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Can someone explain reclassing?


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I have a hard time understand why i should do it and how it works. I kinda like having my Fredrich as a Grand Knight (or what ever the class name was) but what happens if i reclass him? Does he get to keep the stats he got from leveling as a knight? Or will he just be a new unit "who sucks" and you only do it to get other "perks" from other classes?

THat's what i dont get, is reclassing just an option if i dont like someone as a particular class or does it actually benefit you?

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You always keep whatever stats you earn, including weapon EXP (though not weapon access). The point of reclassing is to 1) get new skills, and 2) get more stats from leveling up. It's possible to cap stats for everyone if you reclass them enough times.


Is there any need to reclass back into the first class? It kinds sounds like it dont, if you keep the stats and "perks" as i like to call them.

Like making Chrom into an archer after going the Great lord. Should i later reclass him again to a Great lord? Kinda sounds useless as mentioned above, if you keep everything from reclassing.

Edited by rizefall
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For going back to the starting class, it depends what weapons you want. Using the Frederick example, you could level him as a wyvern rider for the skills, but he'd never be able to use swords until class changed again.

ANother reason for going back is his portrait is a great knight. I rarely reclass because unmatching portraits bother me.

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Sometimes it makes sense. You'll want to reclass a Manakete back into a Manakete usually (so you can use the Dragonstones), and if Chrom is not a Lord or Great Lord he can't use either of the Rapier weapons even if he still has Sword access.

For that specific example, Chrom is a crappy archer, so you may want to avoid it entirely. Archer doesn't even have good skills. He's pretty good as a Cavalier.

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