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First Hard/Classic Run


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Hey everyone, new guy here. I've been playing Fire Emblem games for quite some time now and I've used this site as a resource for almost just as long. I always get flack from my brother for only playing these games on the easiest difficulties. And I think its about time for me to move on and increase the challenge. This brings me to my topic...

This is my second playthrough and I'm, running Hard/Classic(first was Normal/Classic). And I'm currently on Ch. 6 and Paralogue 2 has just opened up.

The main point of me making this topic is: what are some good strategies I will have to use on this difficulty. I'm not looking to grind through DLC(I could if I wanted to) to make this game stupid easy. Any general tips would be very appreciated.


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At this point, its a little of both. Right now I'm mainly looking to just get through the chapters no matter what without losing any units and level up my core group of characters as evenly as I can. Unfortunately, I've relied on Chrom a bit much and therefore he is at least 3 levels above my next closest unit.

I want this file to also be the one where I pay attention to who marries who, as I would like to have better children than my last playthrough.

EDIT: and to clarify, I'm fine with using DLC/Spotpass to level characters up that start behind my main group.

Edited by BigDogBlue
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I would say the biggest things are to use Pair Up and be smart about distribution of EXP. Hard mode isn't that much harder than Normal after you get the hang of it. The only other thing to watch out for are those "trollinforcements" (reinforcements that come at the beginning of enemy phase and can move and attack right away). Good luck!

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At this point, its a little of both. Right now I'm mainly looking to just get through the chapters no matter what without losing any units and level up my core group of characters as evenly as I can. Unfortunately, I've relied on Chrom a bit much and therefore he is at least 3 levels above my next closest unit.

As long as you are using Pair-up to make a small team of super-units, it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you take care not to spread yourself too thinly by trying to level up everyone and their mother in full deployment situations. I'd suggest as a general strategy, to try to have some variety in your army. You'll want one or two fliers, cavaliers, people who can hit RES, a good distribution of weapon ranks across the board, and I'd highly recommend training yourself a Makakete as well.

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I would say the biggest things are to use Pair Up and be smart about distribution of EXP. Hard mode isn't that much harder than Normal after you get the hang of it. The only other thing to watch out for are those "trollinforcements" (reinforcements that come at the beginning of enemy phase and can move and attack right away). Good luck!

I've heard a lot about those reinforcements. I'm sure they'll frustrate me to no end considering I want to keep everyone alive.

As long as you are using Pair-up to make a small team of super-units, it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you take care not to spread yourself too thinly by trying to level up everyone and their mother in full deployment situations. I'd suggest as a general strategy, to try to have some variety in your army. You'll want one or two fliers, cavaliers, people who can hit RES, a good distribution of weapon ranks across the board, and I'd highly recommend training yourself a Makakete as well.

I used Sumia and Cherche in my last playthrough, kind of ignored Cordelia so I may give her a shot. I'm not too big on reclassing characters either. I really only want to reclass them to get the skills I want passed down to the children. And for a Manakete, I'd want to use Nowi considering Tiki comes much later. Should I switch to her once I recruit or stay with Nowi? Or both? Or drop both for Nah?

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I used Sumia and Cherche in my last playthrough, kind of ignored Cordelia so I may give her a shot. I'm not too big on reclassing characters either. I really only want to reclass them to get the skills I want passed down to the children. And for a Manakete, I'd want to use Nowi considering Tiki comes much later. Should I switch to her once I recruit or stay with Nowi? Or both? Or drop both for Nah?

Cordelia is nice because she comes leveled-up already and has better supports and combat stats than Sumia, but you will still find Sumia useful early even if you don't commit to her long term. It's up to you what you do with the MKs; there is no need to replace Nowi with Tiki/Nah. All three are good/viable, just require different amounts of training and show up at different times (give them SPD supports).

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Also, (have mercy on me shadowofchaos) I would advise not using oliva since there are LOTS of Pegasus and Wyvern Knight reinforcements who will almost always one-shot her.

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Also, (have mercy on me shadowofchaos) I would advise not using oliva since there are LOTS of Pegasus and Wyvern Knight reinforcements who will almost always one-shot her.

Oh that's not a horribly unreasonable suggestion; a game with same-turn reinforcements honestly can make squishy support units like Olivia a liability more than an asset.

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Reinforcements are merciless so make sure you pair up your squishy healers as supporting units when the bossman signals them. Or, you can be paranoid like me and have them paired all the time. Level characters in Risen encounters (if those are allowed) based on its location and their level.

And yeah, as said before, unless you love grinding, try not to spread XP too thin.

Edited by WyvernSurfer
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I've heard a lot about those reinforcements. I'm sure they'll frustrate me to no end considering I want to keep everyone alive.

I used Sumia and Cherche in my last playthrough, kind of ignored Cordelia so I may give her a shot. I'm not too big on reclassing characters either. I really only want to reclass them to get the skills I want passed down to the children. And for a Manakete, I'd want to use Nowi considering Tiki comes much later. Should I switch to her once I recruit or stay with Nowi? Or both? Or drop both for Nah?

Maybe you could think about reclassing Vaike to Barbarian for Despoil. The character doesn't really change, and you'll be farming tons of gold before you notice.

Cordelia is great. She can get many good skills and if you pass down Galeforce to Severa, she'll easily become one of your main characters.

Nah may surpass both Manaketes, but by the time you get her Nowi might be awesome. Just be sure to buy Dragonstones+ from the Spotpass Tiki (Vaike might give you the gold you need).

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