you weapons? I mean, if you're my uncle..."

Chrom "..."

Owain "Not a word, huh? Guess you aren't the type to do that. Sorry if I both-"


Owain " :awesome: "

Is that what he is saying 8U well

No. "I won't lose" is its intended meaning.

The demon blade thing is just a Japanese meme based on the fact that his line can be misterpreted as such.

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A good number of Japanese memes are based on this, you know. Too much, I'd say. Given how the language works, it's all too easy to run into homonyms anyway.

Which is why puns are a big thing over there, I'm guessing. The language is just naturally punny.

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No. "I won't lose" is its intended meaning.

The demon blade thing is just a Japanese meme based on the fact that his line can be misterpreted as such.

Ohh. Okay, gotcha. Now that I get it, that's so hilarious. XD; but then I'm a sucker for puns.

Hah, another one I like is what both Tharja and Libra say: Sayonara...

It's what made me official decide to pair them up in my file.

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Noire: "To the abyss with you!"

Vaike: "Yeah. I rule."

Chrom: "Your end has come."

Maribelle: "I promise you, this will hurt."

Lon'qu: "Be silent!"

Lon'qu: "Who dies next?"

Cordelia: "I must prevail."

Anna: All of them. They're all funny as fuck.

Anna: "Come again."

Anna(After getting healed) "You get a discount."

Anna: "Violence is on sale today."

Anna: "Another satisfied customer."


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ok I will try to name all of them in no order

Chrom "Your end has come!"

Avatar "Checkmate!"

Lissa "Clear a path everyone!"

Frederick "Pick a god and pray!"

Miriel "Begone, foul miscreation! "

Gaius "Like candy from a babe!" "What a cupcake!"

Anna "Sold!" "Cha-ching!" "Ready to get gouged?" "I make deep cuts!"

Cherche "Rest in pieces!"

Henry "Have some death!" "Special delivery!" "I'm gonna kill you!"

Lucina "I challenge my fate!"

Inigo "This is your last dance!"

Morgan "Game over!"


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"DONT MESS WITH A BUNNY!" always gets me laughing. It's so good. Avatar's "Time to tip the scales" and pretty much everything Noire says is gold too. Not to mention Olivia yelling "STOP STARING" as she activates Lethality on something.

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Not to mention Olivia yelling "STOP STARING" as she activates Lethality on something.

It does really bug some people when she says that when she is wearing see through clothing.

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