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Skills and Final Class Suggestions for Optimal Uber Characters (ongoing project)


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Wassup everyone,

Been busy updating a lot of stuff (not gaming related just online in general).

I decided, since my last dialogue to go with the suggestions for the previous chars, and add Limit Breaker to all of the ones highly suggested once I beat a certain DLC. With that said here's the next batch for scrutiny in adjustments of skill sets and final class.

Gaius; Warrior:

Skills: Movement +1, Lethality, Pass, Vantage and HP +5 (gonna switch this out with Counter).

I'm thinking of adding Despoil (he is a thief at heart after all) and Acrobat (once I go through trickster) later, then putting Locktouch back on to make him a melee and highly moving char. As for final class, although he looks better as a thief maybe he can be this version's Jaffar?

Jaffar, but without Galeforce...

Anyways, I'd swap Lethality for Astra (or Sol, if you want to make him a Counter-troll). Also, since I get the impression this is postgame, Locktouch is really only useful for Infinite Regalia. Despoil is fun, but if you've got Golden Gaffe, then it's highly inefficient and a wasted slot.

Tharja, Sniper:

Skills: Hex, Anathema, Prescience, Tomebreaker, Vengeance.

Since I want her to sire some archer traits to give to Noire before her paralogue probably gonna switch out Hex and Anathema for Bowfaire and maybe Lifetaker (if I'm not too lazy to grind for Tharja). As for final class, I'm thinking Dark Knight or Sorcerer Tank (Nosferatu, Vengeance, etc.)

Sorcerer >>> Dark Knight, simply for access to Dark Magic. Prescience is a meh skill, simply because you're gonna be getting attacked a lot more than you will be attacking (unless you're Mire spamming, in which case the Sniper's Hit +20 is better). Of course, it's much better on a Sniper/Archer, but still meh. Lifetaker isn't a bad choice, but if you're planning to Nosferatank, you probably won't need it.

Gregor, Berzerker:

Skills: Patience*, Wrath*, Sol, Armsthrift and Axebreaker

I'm thinking to switch Wrath and Patience for Astra and Swordfaire (or Vantage). Final class, probably hero?

Patience is very good, actually. He's already gonna be dodging Axes, so it might even be better than Axebreaker. Vantage is solid too.

Cherche, Griffon Rider:

Skills: Tantivity*, Renewal, Strength +2*, Rally Luck* and Swordbreaker

I'm thinking to switch tantivity for Lancebreaker, Strength +2 (Iote's Shield or Dual Support+ as an alternative), and Rally Luck for Deliverer). Final class, obviously wyvern lord.

You're right, Rally Luck should be switched out, as Cherche isn't gonna be stacking very many Rallies, even if you do use her as a Rally bot. Iote's Shield is a good choice. I don't really have much to say here.

Lonqu, Assassin:

Skills: Avoid +10*, Swordfaire*, Lethality, Vantage and Astra.

Thinking to switch avoid for Acrobat. Swordfaire for Limit Breaker or Pass? Final class, Swordsmaster suits him well.

First off, Lethality isn't gonna be activating much. Lancebreaker (from Griffon Rider) is very good on a Swordmaster like Lon'qu, although Pass and Acrobat aren't bad by any means.

Nah, Manakete:

Skills: Odd Rhythm*, Swordbreaker, Aegis, and Wyrmsbane. No 5th skill at the moment.

5th skill possibilities, Lifetaker, Limit Breaker, Galeforce (had I done a better pairing, shame on me). Final class, obviously Manakete.

Not sure why you've got Swordbreaker here, as Nah will be tanking things, not dodging them (unless you're really worried about Wyrmslayers). Lifetaker is nice on a Manakete, and Aegis is a fine choice. Limit Breaker is certainly the best available skill, if it's an option.

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