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Now why'd that have to happen?!


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I think one of my Lunatic resets was when I fucked up rescuing Tharja in chapter 9 and she was left in the range of an Archer with a Killer Bow.

...as they say, the rest is history

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"Really Lissa!? you're just gonna heal her? GREAT!? Oh look! Here's a douchebag wyvern lord coming right for you! What's that? There's an axe lodged in your trachea? Awesome..... Soft reset *grumble grumble*"

Hahaha, I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets legitimately mad at the characters as if they were real. For me it's usually, "Really? You're NOT going to dual guard your husband/wife/child/parent? Well then, you deserve for them to die." *angrily resets*

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I never cease to make one fatal mistake all the time. When I pair up characters I don't usually choose the pair up option, I just walk them onto the same space. Unfortunately i forget that doing that with a healer will make them heal the other guy (if they're injured) instead, which, when you're trying to get your healer out of harms way, leaves them open to pwnage.

Will I never learn?

Probably not.

The same thing always happens to me, but with dancers. Curse you, lack of a Rescue option! CUUURSEEE YOOOUUU!

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