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[FE7] More FE13 Will Have To Wait


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Here we go,

Chapter 11: 7 turns

Hector smashed, Matthew helped a little.

Chapter 12: 5 turns

Hector tanked the enemies north of the map while Marcus came to his aid with Eliwood cleaning up the left over enemies to south that Marcus missed. Boss kill went to Marcus.

I have a feeling that having no mounted units other than Knight Lord Eliwood is going to bite me in the ass...

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ZM: Sain, Fiora, Canas, Rath, Dorcas, Rebecca, Nino

Sain: The Hero

Fiora: The Heroine

Canas: The Smart Guy

Rath: The Lancer

Dorcas: The Big Guy (who might be killed off in order to go to Kenneth's chapter instead of Jerme's)

Rebecca: The Chick

Nino: The Sixth Ranger

Chapter 11 - 6 turns (6)


Chapter 12 - 4 turns (10)

Hector is so boss.

Marcus rushes north, Dorcas and Rebecca gain some EXP.

Chapter 13 - 4 turns (14)

Dorcas and Rebecca go to the village while Hector and Marcus charge down south.

Chapter 13x - 7 turns forced (21)


Serra also got hit to gain 1 EXP so in case I kill Dorcas I go to Kenneth's map (though I think if the margin is equal I go to Kenneth's anyway, but it can't hurt to be prepared).

Chapter 14 - 4 turns (25)

So standard it hurts.

Marcus rushes (and holy WOW, he has 13 SPD), while Dorcas, Hector, and Rebecca gain EXP.

Edited by Zeem
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Chapter 15 - 7 turns forced (32)

Chapter 16 - 5 turns (37)
Marcus and Hector rush to the throne while Dorcas and Rebecca stay back to gain EXP. Lyn and Wil buy stuff from the armories, and Sain gains as much EXP as he can.
Chapter 17 - 11 turns (48)
This chapter is the absolute worst. At least all of the Caelin soldiers survived, got the hero crest, knight crest, and silver sword, and Sain's trucking. Sucks that Merlinus can't gain a level.
Chapter 17x - 4 turns (52)
Canas get. Sain rushes to Fargus.
Chapter 18 - 3 turns (55)
Chapter 19 - 5 turns (60)
:Fiora: GET
Chapter 19x - 4 turns (64)
Fiora drops Sain and Hector over the mountain. Dorcas, Rebecca, and Canas gain some EXP.
Also, I might promote Canas CRAZY soon. O.O
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Chapter 13: 5 turns (17)

Eliwood goes to the village while Marcus carries Hector to victory.

Chapter 13x: 7 turns forced (24)

The undrafted tank while the drafted go north to get the village and kill the boss.

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Chapter 20 - 5 turns (69)

Dragged Lyn over to Legault in order to get the member's card. Would've been 4 if I didn't need staves. Sain, Fiora, Canas, and Hector gain as much EXP as possible, and Rebecca even owned the silver bow sniper.

Chapter 21 - 2 turns (71)

Sain picks up the Elysian whip after dropping Canas in Oleg's range during turn one, and Canas kills Oleg on turn 2. Weapons are bought, Fiora gains an amazing level using the arena, and Canas gets to meh levels.

Canas is promoting next chapter.

Chapter 22 - 3 turns (74)

Rebecca gets three torch staves at the shop (which is hopefully all we need, besides I have a barrier staff in the convoy), Canas promotes and gets two heal staves, Sain rushes, and Rath joins the team. Move over, Rebecca. Oh, and Heath and Isadora join. Free stuff!

Hopefully I get the gaiden. Fiora NEEDS EXP pronto.

Chapter 23 - 4 turns (78)

Fiora and Pent work together to clear the entire left side of the map (probably would've beat this chapter in three turns if Fiora were better level wise), and everyone else clears everything else. Canas gets quite a bit of heals in, and Rath needs to be up to snuff.

Gaiden time.

Chapter 23x - 16 turns (Free)

Canas got to D staves, and Rath and Fiora gain as much EXP as they can. They both should promote after the next chapter.

Chapter 24 - 2 turns (80)

Would've easily been done in 1 with Canas clearing the way for Sain, but I wanted the second Orion's bolt and Fiora and Rath to gain levels before both promoting in C25.

I <3 Fiora. She's so BASED.

And Canas got the Afa's drops.

Chapter 25 - 3 turns (83)

Dorcas promoted at level 14 for shits and giggles. Since he wasn't too impressive, he's kicking the bucket next chapter.

Rath rescues Ninian and conquers the south fort. Ninian was vital so she could dance for him, enabling him to get the middle pirate reinforcement out of the way to seize. Sain and Canas truck to Pascal's fort, and the two annihilated the boss and the cavs. And finally, Fiora goes to the northeastern fort all by herself and destroys everything.

So proud. And Distant Travels playing gets me pumped.

Chapter 26 - 11 turns forced (94)

There's good news, bad news, and other good news.

The good news? Canas gets to C staves, Rebecca promotes (15 STR and 15 SPD for a promotion at level 16 isn't too bad), and Fiora gets a bunch of killers, ranged weapons, and the hammerne staff, and Hector, Rath, and Sain gets a bunch of EXP.

The bad news? Dorcas kicks it.

The other good news? No Jerme's! Thanks Dorcas!

Chapter 27 - 5 turns (99)

Kenneth's map is a go. Rath and Fiora ferry Hector and Ninian to the throne, Rebecca gets bolting with the longbow, and Canas spams barrier getting nearly halfway through C staves.

Chapter 28 - 15 turns forced (114)

*yawns* Nino get. All chests opened. Canas gets to A staves. Gaiden is a go.

Chapter 28x - 16 turns (Free)

Speedwings get. Rath, Canas, Nino, and Rebecca self-improve.

Probably giving the speedwings to Canas, though he really doesn't need it. Everyone who's awesome doesn't need them.

Chapter 29 - 4 turns (118)

Sain trucks toward Linus, Fiora handles the west and gets the warp staff, Nino actually contributes by handling the horses above the starting point, Canas, Rath, and Ninian handle the middle, Hector recruits Vaida, and Rebecca snipes at the wyvern at the starting point.

Chapter 30 - 3 turns (121)

Oh yeah, Rath got the boots, btw.

Canas warps Rath and Hector to Kaim.

Chapter 31 - 11 turns forced (132)

Stupid Sain didn't cap SPD, so I gave him the speedwings for shits and giggles. All Athos needs is the body ring, and he's the only one who needs it. Hector, Rebecca, and Nino train. And Nino actually gets to level 20 ahhhhh.

Chapter 31x - 5 turns forced (137)

nino promotes and shit's bought


why can't you come earlier

Chapter 32 - 3 turns (140)

At first, I thought giving the boots to Rath was a bad idea. BUT:


Canas is the best warper, and Rath is the best Hector ferrier. The brave bow (which I forgot to get) would've been VERY helpful here, but killer axe and killer bow crits took Limstella down just as easily. I'm so proud of myself.

Chapter 32x - 1 turn (141)

Canas warps Rath, Nils refreshes, Canas hammernes the warp staff, and Rath sticks a sword in Kishuna's face.

Final Chapter - 4 turns (145)


HECTOR BEATS THE REEDS (with help from Athos)



NINO (surprisingly she got the kill) AND ATHOS BEAT UHAI


Dragon battle was lol. Athos got a double crit with Luna.

And that's that.

183 turns - 6 turns (13x, 15, 26, 28, 31, 31x get a turn shaved off for being defense chapters.) - 32 turns (23x and 28x both took 16 turns and they're not counted.) = 145 turns. Right on the money. Stats in a second.
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Chapter 11 – 6/6

Nothing to say.

Chapter 12 – 4/10

It was easy for Marcus when he was fighting alone. And as for Hector, Oswin, and Matthew, they hit never let an enemy stand.

Chapter 13 – 7/17

Hector was going through the middle and managed to join up with Marcus after he went to the village. Also Oswin and Matthew kill off some enemies and recruit Guy for the killing edge.

Chapter 13 – 7/24

Defending, kill the boss, and got some gold in this chapter.

Chapter 14 – 5/29

I have Serra recruit Erk and he killed one enemy. Both Hector and Matthew kill enemies from the south and Marcus and Oswin go for the enemies near the castle.

Chapter 15 – 7/36

I killed the boss with no problems and got both treasures.

Chapter 16 – 7/43

I had to have Kent go some experience to catch up with the others and also Marcus will remain useless from here on in. Both villages visited and Hector barely survived.

Chapter 17 – 12/55

There were problems on the area where there were archers and a knight but I pulled through. Also got the knight crest for Oswin.

Chapter 17x – 5/60

I had everybody to stay together in this chapter since Oswin promoted to general.

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[spoiler=<3 Fiora and Nino > Dorcas]


He actually got the dragonshield at the end of the game because he needed it against Linus and Lloyd. Actually came in handy. Hector's bro, like always. 67 WINS


Fun fact: Dorcas procced SPD twice. Helpful during earlygame, but just didn't make the cut. Saving me from Jerme's map was pretty bro of him, though.


Rebecca...wasn't useless! She really picked up after promoting. That +3 STR gain really helps her out. She was nothing compared to Rath, though. 61 WINS


What more can I say about Sain? Gets low turn counts, has a horse, wants to fuck every girl in the army, and isn't afraid of anything. 110 WINS



Great combat and an awesome warper. He also has a monocle. 'Nuff said. 87 WINS


Fiora's hot. 'Nuff said.

And she's great at what she does. Yup. 99 WINS



Now I know why Boron likes Rath so much.

DEFINITELY underrated. And because he can cross rives, C32 was done in three turns just because of this badass. Rath, you're the best. I need to draft this guy more often. 75 WINS


Okay, Nino > Dorcas is definitely out of the question. But I found her a lot more helpful to me than Dorcas was. All he really needed to do was visit the village in C13 and help rout C14, but Nino contributed a lot more (C29, Final). ...Okay, they were both pretty useless, but Nino's cute, so she wins. Ha. 35 WINS






Ah. It was good to play FE7 again. Welp. Back to FE13!

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Chapter 14: 5 turns(29)

Rush, the Chapter

Chapter 15: 7 turns forced(36)

Delicious EXP

Chapter 16: 6 turns(42)

Marcus carries Hector over the hills and they charge the castle. Eliwood goes south to protect Merlinus and get the village. Sain and Kent get the other village.

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