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So... what do you like to think the Avatar did afterwards?

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My Rufure becomes the Queen of Plegia, alongside Gangrel. Hopefully things go better for it this time around :P

And maybe have another kid after Morgan in case little Morgan falls for little Lucina as well and decides to go to Ylissse to be with her.

Edited by Miscellany
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Guess I wasn't the only one who fell for Lucina.

Your friendly neighborhood Lucina Fanboy right here!

I personally would find the Male Avatar to get Chrom's Approval (cause marrying your best friend's daughter is already awkward, so I would get his approval for closure), and they have a Royal Ylissean Wedding. The Male Avatar & Chrom would be more like Brothers-in-law tbh. Robin & Lucina would then set out on an adventure together and explore the world once more, the world they saved. This time, as companions.

Kinda lame, I know. But It's the thought that counts.

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Well, Grima probably ate a good half of Plegia, and probably all of the higher-ups were ranking members of the Grimleal, appointed by Validar. So they probably got stabbed at some point.

Thus, it's probably safe to assume that Plegia is now effectively without any sort of central government at all. And the other nations are probably pretty tied up with rebuilding, themselves.

Also, the Avatar just happens to be the only child of the last king of Plegia, even if that last king was pretty much the worst guy ever. (And let's face it, nobody is going to let Gangrel take over the country again).

Thus... All Hail Avatar, First King of New Altea! (or New Plegia, but I would imagine that this might be a situation in which a clean break with the history of that name might be appreciated).

Incidentally this also gives all the children characters with something to do that's not wandering off aimlessly. A country can't rebuild itself, after all.

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