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What SMT game would you recomend to beginners?

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We let him get away with it when he did it to Noah's contemporaries. How is what happened in SMT any worse than the things YHVH is actually attributed to doing?

In our world Noah's Ark is just a story. In SMT all myths are true. Get it now?

God killed most of the world so they would stop bothering him.

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Please. God had Japan nuked simply because they weren't worshipping Him enough. Did I mention that the said action of nuking Japan led to WORLD WAR III? And what did He do when not enough people worshiped him? He floods Japan. Then he uses Satan to use a Kill Sat to wipe all life from the earth. How the fuck does that count as not evil!?

I was more talking about Nocturne in specific, but whatever. Perhaps I should have specified. Also as I said, The series presents situations and lets you formulate your own morality from it. As an example retort, one could say that this could coincide with the story of Noah's arc. The world was infested with evil and injustice so he flooded the earth eliminating it save for enough animals to repopulate and the few worthy of saving that would heed Noah's warning. Perhaps this world was similar?

Your Bolding, italicizing, use of punctuation, and strong language gives the impression that you're somewhat agitated by my comment. If that's the case I'd like to politely ask that you chill out. This isn't a big deal.

Also, in order to prevent the hijacking of this thread let's please return to the actual topic. Perhaps another thread exists or can be created for the purpose of a discussion such as this?

PS: Let's not just outright say another belief is a myth. That may be your view, but statements like that can cause contention. a better way of putting it would be "I don't believe the same as you, so that argument doesn't hold ground with me. Not that I'm trying to insult your beliefs."

Besides, none of us were witnesses to the beginning of existence. Any true man of science knows that there is always room for error if there are that many variables.

And just to refute any stupid accusations, I'm agnostic.

Edited by Happy_Dingo
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Anyways, for Fire Emblem fans I recommend the Devil Survivor series.

For JRPG fans, I recommend the Persona series and Digital Devil Saga.

For a taste of a traditional SMT game I'd recommend Strange Journey and Soul Hackers when it comes out on Tuesday.

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