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Dinosaurs scare the gently caress out of me.


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I've always been a dinosaur fanatic, I can not only name and spell about several dozen of em', but I can also define a lot of dinosaur names and tell whether it was a Jurassic or Cretacious dinosaur, simply by looking at it. However, I recently remembered the reason why I like them, and it's because I'm afraid of them. Jurassic Park was one of the first movies I watched as a kid, it was my first horror, and I was only about 4 or 5. I would never want to go to sleep, not to stay up and do things, but because of the numerous nightmares I had about them, lasting till I was seven, then they were less frequent. A few days ago, I went to one of my favourite places in the world, the Alberta badlands, and went hiking with my brother and dad. The Alberta badlands are famous because of the massive fossil excavation of the area, and that Drumheller, the big town in the center, has the Royal Tyrell Museum, largest fossil collection in the world. I got into an argument with my dad over whether the T-Rex had feathers or not. That night I had a nightmare about a T-Rex, trying to hide from it. What a nightmare, that thing is huge, and scary. To add to the terror, a couple days after, my friends invited me and my brother to Jurassic Park 3D. Holy fuck has that movie never seemed scarier. It was my first time actually seeing it on the big screen, and in each scene I was picturing myself running from raptors or in a car next to a Tyrannosaurus. What's the phobia of dinosaurs called? I'm sure I can't be the only one who has it.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Real talk I once saw some relatively silly pseudo-educational movie in 3D, that somehow involved a T-Rex chase scene, and when that thing started running and roaring at the screen I took those 3D glasses right the fuck off and wouldn't open my eyes for ten minutes

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Scientists have proven that the animals we fear most in nature can roar at a certain frequency that aggravates the fear mechanisms of our brains. Lions, Bears, T-rexes in movies, etc, they all have this really deep roar that drops the bass and makes us shit our pants in fear.

Edit: Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/11/111102190012.htm

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Jurassic Park is a horror film? I actually liked the T-Rex roar in those movies, they sounded awesome. But the raptors were my favorites. Turning the handle like that.

By the way, watch the Land Before Time movies.

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Oddly, the only one (aside from the ones beyond the 5th or something holy shit did they make a lot) I don't remember watching in full was the first one. Which I may have heard people claim to be the best?

number 4 kid t-rex was a bro


"No son, we eat tho-


"Damn it junior"

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