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A taste of the Future of Despair Convos...

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So I remember that some of you imported a copy of the game back during the Japanese release.

Some of you were so excited about the DLC and such. And obviously not EVERYONE spoke Japanese but enjoyed the game anyway.

And North America is starting on the 2nd season DLCs and it's only a matter of time before Future of Despair comes out.

Since I went and played some of it again... I've decided to sub two conversations. And I'm sure a lot of you will enjoy the non-generic father and kid conversations they have.

But anyways, here's my point.


Azure/Inigo and Olivia Conversation:

Azure/Inigo and MU/Avatar Conversation:

Enjoy the non-generic Father and Child conversation.

My son might bring SHAME TO FAMIRY, but there's no way in hell I'll abandon him.



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Very touching; I'm glad you can reassure them in that dark time. I'm curious though, can you talk with them using the father and the kid themselves?

Also, how would you rank the FoD episodes in difficulty with regards to where you are in the main game? I'm worried I won't be as strong in my Male file...

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I'm curious though, can you talk with them using the father and the kid themselves?

The children will talk to themselves while next to their Future of Despair counterparts pretty much saying they'll do their best to protect and end their other selves' suffering. However there will be no dual portrait loading unlike with Chrom in the Wellspring of Truth. xD

Anyways, I'm actually working on subbing the convo with Male MU and Azure... and it was pretty touching to see some uniqueness. Because Azure is the tactician's kid after all in that situation... and they addressed that part of his personality.

Also, how would you rank the FoD episodes in difficulty with regards to where you are in the main game? I'm worried I won't be as strong in my Male file...

Lunatic? Freaking hell breaker skills everywhere. Think Ike's map, Rogues and Redeemers 3.

Normal, it's okay. But again, the difficulty lies in the kids surviving (because honestly I don't think any of us want the NPC kids dead). If you're fine taking on waves of endgame level enemies, then you're pretty much set on these maps.

Also, Rescue staves are banned in FoD 1 and 2 just like in the Five-Anna Firefight. I forgot about 3.

Another thing I'd watch out for is that if you're on Lunatic+, FoD 3 is the only DLC map that I remember that adds the Lunatic+ skills as well.

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And North America is starting on the 2nd season DLCs and it's only a matter of time before Future of Despair comes out.

Just to say, it could be tomorrow....

Unless the pattern breaks, NA is getting FoD starting either tomorrow (although unlikely, due to Scramble) or 5/9.

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Speaking of Future of Despair, will a future kid still show up even if his mother isn't married? D: Lissa isn't married in my main file, so what hair color will Owain get if he shows up?

EDIT: Wait, watched video, they still show up it seems. 8U;

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Speaking of Future of Despair, will a future kid still show up even if his mother isn't married? D: Lissa isn't married in my main file, so what hair color will Owain get if he shows up?

The color it is on the video.

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The children will talk to themselves while next to their Future of Despair counterparts pretty much saying they'll do their best to protect and end their other selves' suffering. However there will be no dual portrait loading unlike with Chrom in the Wellspring of Truth. xD

Anyways, I'm actually working on subbing the convo with Male MU and Azure... and it was pretty touching to see some uniqueness. Because Azure is the tactician's kid after all in that situation... and they addressed that part of his personality.

So then, is Avatar the only one without the generic lines when speaking to the kids? Or do the other fathers also get unique lines? I'm really hoping for the latter; I'm sick and tired of the same generic supports with them, even if they get a few different words depending on the parent...

And since I won't be touching Lunatic or Lunatic+ unless I'm, well, a lunatic, that sounds good. I was afraid I'd have to be normal maxed or even Limit breaker maxed to attempt these.

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Hey does the Grima-Possessed avatar have a special battle quotes too?

From what I've seen, Grima-possessed Avatar doesn't say anything at in battle.

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So then, is Avatar the only one without the generic lines when speaking to the kids? Or do the other fathers also get unique lines? I'm really hoping for the latter; I'm sick and tired of the same generic supports with them, even if they get a few different words depending on the parent...

And since I won't be touching Lunatic or Lunatic+ unless I'm, well, a lunatic, that sounds good. I was afraid I'd have to be normal maxed or even Limit breaker maxed to attempt these.

All father/child conversations are unique. IIRC

Edited by L95
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I got TheEnd to translate this (and I know a lot of you guys will want to read it):

[spoiler=Avatar(F)/Lucina convo, FoD3]L: Mother...!?
L: It's you, no doubt...! But, why...!?
MU: Lucina... it's you right? Ah, I'm glad you're safe...!!
L: D-don't get any closer!
MU: Lucina...?
L: Because... there's no way you could just be here like this...!
L: You might be an illusion created by Gimle!
L: Aren't you a trick to deceive me...!?
MU: ... Oh, indeed. It's natural that you'd think that.
MU: I couldn't protect my children in this world.
MU: It's all my own fault...
L: T-this world...?
MU: Indeed. I have come through dimensions, from another world.
MU: I am not this world's MU.
L: ...
MU: You don't need to believe me. You don't even need to try, either.
MU: But... I'll protect you, no matter what happens!
MU: I want you to be happy. I want to live in a future of hope.
MU: And for that, I'll do anything. As your mother, I'll protect you, no matter what it takes!
MU: Because that's... that's all I can do!
L: Mother...
L: ... I'm... sorry...
L: I'm so sorry, mother...!
L: Your words... are no illusion! You are truly my mother...!
L: *cries*
MU: Lucina...! You... believe me, then...!?
L: Mother...! Oh, mother...!
MU: Thank you, Lucina... thank you for believing me.
MU: Sorry for not protecting you, for leaving you all alone until now.
MU: And... please forgive me... for being unable to save you, as you'll keep on living alone.
MU: I'm so sorry...
L: No, mother... it's enough for me that we could meet like this.
L: These arms that embraced me, these hands that led me when I was little...
L: And this warmth... Ah, how much I longed for them...
L: This is well enough to give me strength to live fully...
MU: ... Lucina...
L: Then, mother... let's leave it at that.
L: It's true that I'd rather do this forever... there's a mountain of things I'd like to talk about, but...
L: There's something I must do.
MU: Yes... indeed.
L: Mother... can I ask your assistance in my task?
MU: Of course...! I came here for that, you know!
L: Thank you, mother.
L: I shall burn this moment into my memory.
L: So that when I miss you... when I desperately long to meet you again...
L: I can remember your smile... anywhere, anytime.


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I got TheEnd to translate this (and I know a lot of you guys will want to read it):

[spoiler=Avatar(F)/Lucina convo, FoD3]L: Mother...!?

L: It's you, no doubt...! But, why...!?

MU: Lucina... it's you right? Ah, I'm glad you're safe...!!

L: D-don't get any closer!

MU: Lucina...?

L: Because... there's no way you could just be here like this...!

L: You might be an illusion created by Gimle!

L: Aren't you a trick to deceive me...!?

MU: ... Oh, indeed. It's natural that you'd think that.

MU: I couldn't protect my children in this world.

MU: It's all my own fault...

L: T-this world...?

MU: Indeed. I have come through dimensions, from another world.

MU: I am not this world's MU.

L: ...

MU: You don't need to believe me. You don't even need to try, either.

MU: But... I'll protect you, no matter what happens!

MU: I want you to be happy. I want to live in a future of hope.

MU: And for that, I'll do anything. As your mother, I'll protect you, no matter what it takes!

MU: Because that's... that's all I can do!

L: Mother...

L: ... I'm... sorry...

L: I'm so sorry, mother...!

L: Your words... are no illusion! You are truly my mother...!

L: *cries*

MU: Lucina...! You... believe me, then...!?

L: Mother...! Oh, mother...!

MU: Thank you, Lucina... thank you for believing me.

MU: Sorry for not protecting you, for leaving you all alone until now.

MU: And... please forgive me... for being unable to save you, as you'll keep on living alone.

MU: I'm so sorry...

L: No, mother... it's enough for me that we could meet like this.

L: These arms that embraced me, these hands that led me when I was little...

L: And this warmth... Ah, how much I longed for them...

L: This is well enough to give me strength to live fully...

MU: ... Lucina...

L: Then, mother... let's leave it at that.

L: It's true that I'd rather do this forever... there's a mountain of things I'd like to talk about, but...

L: There's something I must do.

MU: Yes... indeed.

L: Mother... can I ask your assistance in my task?

MU: Of course...! I came here for that, you know!

L: Thank you, mother.

L: I shall burn this moment into my memory.

L: So that when I miss you... when I desperately long to meet you again...

L: I can remember your smile... anywhere, anytime.


Oh, I remember that one.

Anyways, I'll sub MU/Avatar and Azure/Inigo when I get home.

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So I was right in my assumption that the NPC kids get unique convos with their fathers. I watched a video on YT with a guy who had Ricken!Laurent in FoD3 and had Ricken talk to NPC Laurent. My Japanese isn't the best but I do believe NPC Laurent's first words when he talks to Ricken is "...what is a child doing here?" And Ricken responding "I'm not a child! I'm your father!"

However that could just be me BS'ing

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My Japanese isn't the best but I do believe NPC Laurent's first words when he talks to Ricken is "...what is a child doing here?" And Ricken responding "I'm not a child! I'm your father!"

However that could just be me BS'ing














Nope, you were quite spot on.

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Nope, you were quite spot on.


Then this definitely gives me more reason to do more runs and experiment with pairings. I'll have to pass on your vid with Avatar and Inigo's conversation, since Inigo's my son I want to see for myself what they have to say.

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I'm just wondering about the generic stats of the children, is it dependent on the parent(s) at the time we enter the chapter or dependent on when the child was recruit during their own paralogue?

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I'm just wondering about the generic stats of the children, is it dependent on the parent(s) at the time we enter the chapter or dependent on when the child was recruit during their own paralogue?

I think the generic stats just means they have base class stats... which are horrible because they don't inherit anything even from the parent which they are associated to.

Now as for children inheriting base stats and skills, it's determined at the time you enter the chapter, just like when recruiting them on their respective paralogues.

Anyways, I felt productive enough to subtitle this:

Enjoy the non-generic Father and Child conversation.

My son might bring SHAME TO FAMIRY, but there's no way in hell I'll abandon him.



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Judging from two translators I used, I got:
"We're a family. If I abandon you now, I'll be disqualified as a father for having forsaken his child. I will do my absolute best to protect you!"
I get curious about what you say. A shame I'm too lazy to actually learn the language, though.

I actually liked that conversation there, to be honest. It's nice seeing the moments where Inigo isn't being overly smarmy.

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As much as I'm enjoying the fact that we're getting the Scramble DLC now.......I really can't wait for FoD after watching these. Especially if its true that all parent/child conversations, no matter the character combination, are unique. Yay for no genericness!!! :D

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There's nothing like the Support Log for viewing these DLC conversations after you've "unlocked" them, is there? Just making absolutely sure.

Cause these look reeeaally cool, and I would hate to have to delete a file in order to get to see the convos from other parents, but not be able to see older convos...

...I wasn't going to buy these, but now I might just have to. You're a monster, making me spend more money on DLC :P:

Seriously though, thanks. I see now that I would've been missing out by not buying FoD.

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