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I just saved over my 90+ hour save file...

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That bites majorly. I remember when I accidentally saved over my first file that was over halfway through the story. Needless to say, I was pissed and now I make sure to always be slow and careful on the save screen. But yeah, sadly nothing to be done but start over.... :(

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Yikes, that sucks.

If you don't mind me suggesting, in the future, make your main save on the second or third file. Much less risk of erasing your save file that way. Or make a backup save (I have my main file on my first and third, but when I want to start another playthrough with two main saves then I'm gonna use file 1 as my third file).

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at least you can laugh at this:


BRILLIANT! Thanks for the laugh, mate!

Anyway, I'm sorry you accidentally saved over your file. At least you have your experience...now you can go back and do it better.

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Condolences... to your save file.

Reminds me of FFXII when I was grinding for early deathbringers... my roommate corrupted my file because our stoner roommates booted him off with the quickness just to play brawl..

-________________-, it wasn't a good feeling. I never even touched FFXII since then.

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I wish games with multiple save files would let you toggle this option: If you try to save over a file that you did not load your current session from, it notifies you with a couple of extra notifications.

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If you have a digital copy of the game, you can back-up your save data by moving your data from your SD card to a PC.

As for physical copies... I don't know. Well, there's the save dongle, but not everybody's Rey. ._.

Now for the sympathizing:

Awwww the really sucks, man. Sorry...

I personally never really did that since I'm more careful about where I save my files, but... jeez... 90+ hours... +_+

There are few game I play that reach that point. (Namely, Fire Emblem and Pokemon games...)


Is that Lady Gaga...?

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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