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So why does Pasive activate when hit by Levin Sword, Shockstick, and Bolt Axe?,

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It's still a physical weapon that's being used to do the damage though, right? So Pavise should still activate.

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It's still a physical weapon that's being used to do the damage though, right? So Pavise should still activate.

Bows are physical weapons and they are reduced by Aegis. Pavise was designed to reduce damage by the almost entirely 1-range weapons and Aegis reduces the damage of the weapons that typically have 2-range.

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To be fair, the only non-physical weapons blocked by Aegis are tomes, so it's not really a question of "Pavise blocks physical damage and Aegis blocks magic damage" (Manaketes and Taguel attack with strength, not magic). Those weapons are still a sword, lance, and axe, so it makes sense they would be treated as such despite being magic based.

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