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Revenge: A rather Dark and Depressing FE Fanfic


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10 members have voted

  1. 1. What ending should I do?

    • A happy ending
    • A sad ending

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So, yeah. I'm in the process of writing this fanfic, and it's f***ed up, even by my standards. The plot goes kind of like this:

In every single FE game, The Tactician is there. Whether or not he is mentioned, he is there. He knew Marth, He knew Alm, he knew Eirika, he knew Lyn, he knew Ike, he knew Chrom. After every adventure, when the world no longer needed him, he was taken and his memories from that world wiped, leaving only the skills of battle and tactics and whatnot. This takes place after Awakening. In the events of Awakening, The Tactician(Mark) fell in love with Lucina, and married her. This bond of love was so strong that this time his memories from every timeline were restored, so he remembered. And he was severely pissed. So pissed that he just snaps. He goes on a Kratos style revenge, seeking to slay the god that has taken his life multiple times.

Now the story has a happy ending and a sad ending, and I wrote both. I just want an opinion on whether or not you people want a happy or sad ending. Keep in mind that I might not listen, but I will still take opinions.

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Someone voted happy ending. This isn't good at all. I will have to break some kneecaps.

Just kidding, I'm just being a pansy internet tough guy.

Or maybe I'm pretending.

I anticipate reading this.

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I said i was looking for suggestions, not that I would listen to them. I want you guys' obviously professional opinion.

My Inspiration Playlist(i dubbed it Shadowdarkness. A fitting brand)

Battery- Metallica

Bring Me to Life- Evanescence

D-I-E 4 Y-O-U - Family Force 5

Damage Inc.- Metallica

Disposable Heroes- Metallica

Faceless- Red

Feed the Machine- Red

Fade to Black- Metallica

For Whom the Bell Tolls- Metallica

Leper Messiah- Metallica

Master of Puppets- Metallica

Of Wolf and Man- Metallica

Orion- Metallica

Seek and Destroy- Metallica

The Struggle Within- Metallica

Trapped under Ice- Metallica

Watch You Crawl- Red

**Looks up at list** Dang. That's a lot of Metallica.

Edited by Mason The Tactician
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I believe I can post prologue now.

Prologue: Bitter Memories“We're not pawns of some scripted fate. I believe we're more. Much more... There's something between us all. Something that keeps us together... Like...invisible ties, connecting us.” I said that. There is no scripted fate, just invisible ties... Who am I kidding? We are all puppets, dancing to the whims of divine beings. Tied to the invisible strings, acting only as they say...

Sometimes, I think back and wonder... I wonder if Lyn... if she looks for me. If Hector and Eliwood, my friends... if they look for me. But I will never see them again.

I wonder about Eirika and Ephriam, Joshua and Innes, my friends. i wonder if they look for me, if they miss me... but I will never see them again.

I wonder about Ike and Elincia, Miciah, The Dawn Brigade, if they look for me... but I will never see them again.

I wonder about Marth, if he's gotten around to marryong Caeda yat, If Jagen's "Old Bones" are still going... I wonder about Katarina. But I will never see them, I will never see her again.

I wonder about Chrom, the Shepherds. About... about Lucina, and Morgan. I wonder if they still look for me, if they search, if they still cry for me... but I will never see them again. I will never see them again.

I will never see any of them, ever again. They were taken, and I was taken from them. Somebody... somebody gave me this power, someone made me stronger, faster, stronger than a normal human. I am powerful... and I am alone. Every man has his breaking point. A place where he cannot pass and remain the same. Mentally, physically, spiritually... never the same. I remember. I passed that point, not once, not twice, but many times. The names haunt me. Lyn, Lucina, Ike, Alm, Marth... my friends, every one. I broke a long time ago, and now I remember... and I am alone.

Alone. Have you ever been truly alone? Not lost, not hiding, but truly, completely alone? It's so lonely, so cold... Is this my fate? Forever doomed to fight, to make friends, to save a world... to fall in love... and then lose it all? Quite a worthless life. No, not worthless. Not to... but they are gone. Everyone who cared, everyone who knows I exist, they are gone. They were taken. Gone forever, taken by the same person who gave me this power... I'm just a puppet, a slave, a sheep, compliant and unable to resist. Well no longer. I quit. No longer a tool, no more a sheep. I am now a weapon, a wolf... a corpse with a grudge, worth nothing to anyone. Now, I fight back. Now, I will turn this power on the one who gave it to me. Now... I get revenge.

NOTE: This is a short chapter, the others are longer.

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You should have a new tactician come in to stop him, and in the middle of their final confrontation, the narrator sees himself in the young tactician, and feels remorse.

Or something.

The Tactician should just be like this because Thomas Jefferson.

Edited by Doga
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