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Feditor, Class Animation Manager, And Dumping/Inserting


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So I've been making decent progress on my hack, and I've decided to add one class into the game, the Heretic, which is essentially a second class for healers that uses dark magic and has a mount (think the antithesis of the Valkyrie). Because I am terrible at drawing anything, I am, at least for the moment, making it a radical recolor of the Valkyrie (a placeholder so I can implement the changes and make it as least functional). So what I've done, step by step:

1) Load up Feditor, select "Class Animation Manager", go to Valkyrie animations, and dump them.

2) Using the standard Valkyrie pallete, make the minor changes to coloration necessary to pull off my recolor (otherwise, weird shit happens like the horse looks like it has 3 eyes)

3) Add in FEditor's transparant color as background and check to see if it will insert correctly. It does.

--Here's where something is going wrong--

4) Open up FERecolor. Load Valkyrie picture, tweak recoloring until I'm happy, note the RGB values of old colors and recolored ones.

5) Open up Usenti. Use its pallete feature and numbers from FERecolor values to recolor pictures. Note that Usenti still says there are only 16 colors used. Save the files.

6) Check to see if it will insert in FEditor, but get message saying something akin to "More than 16 colors used!"

7) Assume I actually am, double check in both Usenti and MS Paint. They say I'm good and that the right colors are in the right places.

8) Still, to be safe, re-do steps 4-5. Still get same error message.

Does anybody have an idea what's going on? If it worked for the un-recolored image, it *should* work for the recolored one, right?

P.S. In case anybody needs it to help me out with this, here are the pre-recolored and post-recolored images:









Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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You saving and loading from the right location? Occasionally I'll have brain farts where I save somewhere else for some reason then forget to pick that new location when I'm uploading the replacements.

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^that really shouldn't cause this type of problem

it'd probably be a lot less of a hassle to just recode the damn thing

I was actually thinking of doing this. I've done FERecolor and effectively used the Hex code to write over the palletes for individual characters (i.e. Moulder Sage, etc.) and I know that it works just fine. I'm wondering a couple things, though:

1) I'm assuming that generics in a class get their own hex values for their coloration. I'm not 100% positive, though.

2) If they do exist, how would I go about finding which offset contains the palette information I'm looking for?

EDIT: As for which file/location I used, I literally just tested the files dumped by FEditor, saw that they worked, recolored them, and saved over them. Same file name, same location.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Did you edit the palettes at the end of the .file thing that FEditor spits out?

Actually, I didn't. That sounds like it would be the problem.

But what do I open the .file thing with? HxD?

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Alright, so I've gotten the palette fixed and it will insert -- on FEditor, everything seems to work just fine (thanks a ton for that information, btw).

In game, however, the staff animation seems to work perfectly, but when I cast magic, it will actually use the staff animation AGAIN regardless of whether the spell hits OR crits. This problem occurs both when I try to insert my recolored image and when I dump the standard Valkyrie and try to re-insert *that*, so I'm sure it has something to do with an error on FEditor's side. What I'm doing:

1) Note that, on the Class Animation Manager, the input indexes of Bishop (the class I'm inserting over) are 81-82 and the input indexes of Valkyrie are 87-88.

2) Dump the animations from indexes 87 and 88 into two seperate serial files (standard procedure...FEditor does it automatically).

3) Make any recoloring edits (or not, in my second attempt).

4) Insert the serial file from index 87 (by selecting the proper .file file when the prompt comes up after pressing "Insert") in index 81.

5) Insert the serial file from index 88 (by selecting the proper .file file when the prompt comes up after pressing "Insert") in index 82.

I feel like I'm missing a step or that I'm not properly inserting the Frame Data. Anybody know?

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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are you sure that the animation pointer data is set up correctly

To be honest, no. Is there a reference to the pointer in question within the .file or the frame data files?

It just strikes me as odd that literally dumping the Valkyrie files (both sets of the .file, .dmp, and the 3 .pngs), making no alterations to them, and then re-inserting them in another index (writing them over the Bishop entries) is causing this same problem. This suggests that it isn't anything I changed that is screwing it up, but rather something I DIDN'T change in the .file/.dmp files. I'll try changing the animation pointer data and see how it goes.

Edit: No, wait. Switched the animation pointer to Valkyrie on Nightmare and it basically ends up being a basic recolor of the original (without some of the changes I made on paint so that the palette change would look good), although the animation for casting spells now works.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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yeah it would be in nightmare



So I got it working.

I guess what happened is that FEditor freaked out somehow and put in the wrong hex values, so that it referenced index 82 (staff animation) for EVERYTHING. Found the pointer, changed the correct 82 hex values to 81, and everything worked.

I didn't actually script it; it came from FEditor, so I don't know whether it dumped it wrong or it got changed when I tried to insert.

Thank you all for the help!

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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