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A short history to those who may be interested...

I've been lurking around Serenes Forest for some time, originally trying to get into the ROM Hacking scene. To do so, one needs to learn the tools of the trade and work like an spriter, qualities that which I lack. Needless to say, the effort failed, and I ended up scrapping those projects. Since then, I've regressed and simply kept my trusty membership here to keep to date on the posts of others.

However, I am a bit of a writer who enjoys conjuring up some imaginary universes that can be original or based off an existing work. While most of my other written works were either abandoned or archived, I still find time to create some decent ones every now and then. Since this forum has a creative board, I decided to share some of these works. After all, who can enjoy it if no one knows of its existence?

This thread will serve as the primary base of operations for any written material that I write. Since my topics can vary, I'll group each into a convenient spoiler to conserve visual space and to help with organization. If I post any longer pieces or come up with new material, I will make an additional post and update the OP with either a link or the work itself.

Short Works


Should a man die an immortal death,

What lies on the other side?

Hearth and hold, heaven and the bold

Or nothing but the abyssal sky?

Alas, thy fate does not lie herein.

What shell of a man, remnants, or scattered fragments

Remain on the snow black as ash?

Wasteland he lies, forever eternally alone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Twilight of the Apocalypse

“There are tales shared at midnight dark

Of lost youth and bleeding moons,

Of fallen angels and demonic boons,

And forgotten treasures of the dead Ark.

It is said when the moon bleeds red

That all the townspeople will be filled with dread,

Knights will shiver in their sleep,

Lords and ladies shall fear their own keep.

For when the moon cries tears of blood,

Beware the unholy flood,

Vengence is hers,

The world's death is what occurs.

For those with courage,

And steel of heart,

The battlefield awaits.

You will die as nature dicates

Innocence lost, of maidens long gone,

Our mistress will shall be done.

Musical Works

Hymn of the Holy Knight

“Praise to thee that brings balance unto me,

Fear not the dark or blinding light.

Go forth and cleanse thy soul in righteous fire,

Thou shall not want or exploit thee.

Do not bend thy knee to the winds,

Thou must stay steady on thy path.

Be reborn in holy water,

Thou shall become a holy knight.

Recall those who have brought you hither,

Thou shall also become an earthly pillar.

Remember the values three,

Justice, Honor and Integrity.

Leave behind a legacy,

Eternity shall remember thee.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A/N: Imagine an open field with an army arrayed on both sides. A general of one army begins to clash his sword and shield together while chanting the following piece, and then his men begin to follow his example. When the piece repeats itself, the army begins marching toward enemy lines, in tune with the shield clash and the chant itself.



Come to thee.


Our Enemies


Come to thee.


Thy Enemy

Fire Emblem: Awakening - Reveal Story

Original Topic: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32864&page=1

I'm going to need a drink after this...

No Fire Emblem, no Monster Hunter, and I wasted an hour of me life.


In the darkness of the room, a lone man is found slumped against his chair, illuminated on by the light from his computer monitor. It seemed as if he just come to the realization that there may be no hope for that which he cares for so deeply. As if, it was the end of the world. Sure, there have been songs and praise of other things, some what he even cared about. Alas, nothing could stop this gaping hole in his heart, one that could perhaps never be fulfilled...The 3DS conference was over. An hour was wasted, just goes to show how hope is such a futile emotion, as it tends to be crushed rather easily. The man gives it around round. He drinks his beverage, and decides to have just one more try, just one more look in the forum thread. He witnesses other cries of despair, agony, and anger. The others too, shared his pain. Some members stated their luck of already being allowed access or have even played said game, and..

Wait just a second...

A certain post caught his eye. It on an page 27, post 535... It was but a simple link to Twitter, but once opened, it would open up a whole new Pandora's Box...

"Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

"Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

"Reggie just confirmed to us that Fire Emblem Awakening is coming to the United States."

He had to read it several times. He took a healthy drink of his handy beverage (which can be whatever you wish), slapped himself in the face, and read it again. He remembered reading once that true happiness only comes to those who have experienced great sorrow, but in such short a period of time? It cannot be!

The previous cries transformed themselves into a certain kind of happiness that is hard to describe. People begin celebrating in their own ways, others doubled check sources, and still a few doubted that such claims were actually real. It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered, is that Fire Emblem: Awakening, is coming to the United States.

* * *

Well, back to lurking for me. Sleep happily people.

This is all the work I have for now. Updates will come irregularly for obvious reasons. Any comments or feedback is appreciated!

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Hmm interesting, I liked those short pieces of written work, my favourite would be Wasteland, I think you've done a good job.

See here the thing is I can write stories, but once i start I forget to paragraph when I write.

Lastly I liked the FE: Awakening reveal piece I was quite pleased to find the game coming out in english, but I am still waiting

unfortunately, since it won't be out until this saturday for Australia.

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