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Question on difficulty

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Hey guys, I just finished making my hard streetpass team practically unbeatable, with divine weapons and skills and all that good stuff. So, I decided to start my lunatic run, and im delighted that it's significantly more challenging than hard. I want to go through lunatic without taking that difficulty away, so I have one question: will buying the dlc to get Roy (and maybe miccaih, not sure yet) kill the sense of difficulty? I want to have Roy on my team so bad, but will skip him if he makes the game too easy.

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Buying the DLC to get the characters will not at all kill the difficulty.

Grinding on those said DLC over and over for experience will, though.

Also, your streetpass team is not unbeatable, not even "practically". EVERY Streetpass team is at a disadvantage when sent simply because of the Doubling/Pair Up system that they will have against you. Legendary weapons, skills, and maxed out stats are pretty much squat in the face of it.

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Buying the DLC to get the characters will not at all kill the difficulty.

Grinding on those said DLC over and over for experience will, though.

Also, your streetpass team is not unbeatable, not even "practically". EVERY Streetpass team is at a disadvantage when sent simply because of the Doubling/Pair Up system that they will have against you. Legendary weapons, skills, and maxed out stats are pretty much squat in the face of it.

Okay cool, really love Roy lol. And ya, my streetpass team wont be unbeatable, but it will be significantly harder to take down then say, a team that completed the game without getting skills and stuff.

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