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Return of the Emblem Paralogue One: The Travelers


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Jamilla walked swiftly through the crowds as she headed to the town exit. Her arms were crossed over her body, clearly upset over Alphonse's story. She didn't even stop when she heard her name called. She heard Alphy's explanation and wasn’t satisfied. He didn’t get it. And so, the dancer turned around to face the hero.

“Look at me,” she said to Alphy, holding back angry tears. “Who do you see? Me, or a ghost? Is that why you follow me around? For redemption?!”

Jam took a few breaths to calm herself before continuing.

“I don’t blame you for what you did. But I won’t be caged away so you can feel good about yourself. And I certainly won’t be a replacement for anyone!”

A couple tears started to run down her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away as she continued to face Alphonse.

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"You aren't some replacement for that girl, something like my atonement for what I did to her..... you're.... you, Jamilla, my friend. A really cute girl with a cheerful personality, innocent, pure. That's why I want to protect you! You're something beautiful in this ugly world of people like me." Alphonse tried to explain, angry with himself for causing the girl to cry. Reaching forward the swordsman brushed away a few of her tears.

"I don't want to cage you away Jam... I want to be able to show just how amazing the world can be, together we can go anywhere, do anything, but even then I can't stop wanting to keep you safe."

He gave a sigh "Just... if you want to hate me go ahead, but I don't want to stop protecting you, you're one of my precious people...."
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There still seemed to be some time before departure, so Circe decided it might be for the best to go into town, perhaps see if she could find anything of her own to purchase for the upcoming trip. She didn't make it terribly far before the familiar voices caught her ear.

"Fighting already? You two lovebirds really that flighty, or did Mr. White Knight decide to cop a feel or something?" She asked, interjecting into the conversation. The atmosphere seemed pretty tense, so the magic user made sure that she was ready to cast or defend if need be.

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As Jamilla heard what Alphonse thought of her, she started to feel a little better. It turned out he wanted the same things as she did: a friend to explore the world with. As the hero caught the tears across her face, she looked up to his face. The anger melted away from hers and she soon broke the silence.

“So…you think I’m cute?”

Her sassiness had clearly returned. It was at that moment that Circe showed up. Jam giggled at the comment before changing the subject entirely, wiping her eyes to help change the mood.

“So, is our happy chariot up and running again? I could use a change in scenery.”

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"I uh...." Realizing exactly what he had just said to describe the girl a small blush formed on Al's face. "Well, yes I do?"

Thankfully before he had to say anything else Circe had shown up from nearly nowhere it felt like, asking if everything was okay in that smartassy way that she normally did.

"Everything is fine Circe, there was just a little misunderstanding that's been resolved. You'll be happy to know though that was found another recruit, she's a dancer like Jam that can use a healing stave."

"Happy chariot is a full go Jam, the two of us are gonna take the world by storm!" Patting his shorter companion on the head.

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"A-are we going to the wagon? I need to get a couple of things from my room..." Aubri's brow had been furrowed since the other dancer ran out in a huff. "Wait here for a minute, alright, Shaun? I'll be back in just a minute." She stood up from the bar, thinking to herself as she walked up the stairs toward the room she was renting out.

"That guy, I swear..." She mumbled to herself, walking up the stairs. Why'd he have to tell a story like that, in front of everyone? She shook her head. I wonder if he's even telling the truth, or if he's just trying to take advantage of her...

Aubri put the key to her room into the lock, unlocking the door and taking a fairly large pack, slinging it over her back. "Lessee, I think that's all..." Her eyes swept over the small room one last time before she left and locked up. I'm kind of worried about her, really... Her mind continued to wander as she headed back down the stairs toward the bar. I'll keep a bit of an eye out on her, maybe. I don't know what he was thinking, blabbing like that...

"Alright, I'm checking out!" She announced as she arrived back down at the bar; she tossed her room key, landing it with a soft clink on the bar just in front of the bartender. "Shaun, you ready?" She asked him, gesturing towards the door. "I'm not sure where your wagon is, so I'll just follow you, hm~?"

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"Another dancer, really? You sure love raking 'em in, don't you, Al?" Circe shot back, wondering just how this guy managed to find such an alarming amount of scantily clad women. Not bothering to comment further until the man walked over to the small dancer girl and began patting her on the head, which caused Circe to roll her eyes.

"Perverts..." she mumbled under her breath, not interfering further... if this girl was gonna get herself in that kind of situation, well maybe she needed a life lesson.

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It was more of the usual for a little while, then Alphonse tried to explain why he felt the way he did, and by the gods, was this not the time or place. Shaun stayed quiet for the moment feeling it best not to get involved in matters like that, but Jamilla was clearly upset. When she left, Shaun's first instinct was to go after her. After all, he could probably help cheer her up ... somehow. Alphonse had other plans though and told him to take Aubrianna back to the wagon. If not for that, no other excuse could have kept him in that place, but that had him wondering. 'Take Aubrianna back to the wagon', that was the instruction but, wasn't that exactly where Jamilla and by extension Alphonse was going as well? I'd feel kinda awkward followin' along just a few meters behind them while he tries to explain himself, but ... oh well ...

"Uhh ... Aubri?" he shyly addressed the pink haired dancer. "Did you want me to show ya where the wagon is now? I mean, that's where Jamilla and Alphonse are headed too ... I think, but probably best not to tail'em too closely." He tried to smile but it was as forced as any other one might see after a blowout like that. It turned out she needed things from her room before leaving this place. That made sense. "Oh, uh alright, I'll just ... wait here, I guess ..."

She wasn't gone long, but time slowed down for Shaun while he waited and it seemed to take a long time. All the while, Shaun stood there trying not to meet eyes with anyone else in the bar. Merz, I'm all alooooone. Aubri, please hurry, I don't do well in places like these ... Once she was finally back he gave a deep sigh of relief and even managed to cheer up a bit. With a big relieved smile, he said, "Y-yeah, I'm ready! Let's get outta here, shall we?"

As soon as they left the tavern, Shaun had a bit of shock in that he didn't even recognize where he was at first. "... oh merz, did I get turned around here ...?" He put his hand on his chin and began retracing their steps in his head. He just needed to remember something relevant like a landmark and then they could get going, he figured.


"Heheheh, fruits, veggies, enough jerky to sate note one but two wyverns, some vulneraries and bandages, and a new logbook. I've been needin' one'a these." Greta had returned to the wagon having finished up her last minute shopping. She didn't yet know they had an extra person to feed, but she had bought enough to at least get the number they had to the next big city without anyone going hungry, so chances were, an extra wouldn't hurt unless said person also had a wyvern. To her, wyverns were annoying tricky creatures because they could just eat nearby grass like horses and pegasi could. Having to go out hunting or feed them rations seemed like a burden to anyone on a tight schedule or simply looking to avoid being accosted by bandits. "Pa, did anyone else get back yet? I'll just assume Wil never left."

"Not yet, Grit. I miss Jamilla already, and I'm not sure where Circe went. Such a shiny aura."

"Auras don't shine, pa," Greta corrected, though she was only partially correct. You wouldn't even see one under most circumstances.

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Outside Tavern

"Sure, sure. We can get going. If we run into those two and they seem busy we'll take a side road or something." Aubri followed Shaun out of the bar, walking beside him outside after waving to the bartender one more time. She stopped next to Shaun when he stopped walking outside, glancing over at him as he said he was lost.

"What?? Oh, how are we going to get to the wagon now..." The dancer slumped briefly, her scarf falling against her neck. "Well, Jam did say you were travelling north, didn't she? So you're probably out on the north road, which means..." She looked around, to the left and right on the road the tavern opened up to. "That's going to be... This way!" She pointed off to the right. "I think!" She announced her uncertainty almost proudly, it seemed, even as she started shuffling off in that direction.

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"I'm sorry, Aubri, j-just give me a sec; I know I can figure this out. Just not used to places like that and ... well ... oh never mind, I'm ramblin' on like a moron instead'a doin' what I'm ought'a to be doin'." And then Aubri figured it out the direction they needed to head in. That suit him just fine, though the irony of the sudden role reversal wasn't lost on him. "Wait for me, heheh ..." Man did I mess up on that one ...

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Step Up 2: The Streets

"I'm pretty sure it's this way..." Aubri continued, leading just in front of Shaun as the two headed north through town. "I mean, I've seen pretty much all of the town in the past week, I should probably kno--oh!" She stepped to the side, looking ahead of the two of them to see the blonde dancer and the man with the flames on his jacket, the former seeming quite upset.

"Here, follow me. We'll just go around 'em. Stay close, though, there might be some... less than favorable types in the alley. Keep an eye on your money if you've got it." Beckoning for Shaun, she headed down a small side road in front of a restaurant, turning around behind it into a completely empty alley. "Seems safe enough, though. Lucky~ Better not to waste our time here, though."

She walked quickly down past a few buildings, looking behind her to make sure Shaun was still following. "Here we go, we'll head out here~!" She ducked to the side of a bakery several buildings down, emerging back on the same road, past the others. "You know where we are yet? I don't know where your wagon is, exactly...

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Streets and Back Alleys

First taverns with rough customers and now alleyways with too many shadows. Every now and then, Shaun remembered why they were taking this route, but the thoughts vanished whenever he thought he saw someone or something leering at them. What was he going to tell everyone if something happened to Aubrianna? Oh man ... maybe Alphonse is right. Maybe I should learn how to fight. If not for everyone else's sake, then at least for my own peace'a mind. I'm sweatin' in my shoes ...

Once they were out in the open again, Shaun was able to relax. "Whew ... uhh, lemme see, now." He began scanning the area and then ... "Oh yeah, okay! I know the way from here. C'mon, let's hurry and get back." I miss the security of havin' pa around. Guns ... maybe that's it. They're loud, sure, but so is screamin' like a little babe when you're scared. I doubt pa or sis'll teach me, though, even in times like these ... ah well. Seemed like a good idea. He wasn't going to let that get him down though. He instinctively grabbed Aubrianna's hand and started leading the way again.


"Hey sis, we're back," Shaun called over.

"Oh gods," Greta said, dropping the piece of jerky she was gnawing on when she saw Shaun approaching with an unfamiliar woman. "Shaun, now please don't tell me you went out and got yourself a girlfriend. She ... sh-she knows you're only twelve, r-right? You're not plannin' on ... any funny business are ya?"

Shaun wasn't sure how to come back from that and stood there frozen for a moment. "... d-d-d-dancer ...?"

Dancer? Oh okay ... wait, why a dancer? Are we recruitin' mercs?

"Somebody said dancer?!" The old man emerged from the back of the wagon and the first thing he noticed was Aubrianna. "Whooooooahooooo, we've got another one! Good job, Shaun! Don't keep her all to yourself, now. Introduce her!"

"Au ... Aub ..." Probably best if she did it herself; poor Shaun was recovering from a preteen crisis.

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"Alright! Can't be too far, now!" Aubri walked beside Shaun through the rest of town, keeping to the main roads now. "At least nothing happened in that alley! Not like any street tough ever got me down, hahaha!" She filled the walk out of town with occasional idle chatter, and soon enough they reached the wagon.


"Aubrianna is the name, actually!" The dancer took over for Shaun's failing speech. "The others had a, um, little bit of a delay, so they sent Shaun ahead with me... As for me, I'm just lookin' to get out of town, and this guy Alphonsse told me I might be able to help you out. I'm not half bad with a staff or a whip."

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"And here I was worried about the whip at first, hahahahah," Greta replied. I'll be damned if my little brother's gonna be into that type'a thing ... "Anyway, I s'pose I don't mind havin' ya along. How much ... do you charge, exactly ...?"

"No price is too high for you, lovely," the man chimed in.

"Pa, hush please, it's my purse, not yours." Though with that in mind, I probably shouldn't have said anythin'. If she's just lookin' to get out'a town then she's probably fine not workin' as a merc. Way to go Greta, you're practically throwin' coin at the girl now.

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What was with all the head patting? Anywho, with issues resolved for moment, Jam led the way back to the wagon. Though still a little shell-shocked from Alphonse’s backstory, the dancer was back to her normal self by the time she met up with Greta and co.

“Looks like everyone met Aubri,” Jam commented. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready to see another town. When are we headed out?”

After she said this, Jam gazed around the campsite. Where did that dog run off too?

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Alphonse was just glad that everything was working out with Jamilla again, following the girl back to the wagon where everyone else seemed to be already. Circe had kept to herself and went on into town though.

He didn't have anything to say though, so he'd just keep near the dancer girl while waiting to see what Greta would suggest about their next move.

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"Hmm..." Money, huh? "I'll just accept whatever the trip pays. You know, beggars can't be choosers, and all. I'll ask for a bit more if we run into danger along the way, but that ought to be standard, yeah?" The coral-haired dancer answered the merchant's question agreeably and cheerfully, doing her best to ignore the old man. Wishing only to get out of town and get a few coins, she had no interest in pandering to the man, especially if it might get her on the merchant woman's bad side. Word spread fast among merchants, after all.

"Oh, hey!" Aubri waved to Jam as she approached, seeming bright and cheerful again. Huh, she must really be the type to bounce back fast. She was so upset, I thought... "I've met..." She paused briefly, taking a brief look around. "Well, everyone here, I guess, I just don't know their names yet! But I don't think that's everyone, is it?" Alphonse said eleven... So me, him, Jam, Shaun, the creepy old man, the merchant, and he said something about one being a dog... "I think there are still four people I haven't met... And a dog! I'm all for leaving as soon as we can, but we've gotta wait for them, right~?"

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Erion glanced at the new dancer and raised an eyebrow. "Well," he stretched and walked over, "It appears our white knight has found us another damsel in distress for him to protect. I hope you haven't come expecting everyone to be like him. Sadly he appears to be the only one around who's like that. I'm Erion. We're missing two others who... well, who I ran into earlier and they went off to deal with some things I think. And then there's someone asleep in the wagon I think. But, returning to my point, if White Knight over the convinced you that this would be all fun and games with him protecting you, you might want to consider finding a different way out of town. But, why should you listen to me? I'm just a jack of all trades, hired with the hopes that I won't steal too many things from anyone we encounter. Anyways, welcome to the group." He grinned and gave her a low sweeping bow and then walked back towards the wagon with a slight eye roll once his back was turned to her.

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"We'll head out as soon as everyone's here, Jamilla," Greta replied. To Aubrianna, she said, "Yeah, we're still missin' Circe and Erion's friends. And the ... dog, I guess ...?" Greta thought to leave the money issue be for the moment, at least until she decided for herself how much she was willing to pay the woman. "Well, that said, none'a y'all go anywhere unless it's an emergency, or we'll be here all day."

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After a short while, Circe had bought a few personal items for the journey, and returned to the edge of town, where it seemed all that remained was for Erion's friends... for lack of a better word, to return.

"Anything else we need to do or are we just waiting on people?"

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"If you're going to insult me for my ideals so be it, don't just assume my reasons are so shameful though. Plus, she's the one that was looking for a group to travel with, both Jam and I just so happened to make the offer." Alphonse commented for the thief, getting a bit tired of the unintentional tag team Erion and Circe were putting him through

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"That's true!" Jam confirmed Alphonse's statement to the group. "Figured it would be cool to have a kindred spirit for the road. You know, pick up some new skills and all. That is, if you'd like, Aubri." Jam would have been lying to say she didn't want another dancer around. If Alphy had his way, the dancer would not be allowed to help defend the wagon. If she wasn't going to fight, she'd certainly become a better dancer.

Still, as Erion pointed out Alphy’s choice in recruits, Jam had to wonder of the odd coincidence. If he was so interested in protection, wouldn’t he have recruited some strong men back at the tavern? Their lack of warriors was quite evident. In light of his dark story, there were clear parallels between Greta’s group and the one Alphonse encountered. Was he trying to prevent that event from happening, or recreate it? If the latter, would Jam share the fate of that girl so long ago? Whatever comfort she had gathered instantly melted away.

“Greta, I saw a really nice pair of gloves while doing inventory in the wagon. Can I show you…you know, in the wagon? Maybe I can borrow them some time?” Jam’s words were innocent enough, but her eyes betrayed her. There was more to the story. The dancer didn’t know if she would regret telling Alphy’s story. It could get him kicked out of the group, which would lead them with even fewer defenders. But if she were right…

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"Gloves ...? Uh ... sure, I guess. Let's go have a look," Greta agreed. She noticed that Jamilla's expression seemed a little mismatched with her request, almost like she was hiding something. She assumed that Jamilla thought 'borrowing' the gloves would cost her, which was a fair and normally accurate assumption. Regardless, Greta headed into the wagon and waved her aged father out of the way so she could find said gloves. He always seemed to be sitting right next to or on top of whatever she needed to retrieve. Annoying.

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Jam followed Greta into the wagon and away from prying eyes. With the merchant's father gone, they were finally alone.

"OK, so this really isn't about gloves at all." Jam began. "This is about Alphy." The dancer sat down upon a bench within the wagon, very apprehensive of telling the story. She felt like she was betraying a friend, but for the sake of getting everything off her chest, Jam proceeded with the monolouge.

"So Alphy, Shawn and I visited a tavern in town. Shortly after we met Aubri, we started talking about our roles in the group. You know, in case we're attacked."

Jam took a deep breath as she came to the important part. She was starting to regret saying anything, so she spoke quickly to get it over with. She proceeded to dump every detail about her dilema onto poor unsuspecting Greta, not taking any breaks in between.

"I was really pushing to help with defense, I mean, you need all the help you can get, right? That's when Alphy told us this story about a massacred family just like yours. And there was this girl that looked just like me that he had to kill to put out of her misery. He said that was why he follows me around all the time. I might be a bad person for saying this, but it kind of creeped me out. I thought he was befriending me because he was chasing a ghost and wanted redemption or something. He says no, and I really want to believe him, so I tried brushing it off. But Circe and that new guy...Errion I think? They think he has ulterior motives or something, what with Aubri being a dancer and all. And that got me thinking about Alphy's story again. Why didn't he try and hire more able fighters at the tavern if he's so into protection? And with him saying how that group was so similar to ours, what if he's trying to recreate those events to change the past or something? I don't want to say all these bad things about him; he's a really nice guy other than all the creepy stuff about killing someone that looked like me. At least, I think he's nice...I don't really know what to think anymore."

The dancer finally exhaled, realizing that she just said quite a bit all at once. Her thoughts were starting to sound like conspiracy theories, the thoughts of a crazy person. And so, she began to apologize profusely.

"Maybe I'm just overeacting or something. I'm so sorry going off like that. You've got enough to deal with as is. You've been so good to all of us and I wanted to help out, and this is probably not helping anyone."

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